Meeting the Captain 2

"That was entirely involuntary," Zak took a step back

The Garrison members were awfully silent, yet their tense silence made the air choke with anticipation. What were they waiting for? Were they observing their prey like a stalking predator?

'Deactivate,' He mentally ordered for the system and the crimson sphere of energy dissipated. 'I need to undo the automation later.'

The Captain steadied the young male he tossed earlier on his feet. He clutched onto his bicep where a fresh wound was visible. Although it was not a dire injury, the Captain seemed to be disgruntled by Zak's entry.

"Yun, can you walk?" The Captain questioned the young male.

"I'm fine, Captain," Yun smiled weakly. "Just a little out of it from being tossed."

"Take him to the infirmary," The Captain gestured to his other opponent. "Everyone return to your training this instant!" He yelled out a command.

Without protest, the Garrison members heeded the instruction and resumed their respective activities which finally eliminated the tense silence.

"Danté," Alaude crossed his arms over his broad chest."You, Gabriella, and your guest with me, now."

Danté sighed but he gestured for Zak to follow him as he trailed after the Captain who led them into a separate room. It was much smaller in comparison to the training room and contained a few benches for seating.

"Sit," Alaude motioned his hand towards Zak and pointed at one of the benches.

It irked the soldier to the core to be treated as if he were a child but he had to play his cards smartly here. The hostile intent he received earlier was a painful reminder that his current rank was of no value or concern to the Garrison.

"You want to tell me what happened out there?" Alaude questioned Zak as the soldier seated himself.

"You tossed him at me."

"I expected you to either dodge Yun or catch him."

"As I said, it was entirely involuntary," Zak clarified. "I've been in a coma for three years apparently, hence I don't know how to control this ability or how it works."

"What exactly is your ability?" Alaude arched a brow.

"I haven't had the chance to explore it," Zak maintained direct eye contact with Alaude. "When I fought those wolves, I suddenly gained it, but it was only used once after which I passed out."

"So you can't classify it into elemental, psionic, or summoning of any kind? How did you use it? What did your ability look like?"

Too many questions. And they were quite precise at that. However Zak was a trained soldier, this was a situation he could exert some minor control in at least.

'No one is trustable here. Until I can deduce their intentions, I won't utter a damn word.'

"The shield you saw earlier. It appeared when I fought the wolves," Zak explained.

"We found skeletal remains of those wolves," Gabriella intervened. "If that was the kind of effect that shield had, Yun would have been dead by now."

"That's alright, Gabriella," Alaude gestured for her to be quiet. "He won't talk because we haven't given him a reason to trust us. We'll have those questions answered later."

"He seems to be quite the stubborn type," Danté smiled politely yet it still stirred uneasiness within the soldier.

"We can help you train," Alaude offered. "Join the Garrison division and fight against the bastards that invaded our planet."

"That's not a decision I can make lightly," Zak stood up from the bench."I need to check the survivors here to find my girlfriend Nikita. And secondly, I should return to the Western Military base."

Alaude's expression darkened at the mention of the Western Military base and he exhaled a deep breath.

"Have you not told him?" He looked at Danté.

"I thought you might do a better job at it," Danté shrugged.

"Listen, kid-"

"Zak," The soldier interrupted."Zak Nigil."

"Listen, Zak, the Western Military base was completely obliterated when the wave first came."

"That... that cannot be! We had the strongest defenses! We were well-fortified against a nuclear attack, how could the base have been wiped out from the wave?!" Zak's rage escaped its bounds.

"We don't know the nature of the wave," Danté tapped him on the shoulder. "It could very well be more devastating than a nuclear attack."

"I'm sorry about your comrades, Zak," Alaude stood up and gave a commemorative salute. "From the reports we received, they fought well and hard. No one was prepared to face prehistoric creatures that were suddenly resurrected and more monstrous than before."

"I need to see the base with my own eyes," Zak clenched his fists. "I need-"

"I understand," Alaude nodded. "But the Western Military base is hundreds of miles away. And there are far too many towers and dungeons on the way. I can't risk my people against it."

"Then I will go alone," Zak said firmly.

"You will die before you even clear the first dungeon. Don't be reckless, Zak. I want to help you, but you need to comply with the regulations here as well as gain some fighting experience. If your ability is as unstable as you say, then what are the chances it won't kill you first?" Alaude pointed out.

"I... I need some time to think it over," Zak ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"I suppose a hot shower would do you some good then," Alaude walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder."I pray that you will make the right decision."

"Prayers won't have any significance. God doesn't exist in a world like this," Zak scowled and averted his gaze.

"Perhaps not, but if you pray hard enough, someone will answer your call," Alaude patted him on the shoulder and walked past."Come with me. I'll show you where you will be staying."

Zak obediently trailed after the Captain. His head and gaze were lowered to the ground while his mind engaged itself in a loophole of endless possibilities.

He no longer paid attention to his surroundings, nor did he take heed to the judging glares he received from the Garrison as he passed by them.

Alaude directed him out of the training facility to a medium-sized room at the far end of the hallway. It accommodated a military bunk bed and some necessities, it was otherwise quite bare.

"You'll be sharing this with a roommate."

"Hmm," Zak nodded solemnly.

"The showers are on the second left when you turn out of this room. You must be hungry as well, I'll come get you in an hour," Alaude patted him on the back one last time before he took his leave.


[System fully functional]

"We need to level up."