Meeting the Captain

Zak reluctantly trailed after Danté and Gabriella who led him out of the medical ward. Outside, he stepped into a hallway that accommodated several rooms and wards dedicated to respective activities.

He mentally jotted down the location of specific wards and rooms as he passed by them. Perhaps he would find some useful information if he explored those areas later.

'I need to memorize this place well. I don't intend to stay here for too long.'

"You're vigilant," Danté commented as he glanced over his shoulder at Zak.

"I simply prefer to know my way around a foreign environment," Zak clarified. "And I don't suppose you're going to give me a tour while I'm shirtless?"

"Since when did a soldier worry about modesty?" Danté countered with a light-hearted laugh.

"You can show off that six-pack and biceps," Gabriella said as she winked.

'So she is not completely stiff after all,' Zak noted.

He did not argue with her. His well-defined physique had been one of his redeeming features renowned amongst his comrades at the Western Military base. Aside from that, he was denoted as a giant due to his height which topped 6'4 feet.

His physical build was a priority and he meticulously trained to maintain top shape. And certainly, the results did amount to something.

"Where are you taking me?" Zak finally questioned.

"This research center is an adjoined facility with a newly established military base," Danté made a gesture with his hand. "Of course by new I mean three years ago."

"I am quite well aware that the year is 2030, you don't have to keep emphasizing it," Zak said sternly.

"Simply giving you a rundown. The military forces here are composed of those humans that obtained supernatural powers during the wave. They are regularly trained, ranked according to a system that was developed, and are sent out in units to eliminate the mutated creatures that roam outside our defenses."

"There are occurrences of breeding grounds where most of the mutated creatures gather, mark it as their domain, and build their forces," Gabriella scowled in distaste. "There are also unnatural landscapes and areas that have sprung up after the wave."

"Such as?" Zak questioned.

"The surveillance forces call them dungeons or towers," Danté explained. "Basically a dwelling for hordes of mutated creatures or valuable items."

"What kind of valuable items?"

"Scrolls, weapons, treasures, or strange artifacts unlike anything seen before," Gabriella halted in front of a large mechanical mechanism.

From its appearance, it resembled a door except that it was secured by several metal bars that interlocked across it. And there was a keypad system beside it installed on the white wall.

Gabriella extracted an identity pass from her coat pocket and swiped it across the thin card slot next to the keypad.

"Access granted," A male mechanical voice announced before the interlocked bars automatically pulled apart from each other and the door opened.

"You're going to meet one of the captains of the military who helped us bring you back here," Danté smiled slyly. "I'm sure he will grow quite fond of you."

"What about checking the survivors?"

"Patience," Gabriella brought a finger to a lip. "Everything will take its course."

'Talk in riddles as much as you wish. I will find my way,' Zak pledged firmly.

When the doors finally opened, Zak was exposed to a magnanimous room that contained training equipment organized in specific sections of the open space. Treadmills, weights, squat racks, bench pressers, and many others that Zak recognized.

The training room was occupied by both males and females that were dressed in black, sleeveless high-collared vests, dark brown cargo pants, and black lace-up combat boots.

There were adrenaline shouts from those who sparred together in combat, while others focused on harnessing their 'abilities'. They hardly seemed affected by the arrival of three guests and resumed their training.

Zak observed the surroundings and scoured the ceiling layout to search for any sort of surveillance device.

'They aren't visible at all,' Zak's gaze narrowed. 'System, can you perform a visual scan of the ceiling?'

[One wish skill has been granted.]

[Wish skills are available in situations based on the Host's Position. The availability of these skills is subject to the system's discretion, wish skills are a rare occurrence. Host has been granted a wish skill as a start-up bonus]

'A scan analysis skill would be useful...'

[Confirmation required to unlock wish skill]


[Level 2 Survival skill: Ultra observation has been unlocked]

- Increases vision by 20% for an object or target within a range of 150 feet.

[Survival skill (Passive): Ultra observation has been Activated]

Zak's sapphire eyes emitted a slight glow and zoomed in on the ceiling. He discovered four minuscule objects that moved now and then to circulate their surveillance around the room.

'Alright noted.'

His attention then drifted towards a man who was fairly taller than himself with bulging muscles and a brawny physique. His hair was almost a fire red that was untamed with spiky bangs along his forehead.

A light stubble grew along his jawline and he seemed to effuse a light-hearted nature, judging from his cynical smirk as he tossed one of the three opponents that engaged him in combat.

He clenched his right hand which made the veins more prominent and fisted the ground in front of him. The white floor fissured from the powerful force and several rocky spikes emerged forth from it. His gaze shifted briefly in Zak's direction before he focused back on his opponents.

'What kind of ability does he have?' Zak pondered.

"That is Captain Alaude Orkenstein of the first garrison division," Danté informed.

Alaude's two remaining opponents barely managed to avoid the attack and lost their balance, hence they fell back to the floor. Before they could recover from momentary loss, he gripped one of them, lifted the younger male above his head, and tossed him in Zak's direction.

[Incoming threat detected]

[Basic Survival Shield Activated]

The crimson energy formed a medium-sized sphere around the soldier.

"Thought he might try that when he gave me a side glance," Zak sighed. "My commanding officer did that quite regularly."

The young male that was tossed hit the shield which triggered a shock wave that thrust him directly back to the Captain. Alaude caught the young male with ease and set him on his feet, but he had become disorientated.

All the uniformed garrison immediately halted their activities and focused their attention on Zak. The room had suddenly turned deathly silent as odious glares were directed at him.

"That's strike one, boy," Alaude grinned.