Making a decision

The scalding water that trickled down Zak's body provided a refreshing and calming effect. Despite the many theories and dilemmas that occupied his mind, he allowed the heat of the water and steam to relax his mind.

Although, the steam and water would not wash away the anxiety that plagued his heart. He stood against the white shower wall, a bit of coolness from the tiles chilled him but he simply tilted his head up and allowed the shower head to directly spray the water onto his face as he closed his eyes.

'What are the chances that the world was able to adapt to the changes of the cosmic wave in just three years? Nothing makes sense,' He was conflicted between truth and possible theories.

'Everything seems too established and planned for but if I'm ever going to get the information I need... '

[Does the host wish to perform a calculation of the most suitable options?]

'You can do that? Well then here are my options: join the Garrison; travel to the Western Military base myself; convince the Garrison Captain to take me to the Military base, or just take their word for it.'

[Calculating possibilities...]

- Option 1: The host stands a higher chance to build relationships with powerful figures and gather accurate intel.

- Option 2: The chance of death is 90%

- Option 3: The chance of convincing the Captain is 30%

-Option 4: Fewer chances of gathering reliable intel.

'You want me to choose option 1, don't you?'

[Host is entitled to their own decisions]

'I was considering option one anyways and by the way, I'm starting to wonder if I'm fully functional down there,' Zak looked down at the protruding manhood between his legs.

Of course, he was still quite proud of his boastful size. But what was the point if there was a possibility that it didn't function anymore? He hadn't gotten erect at all?

'I hope this is not what I think it is...'

He sighed and turned off the shower before he stepped out onto the mat and grabbed a towel. He wrapped it around his waist and walked over to the steamed mirror.

Zak rubbed the glass with the palm of his hand to clear the steam. And the reflection of himself that stared back at him appeared completely drained. His sapphire eyes that used to 'glow with exuberance', as Nikita called it, had dulled and looked almost sunken.

"She's the only family I have left..."

There was no time to be manipulated by depression and sorrows. He would not allow himself to be controlled by the persona he saw in his reflection. By some means or the other, he would find her.

"Why..." He finally took notice of his hair. It had grown longer, just a little above shoulder-length, and perhaps presented him in a new appeal. "Why the hell is my hair silver?!"

Zak leaned forward to gain a better view, despite his newly improved vision, he didn't trust the reliability of his sight.

"Silver...ok it's not bad"

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and decided he would muddle over the change at a later date. He grabbed another towel and swung it around his neck as he made his way back to his assigned room.

"Hello," Zak's roommate that was seated on the upper bed of the bunker jumped down casually. "I brought you a training uniform set according to the sizes Gabriella gave me."

"You are..." Zak was taken aback.

"Yun," The young male held out a hand in greeting with a smile. "Look forward to getting along."

"I'm sorry about earlier," Zak shook his hand. "I didn't intend for that to happen. Are you alright?"

'He admits his mistakes. That's good,' Yun ticked off a mental checklist.

"I'm completely fine. The captain does that all the time," Yun brushed it off with a light-hearted laugh. "I think the uniform will suit you well."

"Thanks," Zak dried off his hair with the towel. "How does Gabriella know my...sizes?"

"Either she measured or she stared long enough to guess," Yun shrugged with a sigh. "I can never tell what she's thinking."

"Noted," Zak finished drying off and changed into the training uniform. The black sleeveless vest seemed to emphasize the outlines of his muscled physique. "Are you sure this is fine?"

"Perfect," Yun complimented and opened the door of their room. "Let's go grab you something to fill that stomach of yours. You must be hungry."

"Starving I believe."

Yun guided Zak to the mess hall where several rectangular tables made from steel and stretched two meters each were set along with steel benches.

"Took you long enough," Alaude waved over at them from the nearest table he was seated at.

Zak seated himself opposite the Captain on the bench with Yun beside him. Three others accompanied them but they chose to remain silent.

"We have meat stew today with bread," The Captain grinned as one of the staff brought by a tray with six bowls of stew and bread. "You're lucky."

"I appreciate it," Zak nodded as he tore off a piece of bread and dipped it in the hot stew. He swallowed it in one bite but the taste was not as grand.

"You don't like it?" Yun noticed the dull expression on Zak's face.

"It's good. I just miss the taste of home-cooked food."

"We all do bud, just have to get used to it," Alaude dug into the meal. "You can rest for today. We'll talk business when the morning comes."

"I've made my decision," Zak said without looking up from his meal. "I will join the Garrison and train."

"Have you thought about it carefully?" Yun asked.

"It's my best option right now. There is still a lot I need to learn," He took another bite.

"Well, let us go out after this then," Alaude decided.

"Captain?" Yun intervened. "Isn't it too soon to take him out?"

"The nearest dungeon shouldn't be too bad. We need to test his abilities in battle firsthand against mutated creatures before we attempt to train him."

"I agree," Zak said as he took another bite.

"Well then boy, if you're going to join the Garrison here, there are some changes that are going to take place," Alaude grinned.

"Such as?"

"Forget who you were. And throw away your old name."

Zak stopped eating and finally afforded the Captain his attention.