Alleyway Scuffle


Before Vi opened his eyes he heard an extremely loud screech. The scream made him react quickly and open his eyes hastily.

When he saw the cause behind the scream, he immediately felt disappointed. It wasn't a regret kind of disappointment, he was disappointed in the player base of this game.

In front of him was a guy who had stripped all down to his underwear.

"AHA! You can take your clothes off! Now let's see if these can come off!"

Vi instantly understood what he was talking about and looked away, he didn't want his first player experience in this game to be seeing someone else's dick...

"You really think you would be allowed to commit public nudity? You must think just because you are a chosen one you can do what you want."

Vi hear an unfamiliar voice coming from where he looked away. He looked at the voice and the earlier embarrassing scene was replaced with a gruesome one. The guy from before succeeded, he was naked, but he also had a spear through his stomach.


The guy being hung by a spear in the stomach spat out blood and his name tag disappeared signifying his death. Vi also noticed that the sims-like rhombus prism that was hovering over his head was a shade of orange while everyone around him had a green one.

"Oh, looks like I made quite the scene...well let's just say this is welcome to Celtic Village. As long as you don't commit any crimes you will be fine...oh, I almost forgot to mention, I'm the guard of this village."

Vi stared at the guy speaking to the crowd and observed his physical features. He looked like a normal person, brown hair, brown eyes, some muscles, some basic armor on, and his spear looked normal.

'I guess this means that this guard is just an example of an average person in this world. I'll have to be careful.'

The guard looked around for a second before smiling and slowly walking away. After he was out of sight, another person spawned it. Just so happened, that it was the same guy who got gutted with a spear.

"NOOOOO! I'M AT LEVEL 0?!? How am I supposed to get levels with every stat at one..."

As the guy from before was having a mental breakdown Vi decided it was time to walk away, every second away from gaining experience was a second away from his family.

'I guess I'll look for a quest...I think I know what to do.'

After researching for a long time, he figured out some things about New Creation. Apparently the whole world was created and is governed by an AI called Gaia. From the research he gathered, Gaia is a mix of the Falcon and another AI called Viper. What it did was search the world wide web and use that to create the world, plot, people, everything. Vi planned to use this to his advantage.

His idea was that in almost all media for video games there is an old homeless or injured dude that gives out a rare quest. What he planned to do was search all the alleyways he could before he could find the highly valued old man.

He did it the best way he knew how...looking in any alleyway he came across. Luckily although the village was big, it wasn't very big. It only took him 30 minutes to find someone in an alleyway, 'My theory wasn't wrong! Who would've thought this AI would have been so predicta-'

Before he was able to finish his thought, he was interrupted by the sound of air being ripped apart beside him.

"Tch just missed. Well no matter, you can't leave now that you are here. Not even the guard can save you, he's too busy taking care of other chosen ones. Prepare to die!"

The middle-aged man inside the alley pulled out two daggers with technique behind it. Vi automatically assumed this would be a tough battle for him. Daggers do not pair well with a scythe, especially if the person is skilled with the dagger.

'Whatever, if I want to progress in this game I'll have to surpass the limits of a scythe. So what if he is the natural enemy to my weapon style? I'll just slice through him anyway!'

Vi hyped himself up and he couldn't wait to fight this man. He had always loved going past his limits and going against the grain.

He jumped toward the man and the man did the same, "Seems like someone is lively. Too bad it will be extinguished here and now."

Vi heard this whisper but didn't pay it any mind. If he fell victim to words so quickly would he be going against the government? Nonetheless, the man was right, he would probably lose this battle if he fought the same way he did against the tutorial boss. Good thing he wasn't going to do that.

When they were about 10 feet away from each other Vi jumped towards the wall, stepped on the brick that was sticking out of the wall a little, and launched himself upwards. He doubted he would be able to do it without the upgrades to dexterity as it also made him a lot more flexible.

As he launched himself upwards the middle-aged man was still in the action of running. The man saw him jump on the wall and was surprised. His head followed his movements causing him to look upwards but for some reason, Vi was nowhere to be found.

He realized what happened immediately and looked behind him, but it was too late.


Vi slammed the handle of the scythe onto the man's temple causing him to pass out for 5 seconds.

Vi put his scythe's blade around the man's neck and was about to pull until he saw the man raise his hands causing the daggers to drop to the ground.

"Alright, you got me, please give mercy to this old man. You are stronger than you look, or maybe I just have lost my touch after getting older."

Vi thought about it for a second before responding, "Why should I believe you, do you think I'm stupid? You will have to strip until you are bare before I will believe you aren't hiding a weapon!"

"What!? You would make the poor old man strip?! Well, I'll say-"

Vi pulled the scythe closer to the man's neck after seeing his hesitation.

"ALRIGHT! Fine! Jeezy the youth these days are so scary!"

After a couple of minutes of watching a middle-aged man strip to his loincloth, he finally took the scythe off of the man's neck.

Vi looked at the stuff on the ground before stating with a blank face, "Alright, I'll be taking these daggers know what I'll just take all of it."

"WAIT! Please at least leave my clothes, please! Wait no, this doesn't matter, how about I make you an offer you can't refuse. If you give me my stuff back and fulfill a request, I'll give you something that will blow everything else on me out of the water! A magical item!"