Fight in the Pit

'That bastard is going to regret this,' Fenrir mentally cursed.

He held his breath and cleared his mind as his body rapidly descended into the dark depths. There was no doubt that he was taken aback by the sudden shove from Alaude, but compared to physical pain, it was much easier to restrain a scream during a fall.

He closed his eyes to prevent them from burning due to the harsh air forces created by the speed of his fall. However, the enraged screeches from the depths had become more audible as he descended further.

But the question that remained, how deep exactly was the pit? The moonlight that was quite radiant above appeared to be a distant light at his current point, but he could vaguely recognize Alaude and Yun's silhouettes due to his enhanced vision.

After what felt like a good couple of minutes, Fenrir opened his eyes and noticed the flame jewel that flickered in the middle of a crowd of strange creatures.

They were smart and cautious enough to maintain their distance from it, but occasionally lunged forward and then jolted back when the flame grew stronger.

'Calculate best landing position,' Fenrir issued a command to the system.

[Wing it]

'You're quite cocky sometimes.'

[Unrecognizable statement]

Fenrir attempted to angle himself mid-air so that his legs would brace the ground first.

'You've done this in training...the depth is just deeper this time.'

The flame flickered wildly and the view at the bottom of the pit became clearer. The creatures scurried away as they noticed an unwelcomed guest from above.

Fenrir bent his legs into a crouching position a few seconds before impact. He descended on the rocky ground with a heavy thud which caused a slight fissure. His landing position absorbed the majority of the impact, therefore there was no intense shock that spiraled through his nerves.

The swift movement immediately granted him momentum to spring back up on his feet.

"Glad my military training is useful in these situations," Fenrir sighed in relief but it was short-lived as the creatures emerged from the shadows and charged toward him.

[Basic Survival shield Activated]

The crimson energy enveloped Fenrir's body and released a shock wave as the creatures mindlessly attacked it.

The energy thrust a whole crowd of the creatures several feet back with an electrical attack that crisped them to skeletal remains.

'Analyze targets.'

[Info on Barbed Devils]

-Class: Medium-fiend

-Species: Lesser Devils

-Abilities: Hurl flame (two uses until mana is drained)

-General info: A class of lesser devils with dark vision senses that reaches 120 feet. Known for their barbed tails that are four feet in length, they perform melee attacks combined with their tails or claws. Uses deception skills to conceal themselves from enemies.

-Current known weaknesses: enchanted-blade weapons.

-Resistance: bludgeoning/poison/fire

Fenrir studied the hideous creatures that stood three feet in height with black fur-coated bodies and reddish eyes. A green fluid trickled down the sides of their mouths and their tongues dangled out as if they were prepared to devour their unwelcomed guest.

'Their tails are long...' Fenrir considered as the creatures assaulted the shield.

'It's a bit difficult to see. The flame jewel is still glowing... ' He looked down at the source of light.

Fenrir deactivated the barrier with a mental command and outstretched his hand as the creatures surrounded him in the center.

"Devouring darkness," He uttered.

Several rays of Necromantic Energy banded together and created a purplish, dark cloud that enshrouded the creatures that approached him. Their screeches grew louder as they found themselves trapped within the shroud which consumed them whole.

[Thirty (Level 2) Barbed Devils have been defeated]

[Exp gained per barbed devil: +3]

[Total exp gained: +90]

[Congratulations! You have reached Level 3! All stats have been restored to maximum and increased by 5]

[Survival skills (passive): Enemy detection and Enemy analysis have been unlocked]

The stats of the creatures suddenly became visible which made it easier to determine their correct weaknesses.

[System inventory and the integrated system's crystal currency has been unlocked]

[Host can store loot and items in system inventory and earn crystals from defeating monsters or selling items]

'I will view the rest of the unlocks later,' Fenrir informed the system.

Fenrir felt empowered by the plethora of Necromantic Energy that his body absorbed from the corpses of the defeated Barbed Devils. And a dark magenta aura formed around his body from the intake.

[Necromantic Energy:60/35]

'Devouring darkness consumes 10 Necromantic Energy...'

One of the Barbed Devils that lurked in the shadows along the walls suddenly lunged forward as its tail rapidly shot out into a straight, spear-like shape and carved a deep incision on Fenrir's left arm.

He winced slightly but caught the creature's tail and pulled it towards himself before he released it and countered with a roundhouse kick that sent the creature flying back against the wall.

His life absorption skill had begun to drain the life force from the remaining creatures and the Rejuvenation skill instantly healed the wound with no visible scar.

"There is no end to them," Fenrir watched as several more of the Barbed Devils emerged from the darkness. "An opening somewhere perhaps..."

'Let's test a new skill.'

[Level 3 (Active) Necromancy skill: Bone spear was unlocked]

Fenrir briefly viewed the information about the skill from the system. He then kneeled on the ground having reactivated the survival shield and placed both his hands on the rocky surface.

Necromantic energy in the form of blood-red swirls oozed from his body and flowed towards the skeletal remains of the Barbed Devils that were around him. The bones collectively joined together with the Necromantic Energy to form eight sharp spears.

The spears surrounded Fenrir in a circular formation while he rose and sharply fisted the air in front of him. The bone spears were enveloped with Necromantic Energy as they shot out at a rapid speed and struck several of the creatures directly in the head.

Fenrir used the skill three more times while he continued to replenish his Necromantic Energy from the corpses. And with a final use of the devouring darkness skill, the last of the screeches waned into silence.

[Fifty-two level 3 Barbed Devils have been defeated]

[Total exp gained: 156]

[Congratulations! You have reached Level 5! All stats have been restored to maximum and increased by 10]

"Not bad but it's not enough," Fenrir observed the newly created graveyard.

But his victory celebration would have to be reserved for a later period.

The ground beneath him trembled and heavy thuds sounded in the distance. A low growl was heard and a powerful bang struck the wall in front of him from the other side.

The bangs increased in power and number until the force caused the wall to crumble after a few assaults.

And gold glowing eyes that flickered in the darkness glared back at Fenrir.
