[Bonus chapter]CH48: TWIST OF EVENTS.

Jin Peng, leader of the Dragons, and Elvis, a confused dragon man who claims he's not from this world, stood together and had a little chat. Since he regained his human consciousness, Elvis had been searching for the scent of sulphur and finally found it emanating from Jin. According to him, Jin's scent was that of a young but powerful dragon who was supposed to be a child and not a man. To explain more about his power, Elvis called the meeting strictly at midnight.

"If I may ask, young man." Jin said, sitting at a safe distance from Elvis. "Why did you call me here? And why did you say I was a 'wannabe' dragon? Surely, I don't look like one to you, right?"

Upon hearing this, Elvis burst into chilling laughter that made Jin want to run away, but his body refused to cooperate. "Don't be so stupid.…"

"My name is Jin Peng, leader of the dragons," Jin interrupted with a scowl on his face.

"Don't be stupid, Jin," Elvis responded with grave seriousness. "When a demi-dragon is born, their bodies give off a scent of sulphur and brimstone. The stronger the scent, the more powerful they will be, but only if they undergo the right cultivation training and perfect the power within."

"Is that why you came?" Jin asked. "Did you travel from another city just to scout for a newborn dragon? Are there more of you…like us, out there?"

"Don't get too excited, Jin." Elvis paused for a moment, staring deep into Jin's soul with an unknown force of power. "I am not from this world, and no, there aren't other dragons here. In fact, the last time I was on Earth, there were no creatures with animal-like abilities like us. I believe you call them mutants. Answer me this, Jin. What year is it?"

At first, Jin thought Elvis was joking, but the young lad was more serious than ever. "The year is 4045. We just entered the New Year three days ago."

Surprised by this news, Elvis took a deep breath and continued speaking. "I see. That explains a lot. See, in my Earth, we were still in the twenty-first century." Jin gasped as Elvis continued. "I won't go into much detail since my memories are still coming back to me. My name is Elvis. I was once a normal human with a normal life until I was killed and reincarnated as a dragon. However, I was reborn in a world filled with beings so powerful that no one on this wretched planet can ever think of defeating them. As I was evolving three days ago, I must have crossed paths with yours and somehow ended up here in my dragon form. That's why you and others in this city and beyond heard of the beast that ravaged the city. It was I, right before I regained human consciousness."

"If you are that old," Jin bowed in amazement, "you must be wise and powerful. Please, teach me all you know about dragons. My culture worships the dragon beast, and I even named my business The Dragons in reverence to creatures like you. The gods even blessed me by giving me the powers of a dragon and crossing my path with yours, oh great powerful dragon." Jin said the last words as slowly as possible. As soon as he did, a great multitude of Dragon gangsters appeared from every direction and pinned Elvis down as fast as they could.

The same Dragon member he fell on earlier sat upon his body and transformed into a fat blobby creature that nearly crushed. Meanwhile, the other dragons injected Elvis with a chemical that temporarily shut down his nervous system. Meaning he was not going to be able to walk or move until the chemicals wore off.

"What my comrades have put inside of you is a simple drug called Baclofen. It's an anesthetic that temporarily renders your whole body limp, meaning you won't be able to move, Elvis," Jin walked towards Elvis as he drew out a cylinder with a substance that glowed a violent red color. The top of the cylinder had a metal bar with two finger holes. The bottom had a long needle with holes on the sides.

The rest of the Dragons gasped in fear as they witnessed their leader hold the strange substance in his hands. "Do not fear, my comrades," he said while leaning over Elvis' head that stuck out from the blobby man's underbody. "This is the perfected version that has been tested."

"What...what are you doing to me?" Elvis questioned bitterly with each word struggling to come out of his mouth. His face was beet red as he wished to regain his mobility and kill those around him. "Let me go. And I won't kill…you."

"I have a better idea," Jin grinned while pushing two fingers through the finger holes on top of the cylinder. "As I said earlier. I am a businessman and I've been met with a powerful opportunity. See, my number one business enemy has lost his protection," he referred to Kong. "The hand of the law no longer has his back and like my business, other businesses want to take this enemy of mine down but I won't have it.

"I and my men and women want to take him down, take the others down, and then go for the ones who destroyed my beloved Den. Sadly, I can't…do this alone…" Jin went ahead and injected the red substance into Elvis through the vein bulging on his neck. "What's inside of you is a new drug that, as we speak, is being distributed across RedZone, Desper, and Neveah. Let me save you the long, unnecessary explanation of what it is but rather tell you what it can do."

Jin snapped his fingers and all the Dragons, including the blobby one, let go of Elvis. As soon as they got off, however, Elvis tried to jump for Jin's neck with his hand partially transformed.


"AAHH!!" Elvis' body, stiff and screaming in pain, fell to the ground as he cried in pain. Then, his veins started to swell as the red substance glowed through his skin. "WHAT…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?"

"This drug does a lot, my friend," Jin went on to explain as he stepped on Elvis' head with his hands behind his back. He held the cylinder close to his head while observing a small amount of the red liquid he left behind. "It can turn a regular human into a powerful, mindless beast. It can enhance the physical abilities of a mutant and can make them invincible. It can also let one control an already powerful mutant, just like I'm going to do with you." Jin injected the remaining liquid in his arm and fell to the ground as the effects kicked in.

His upper body ripped through his clothing as the red substance glowed through his body's circulatory system. A minute passed and the liquid was now fully distributed all over his body. His skin grew tiny red patches of scales on random areas as his eyes turned black with red irises. Red veins developed around his eyes, neck muscles, and forearms as he too struggled not to scream in pain.

"Wonderful…" He winced. "It works perfectly, just as the makers said." Jin finally regained control over his body as it too turned back to normal. Like Elvis, he remained flat on the ground while processing what just happened. "With you under my control, we'll become an unstoppable force. The Gorillas won't stand a chance against us."

[Quest Complete: Seize control of the Primordial Dragon.]

[A quest of this caliber requires extensive knowledge and strength and can't be pulled off by many. For completing it, you shall be rewarded.]

[Level up: X4]

[Level 2]; [Level 3] ;[Level 4]; [Level 5]

[+5 Stat points have been granted.]

[Name:Jin Peng]









+5 Stat Points

"Excellent." Jin smiled. "Today, we Dragons will shake these two cities and take them over by storm. The rest of you, get to distributing those, now."

"Yes, Jin."


Check the author's note please.