Chapter VI


His tender touch and way of seeing me made me feel calm, as if only the two of us were in this world.

But, from one moment to another, he let go of my hands and put his own on his head.

-I CAN'T BELIEVE IT- he said with a voice of indignation and then he looked at me- I DID NOT ASK YOUR NAME!- He said with a worried face, as if he had committed the worst crime.

I looked at him for a few seconds, but I couldn't contain myself and started laughing.

His face turned to one of confusion but he brightened up a moment later.

"My name is Linsey," I said with a smile.

His face softened as he showed a tender smile.



A flood of memories reminds me of what happened the last time I trusted an alpha.


-Linsey...- I say with a smile on my lips.

What a beautiful name, as tender and sweet as her.

I looked at her once more, expecting to see that beautiful smile that I had become addicted to.

But instead of a smile there was a look of fear and her hands were shaking.

POV Linsey (the semi-italicized and bold parts are part of Linsey's memories, while the normal is Daniel's dialogue)

"Linsey?" I heard the voice of the two combined.

I couldn't breathe, I felt my heart pounding.

The look of Alexander smiling in front of me tormented me.

His hands touching me without any respect and making me feel dirty and used.

And then I felt Daniel's warm hands taking my hands, caressing them lovingly.

My mind was spinning. The images of Alexander and Daniel were interspersed with each other, it made me dizzy.

//They're going to abandon you again//

A gruff voice repeated to me over and over again.

--Wake up--

Another voice told me in a warm voice.

--Wake up--

--Wake up--

--Wake up--


-AH!- I got up excited.

My head ached.

The light from the window bothered me, so I closed my eyes.

My mouth was dry and my body felt heavy.

There was a hand that held my right hand firmly.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw alpha boy asleep next to my bed.

He looked disheveled and tired.

He was wearing the same clothes, so I guessed it hadn't been more than a day yet.

I tried to straighten up, without success.

I felt my hand squeezed and I turned to where the boy was.

His eyes looked at me deeply, as if he didn't believe what he sees.

His hand held mine firmly without hurting me.

-Can you help me? I can't...- I tried to ask for his help but he interrupted me with a hug.

I jumped up in surprise, he seemed to be trembling.

He pulled away from me suddenly and looked me in the eyes with fear.

-I'm sorry!- He apologized. -It's just that... You didn't wake up and I...-he tried to say and I saw how his eyes crystallized.

He looked like a small child who had been frightened.

I gently brought my hand to his cheek.

His eyes stared up at me as my hand touched his face.

I could hear my heart beating.

Maybe he can hear it too?


It had been 2 days since Linsey passed out.

Amelia said it was from shock, but fear still consumed me.

I couldn't lose her, not like this.

Not now.

She was already with me, I could look at her every day, I no longer had to guess her name or imagine her voice.

But she was asleep now, and I had to wait one more time, just to hear her again, just to see her eyes one more time.

Although it has only been two days, it has felt like two centuries.

All this time I stayed by her side, even though Tom told me that I should sleep and bathe, I couldn't get away from her side.

What if she woke up? What if she get worried that she was alone?

I had to be here until she woke up.


//Third day//

I felt the bed move.

I had fallen asleep next to Linsey holding her hand.

I squeezed her hand a little, to make sure she was still there.

I got up and there she was.

She was awake, looking into my eyes.

Her face looked a little pale, from the days she didn't eat or drink anything.

Was she really awake?

This is not dream right?

- Are you stupid? SHE IS THERE.

-Can you help me? I can't...-

She seemed to say something but I couldn't hear her.

I hugged her.

She was here. She was ok.

She woke up.

Then I realized.

She would hate to be hugged.

She will be more afraid of me and she will stay away from me.

I quickly separated.

-I'm sorry!-I exclaimed, please, please.- It's just that... You didn't wake up and I...- I couldn't contain my tears.

I was an alpha, but my mate was everything for me.

If an Omega loved their mate 10 times more than a human can love their companions, an alpha loved their mate 100 times more than an omega.

That's how important she was.

I didn't know her. I don't know her past.

Nor what she likes and what she doesn't.

I don't know if she will like me or if she likes what I like.

But I love her. And I am sure that every moment that I learn more about her I will love her more.

A hand on my cheek made me wake.

I looked up and saw her eyes. Ah... That color.

The sunlight coming through the window perfectly illuminated the room.

And her eyes shone brighter with that light.

A blue color. So beautiful.

I never thought that I would be able to see such a brilliant and amazing color in my entire life.

She was just there, looking at me with her hand on my cheek.

How much I had waited for this.

How I had wished I could look at her.

And there she was.

My mate.

---- Heyyy

It's short, but good.

Linsey still gets the trauma from all that, but it shows up more when the alpha aura is released.

And well, she is starting to see Daniel more as a puppy than as an alpha XD

Thanks for reading 💕💕💕