Gaining Strength


Right as Vi woke up he screamed all the air out of his lungs. Although he was proud to have protected his sister at the time, it was a very traumatic memory for him. Killing someone at 12 years old isn't exactly the best way to help mental health; all it did was make him feel guilty and contribute to his suicidal thoughts in middle school.

As he screamed he felt someone's arms go around him, "It's ok Mister, you're safe now."

Vi looked at who was hugging him and as soon as he saw the blonde hair he knew who it was. Hannah hugged him for about 10 more seconds until he calmed down and left the hug.

As he exited from the hug he looked around, he was on a bed, inside of what looked to be one of the houses he saw while looking for alleyways.

'This must be Hannah's home. Did she carry me here all by herself?'

As he was wondering how a girl as tiny as her would be able to carry him and his scythe, which was leaning on the corner of the room, the door leading out of the room opened.

What looked to be a bigger version of Hannah entered to room and looked at Vi before running towards him. As she got close enough to him, she also hugged him, "Thank goodness you aren't dead, I wouldn't want my daughter's savior to die before I could thank him."

Vi quickly understood what was happening, this was Hannah's mother. He accepted the hug and waited for her to exit before she continued her speech.

"Thank you very much for saving my daughter; I wasn't sure what I would do if you didn't save her. She was already missing for a week and to think that crooked, evil merchant was responsible for it. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Annabelle, and I'm Hannah's mother. Would you be so kind to tell me your name?"

"My name is Ge-, Vi... my name is Vi."


A loud crashing sound spread across the room, the sound originating from outside the house. This made Vi quickly look outside the window only to see absolute chaos. There was fire everywhere and players going around killing everyone they could.

"What the hell is going on?"

Annabelle looked reluctant to answer the question, but after thinking about it for a moment she decided to spill the beans, "Well it just so happens that the village guard you killed was pretty important when it came to keeping the chosen ones in check. Most chosen ones went crazy after learning that the only thing stopping them from committing crimes was gone. I'm not too worried about it though, soon the Ovum town militia will be here. As long as we stay hidden in this house not much trouble will come to us."

Vi slowly sat up ignoring the pain in his chest and bandages restricting his movements.

"No, I can't just do nothing! I need to protect as many people as I can.

Unlike you guys, us chosen ones can die as many times as we want and come back to life. If chosen ones are going around killing you people, I'll put a stop to it."

"No! You need to stay put, your injuries aren't fully healed and will open up if you move around too much!"

Vi looked at Annabelle and shook his head, "I don't think you were listening. Who cares if I die, I'll just come back to life anyway. Don't worry though, I don't plan on dying at all. After this last fight, I have some newfound power to claim."

Although Annabelle began telling him not to go again, he just ignored her and look at all the notifications he had been ignoring.


Assassinating the Rich Completed!

Gained +500 Exp, +10 Celtic Village Notoriety, Magical Ring!



Killed Celtic Village Guard!

Gained +1000 Exp, +20 Celtic Village Notoriety, Level 5 Uncommon Chestplate, Level 4 Common Gloves!



Scythe Combat Rune I, Level Up!



Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Gained +20 Status Points


Vi was flabbergasted at all the great stuff he just got. The first thing he decided to do was look at the equipment he got through the inventory.


{Common Gloves, Level 4}

Requirements: At Least Level 4

Buffs: +1 Vitality



{Uncommon Chestplate, Level 5}

Requirements: At Least Level 5

Buffs: +2 Vitality, +1 Strength


Vi was practically drooling at the bonus stats that the equipment gave and quickly equipped both of them. With the armor being made of leather, his movement wasn't restricted as they would be in metal armor and he was able to move around with ease; he also felt like the pain coming from his injuries was less apparent after equipping the armor.

The next thing he did was look at his new upgraded rune.



Scythe Combat Rune I, Level 2

You have some proficiency in combat with Scythes, but you still have a long way to go.

Buffs: 15% more damage dealt with scythes, 5% more accurate with scythes.


Although it only changed by 5%, the extra damage would be very useful; not to mention the 3% addition to accuracy with scythes.

Vi was satisfied with the increase of percentage to his buffs, but it was nothing compared to the 20 status points he was about to use.

After thinking for a bit Vi put the status points where we wanted them and looked at the finished result.


Level 5

Constitution - 1 > 2

Vitality - 1 > 4 > 6

Endurance - 1 > 4

Strength - 1 > 2

Dexterity - 4 > 12

Agility - 2 > 6

Arcane - 2 > 5

Wisdom - 1 > 1

Intelligence - 1 > 1

Charisma - 1 > 1

Status Points - 0


Vi put his status points all over the board but mainly focused on dexterity as it was what his scythe gained strength from. He already gained some points to vitality from his equipment but decided to put some more in there just in case he found himself in a pickle. The last thing he made sure to do was to place 3 points into endurance; he felt what he was going to do next would take a lot of stamina.

Now that he finished almost everything else, there was only one thing left to do: figure out how this magic ring worked.

The first thing Vi wanted to do was look at its status, but it didn't prove very fruitful.


Magic Ring


Requirements: ???

Buffs: N/A

Skills: Physical Enhancement, N/A


Vi looked at the status, and although it answered what physical enhancement was, it didn't do much else. He decided to dig deeper and look at what Physical Enhancement did.



Physical Enhancement

Gain an extensive increase of power to your physical body.

Requirements: ???

Buffs: ???


Vi was once again left with one question answered, but gaining more questions.

There was only one idea Vi had left, "HEY, YOU STUPID RING!!! TELL ME HOW YOU WORK!!!"

"Ow! My ears, wait I don't have any... the point is you are too loud. You could have just asked me normally, it's not like I trying to hide anything from you."

Although Vi thought he heard the ring talk when he was battling the village guard, he wasn't completely sure if it was real or just his imagination from losing too much blood. He did not completely expect the ring to talk back, so when it casually started engaging in a conversation with him, he was left surprised.

"Wow! I didn't expect you to be able to talk."

"Of course I can talk, I'm a magical item after all. Wait, we're getting off-topic, you want to know how to harness my power, correct?"

Vi crazily nodded his head, ecstatic to learn how he could control that amazing power he felt back at the mansion.