Player Killing

"Good, I see you are ready to learn. All you need to do is have strong emotions. When you used me earlier, you had an extreme amount of anger. It's actually surprising how much anger you held for him; it's the only reason I let you make a bond with me. It isn't just anger though, any emotion works, I just need strong emotions from you."

"Is that it? You had me worried there for a moment. I thought you were going to try to steal my exp! If it is just emotions then I can use you more often."

"... You truly are an interesting mortal. You do realize that using emotions for power is a sign of using demonic powers, right?"

"Who cares if you are a demon? As long as you can help me reach my goal, you are good to me."

"... HAHAHAHA! You really are simple... alright you got it mortal! You help me with gathering emotions, and I'll help you reach your goals! For now, I must sleep; I need to process all the anger you just gave me. If you need me, I'll wake up. Don't disappoint me mortal, I have high hopes for you."

Vi gave a smile to the ring and nodded at it. After he nodded he felt the lively aura coming from the ring disappear.

'Alright, now that I've powered up it's time to enact phase two of my plan: player killing! It just so happens that this chaotic atmosphere will help me get infamous in the player community, and once I announce that I will be starting a guild I'll have people lining up from halfway across the world!'

Vi got off the bed; his injuries were already gone so he ripped off the band-aids with no discomfort before picking up his scythe.

"Alright, I have to go, sitting here won't help me get closer to my goal."

Annabelle stared into Vi's eyes only to see pure determination and she smiled, "Ok, make sure you don't get too hurt out there."

Vi smiled at Annabelle's change of heart before leaving the room and house.

Just as Vi left the house a blast of hot air slapped him across the face. As Vi looked forward he saw many buildings collapsed and fire everywhere. He looked back at the house he just left worried about what could happen to it, only to see it wasn't there anymore.

'I guess they aren't simple either... alright, let's go find some players.'



A young woman was backed into a wall, crying her eyes out, with three players following her.

"I wonder how much exp we'll get from you! Now that the meddlesome village guard is dead, we can get as many kills as we need to level up! HAHAHA!!!"

The man in the middle of the trio was holding a katana. The other two were both holding two short swords in both hands.

The one in the middle walked up to the young woman who was now on the ground trying to back up even though she was blocked by a wall.

The guy was just about to swing his katana at her neck when something happened, he was suddenly looking at his own body. His first thought was that it was a new game function he had just discovered, but when he saw his body didn't have a head he realized what happened. His head was sliced off.

"Ugh, what just happened!"

The other two were confused and angry. They looked around until their eyes landed on someone in front of the NPC they were hunting. He had blood-red hair that went down to his shoulders and bright gold eyes that seemed to be seeping into their souls.

"You stoop so low that you would hunt innocent NPCs?! You don't deserve to get anywhere in this game!"

The two stared at him flabbergasted and when they saw his scythe they only had one thought before their death, 'This is the Grim Reaper.'

As Vi sliced both of their heads off with one movement he breathed in the soggy air before looking at the notifications he had just received.


Killed Level 3 Player (KatanaWarrior)

Gained 150 Exp.





He got a similar notification two more times before coming up with a theory, "So every level is 50 exp? I think player killing is going to be more fruitful than I originally thought."

Just as Vi was about to leave the area and search for more players he heard someone call out to him, "Ahem, thank you for saving me stranger."

Vi looked behind him and saw the young woman he saved earlier before replying, "Yea don't mention it, you should go find a hiding spot. I heard the Ovum town militia will be here shortly."

She nodded at him and he turned back around before running off to the distance to find some more players.

After searching for a while he finally found another group of people looking for NPCs.

"Man after that last NPC gave me 60 exp I can't go back to killing monsters in the plain. Getting this much exp is addictive."

"You're telling me, I already got 2 levels after only one hour. It took me a couple of hours just to get one level in the plains-."

Just as the man with a sword was in the middle of talking his head went missing and Vi replaced his position.

Vi felt like something was different than before, the players looked more experienced. Just as he killed the first guy of the trio the other two squared up with their respective weapons. One was holding an axe and the other one was holding a sword and shield.

Vi ran up to the one with the axe before going past him making the man confused. He turned behind him only to see Vi smiling.

Just as he turned around Vi pulled the scythe towards him, causing it to go through the man's throat and his head to go flying.

'That is probably one of my favorite moves.'

Just as he was bathing in the feeling of being powerful he let down his guard allowing the other guy to slice him.


Luckily he was able to move out of the way in time so it wouldn't affect his mobility. Vi looked back at the guy with sword and shield with a hardened glaze, this was going to be difficult.

He leaped at the man before swinging his scythe at his neck. The other guy raised his sword and was just able to parry his attack making Vi flinch.

He took his sword and swung at Vi's head making him have a single thought, 'Oh, I'm dead.'


Just as Vi accepted his death he heard the sound of the guy's sword being stopped by someone else.

As he opened his eyes he saw the figure of someone with a tall shield in front of him holding their hand out for Vi to use as a support to get up. He raised his hand and grabbed their hand before getting back up to his feet.

"I saw what you do earlier for that NPC. I figured I couldn't let someone like that die and lose a level. Let's help each other and defeat these horrid players!"