First Rune

Vi opened his eyes and a beautiful view blessed his eyes. In front of him was a steep drop, below the steep drop though, was an amazing waterfall dripping into the flourishing jungle. As the sunlight glistened on the magnificent waterfall, it splashed down, meeting a river that stretched beyond Vi could see.

He committed the view to his memory before looking at the interface in front of him.


Welcome to New Creation Vi! Since the combat in this game is almost exactly like real life, we will be giving you a tutorial so you stand a chance in the real game. Pick one of the weapons to begin the tutorial!


He looked around him for the weapons it was talking about and when he looked behind him he saw a wall of different weapons. It had every weapon he could think of, swords, spears, daggers, shields, staffs, and even exotic weapons like chakrams.

He thought about what weapons to use for a while before coming up with the answer, 'I can't do something basic like a sword so how about...a scythe!'

He looked at a normal-looking scythe and interacted with it.



Tutorial Scythe

As basic as you can get when it comes to scythes.


"Alright this will be sure to get me attention when I get in the real game, plus it helps me with my other plan..."

As Vi was in the middle of mumbling to himself, another notification popped up in front of him.


Are you sure you want to use the scythe?


"Yes, I'm sure!"

When he gave his confirmation to the system, he felt the ground shake. He looked up and saw someone materialize around 30 feet in front of him.

The other guy was holding a basic sword, and Vi could only guess that this was his opponent for the tutorial.

"Alright, bring it on!"

Vi held his scythe with both of his hands as it was bigger than him. They both began to run toward each other at the same time as though it was planned beforehand.

When Vi got close enough to the other guy he jumped up in the air and while falling swung his scythe at the other guy's side with all of his strength.


The sound of metal hitting metal exploded throughout the surrounding vicinity. The other guy successfully blocked the scythe but Vi reacted quickly and lifted his scythe before turning it and swinging it at the other side.


Once again the other guy was able to react fast enough to block the scythe, 'Damn it, this is going nowhere. It's way easier for him to defend himself when he only needs to move his arm a little.'

Vi was starting to question his decision of picking the scythe when he had an idea. He stopped putting force into moving his scythe forward and acted as though he got pushed back. The other guy wasn't just going to let this opportunity leave him and quickly swung down at Vi.

Vi saw the sword coming at him and smirked, "Got you."

He dodged out of the sword's path and, using the length of his scythe, extended it behind the other guy's neck before pulling the scythe back. The other guy saw this coming, but because of him not being able to slow the momentum of his swing fast enough, he wasn't able to block or dodge out of the way.

As Vi pulled the scythe back it went through the other guy's neck with little resistance, causing his head to pop off and a geyser of blood to fly out of his, now decapitated, neck.

Vi quickly jumped backward as he didn't want the blood to get splashed all over him and was successful in his venture. When he was out of the blood's vicinity he looked at the notifications he got.


Killed Tutorial Boss!

Gained +100 Exp!



Killed Tutorial Boss with a scythe!

Gained Scythe Combat Rune I!



Leveled Up!

Gained +5 Status Points!



Congratulations on gaining your first rune! You can look at them and their descriptions in the rune inventory. Simply just think about wanting to look at it for it to show up!



Congratulations on gaining your first level! You can spend your status points in your status menu. Simply just think about wanting to look at it for it to show up!



Congratulations on finishing the tutorial! To leave just say it out loud and you will be teleported to the main game. You have one hour until you are automatically teleported.


There were many notifications to read, but eventually, Vi got through them all. The first thing he wanted to do was look at the rune he just got. He thought about seeing it, and just like the notification said, it showed up in front of him.


Rune Inventory: Scythe Combat Rune I


He clicked on the only rune he had currently and the description replaced the list of runes.



Scythe Combat Rune I, Level 1

You have some proficiency in combat with Scythes, but you still have a long way to go.

Buffs: 10% more damage dealt with scythes, 2% more accurate with scythes.


It was a lot to take in, but after reading it all Vi was left happy, 'So runes are essentially just buffs for a specific activity...?'

Although it seemed correct, he couldn't help but think there was more to it than that. The developers did say runes were an essential part of the game, and if you wanted to progress you would need runes.

He decided to drop the subject and look at his status, it's not like thinking about it will do anything. He did the same thing he did with the rune inventory, and his status menu quickly showed up.


Level 1

Constitution - 1

Vitality - 1

Endurance - 1

Strength - 1

Dexterity - 1

Agility - 1

Arcane - 1

Wisdom - 1

Intelligence - 1

Charisma - 1

Status Points - 5


Vi thought about it for a moment before allocating his statistics points.


Level 1

Constitution - 1 > 1

Vitality - 1 > 1

Endurance - 1 > 1

Strength - 1 > 1

Dexterity - 1 > 4

Agility - 1 > 2

Arcane - 1 > 2

Wisdom - 1 > 1

Intelligence - 1 > 1

Charisma - 1 > 1

Status Points - 5 > 0


He decided to put 3 into dexterity, 1 into agility, and 1 into arcane. He had a reason behind every one of them, he put three into dexterity because it would probably be his main stat for a while since he was using a scythe.

He put 1 into agility, because being faster is essential in battle, and he put 1 into arcane because, as other games taught him, it usually has something to do with bleed or dragons. Although he liked going with physical builds in games, having some side dragon stuff going on wouldn't hurt, also bleed is nice.

"Well, I guess it's time to go now, nothing else to do anyway. Hey system, or whatever you are, I'm ready to go!"

He yelled out into the sky his wish to leave and when nothing happened he felt a bit ridiculous. He wasn't sure if he did anything wrong, but after a couple of seconds, he felt himself get sleepy again and quickly, for the fourth time, fell asleep.