Short 3


Lieutenant Eric Hines sat in his seat staring out the window over looked the airport as the plane was coming to a land. He'd been deployed overseas for 3 years and was now able to come home for good. He'd been honorably discharged from the military. The only thoughts that raced through his mind was to live the rest of his days in peace with the woman who kept him going and alive through the time of his deployment. His beautiful wife Sheila.

During the time of his deployment she was the one reason he didn't go insane as he fought to make it back alive. Sacrificing his life fighting in a war not his own, he was now ready to give the world to the woman who wrote letters, stayed up to face time crazy hours of the day no matter how tired she was, and held it down on her end for his return.

"Hey, Lieutenant!" Eric turned to over to his colleague sitting next to him.

"What's up? Why are you yelling my name?"

"I yelled your name, because I called you twice and you didn't answer." The colleague replied with concern. "What's on your mind?"

"My wife, is what's on my mind."

"Shit. You're a lucky man to have someone to come home to, after all the crap we went through during these years of being deployed." He lightly nudged Eric's arm with his forearm. "My wife filed divorce at the beginning of year three."

"Damn man, I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm not. I found out the reason for the divorce, though." He stated. "My family found out she wasn't being loyal and had evidence of it. So she won't get a dime of my money or assets when we go to court."

"Damn, that's some foul shit. Well, at least come out of the ordeal in a high note." Eric assured him.

"Yeah, I guess your right when you put it in that perspective. It puts my mind at ease a little bit."

The plane came to a land and the hatch was opened allowing the men returning from war to leave the aircraft. Eric and his colleague rose from their seats, collected their bags, and proceeded down the aisle-way exiting the plane. The two continued to converse as they entered the entrance gate of the building.

"Aye, even though what I said put your mind at ease. I advise you to still seek counsel. The VA offers it." He stated in concerned tone to him. "I'm serious. Don't let that shit eat you up."

"I will do that." That replied back.

Then Eric cupped his chin in quick thought. "I'll be in touch in about a month...

You know what?" He pointed over to his colleague. "Make that tomorrow morning. Better yet, who's picking you up?"

"My brother, why?"

"Because, You need someone keeping a close eye on you with everything your going through right now."

The colleague through a wave of his hand. "You don't need to do that-"

"Yes. I do." Eric had cut him off before he could finish, while placing his hand on his shoulder, and peering intently at him.

The colleague didn't protest any further and the two continued to converse while walking to find their families in the airport. Eric walked with his colleague and the two found his brother. He informed the relative of the colleague's mental state and gave resources where to get help. Eric let the relative know that he would be keeping in touch to see how he's doing.

As they were finishing their conversation, Eric's cellphone rang. He looked down at his phone. The caller ID displayed wife on the screen.

"Excuse me, I have to take this call." He says to the two gentlemen as he stepped away. "Sheila, is everything okay?"

Sheila with a light giggle in her reply. "Hello to you too, honey. Yes, everything is fine. I was just calling you, to let you know that I'll be there in about five minutes. Traffic was chaotic as usual." She explained.

"Okay. No need to rush. Just take your time, I'm not going anywhere. I'll wait outside the terminal so you can see me."

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit. Love you honey." Sheila says to him through the car speaker.

"Love you too." He replied back to her and the two ended the call with each other.

Eric makes his way back to the brothers, they two hadn't moved from where they were as they waited for his return.

"Everything good with phone call?" The colleague asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. It was my wife letting me know she'll be here in a bit." Eric informed him.

"We can wait with you. If you want?"

"No, I'm good. She'll probably be parked and waiting by the time I get outside."

"We'll head out with you since we're all going the same way."

The three men continued as they made their way to the exit of the airport. Along the way the were greeted with an occasional 'Thank you for your service' and applause. The two of them would nod, smile, and say your welcome. Finally exiting the doors of the airport, Eric was able to spot his wife parked not too far from the entrance, standing by the Jeep Wrangler holding a 'Welcome Home' sign above her head.

As if he body moved on its on, he ran to Sheila. A big smile spread across her face as her eyes locked onto him coming towards her. She quickly tossed the sign in the backseat of the Jeep and welcomed him with open arms. Just before he reached her, he tossed his bag in the backseat as well, and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting Sheila off of her feet.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing his head into her bosom. For the moment time stood still between them. They couldn't hear the applause and cheers going on around them. The two just held each other savoring in the juncture.

Eric set his wife back to her feet so he could peer into her beautiful face. Her mocha skin glowed in the warm afternoon sun. Sheila wore a white camisole tee with blue jean shorts that hugged her curves and her hair was pinned in a curly fro hawk. Seeing his wife sent a surge of impulse to wrap his left hand around her waist, pulling her against his body and his right hand bracing that back of her head, supporting her for a deep slow passionate kiss.

Sheila didn't fight but held on to his broad shoulders. His want for her after three years ignited a sensation between her legs. She was ready to leave the airport and let him have his way with her. All types of thoughts ran though her mind as they indulged on each other and her eyes closed the moment Eric placed his lips upon hers. When she opened them again she noticed they had an audience of onlookers cheering and clapping.

"Mmm... Eric people are watching!" Sheila says as she tried to wrestle out of his strong embrace.

Eric braced himself gripping against the vehicle with both his hands trapping Sheila in the middle.

He leaned into her left ear to whisper. "We have't seen each other in three years. The last thing you should be worried about is a little public display of affection in a front of crowd."

His deep assertive voice made her become putty right before him. The nature building within her from wanting and needing her husband evolved into a crave. The crave she suppressed to get her through the three lonely years of not having him around to see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. Eric had reactivated all the senses that laid dormant within her. A quick recollection of memories flashed through her mind of the night she cried herself to sleep, wondering if he was ever going to return home. Late nights of him stroking his phallus while watching her pleasuring her body in front of the camera as if he was there.

"Let's go home baby." Eric whispering again in her ear.

Sheila was snapped out of her reverie and on command walked over to the driver side, getting in, and started the vehicle. Eric went over to his colleague and exchanged partings to him and his brother. Once he was finished, ran back to the Jeep and jumped into the passenger seat, buckled his seat belt, and his wife drove off.

Sheila couldn't unbuckle her seat belt fast enough once she pulled into the garage. Once the garage door was shut and secured. Eric unbuckled his seat belt and ran around the vehicle, immediately opened her door, and threw her over his shoulder.

"Eric slow down. You're going to make me nauseous." Sheila pleaded with him.

He wasn't hearing her as he snatched the keys from her hands and unlocked the door. Once inside, he hung the keys onto its hook, kicked off his boots into the corner of the foyer and closed the door, locking it. Sheila was helpless over his shoulder as he relieved her of her high top sneakers and tossed them in the corner alongside his.

Eric began to make his way down the hall, undo his belt and pants leaving them open for easy relief. As he reached the stairs, he whipped around the railing and skipped up the steps making it up to the second floor in no time, and headed to their master bedroom.

He opened the french doors of their bedroom, walked in, and gently laid her onto the bed. Sheila supported herself on her elbows staring at her husband with an awakened high that she didn't want to come down from. He stepped back from her and slowly removed his shirt, showing his muscular toned physic; the military had done his body beautifully well. She sat up fully to get a better view of the beautiful melanin god she married, she wanted to etch every piece of him into her mind.

"You like what you see?" He says to her as he tossed his shirt to the side. The lust in her eyes made his dick pulsate.

"Yeah." She said in a breathy tone. She started to position her hands to remove her shirt, But Eric stopped her.

"No, I will be unwrapping my gift." He commands her. "I want you to sit back and enjoy the show. You waited three long years to see me right?"

She removed her hands from her shirt and continued to enjoy the view. He continued moving on to removing his pants, leisurely pushing them down, and stepping out each leg as he stared into her eyes. He noticed his actions were taking an affect on her even though he hadn't started the main event of his tease.

Her hands started to grip the side of the mattress as she pushed her thighs together trying to keep her urges at bay. A knot in her stomach began build as the heat in her body began to rise, wanting to be satiated. Her face writhed in agony, wanting him to take her here and now, and not stop even if she begged.

"I see it in your face. Tell me... What you want to do to me?" He asked now standing in his boxers.

"I want you to put your cock in my mouth and I want to drink your seed." She confessed to him.

Eric began to massage over the bulge protruding in his boxer briefs causing the sexual tension in the air to become thicker. As his hand began to shift back up his abdomen, he descended down placing his hand into his underwear, and freed his throbbing erection. He stepped out of his boxers and kicked them in the pile with the rest. Walking over to Sheila, he stopped right in front with only a few inches between them, and his erection eye level with her.

Sheila stared at the beautiful phallus before her and wanted to take him into her mouth. She knew that she couldn't though, from the internal game of dominant husband and submissive wife they played with each other. There has always been an aura of her husband that drove her libido mad with a burning desire as she watched him handle their lives with a calm yet, assertive manner through out the years of their marriage.

Her mouth started to water and she subconsciously began to move forward, hoping for a small taste of him. Before that could happen, Eric cupped her chin tilting it upward to look at him.

"Seems my naughty little wife is eager to have a cock down her throat. Hmmm?" Eric says standing nude before her.

Sheila could only nod in agreement.

"Not before getting washed and cleaned up." His hands were removing her shirt.

Once it was off, he stood her up in front of him, and reached behind her to remove her purple laced bra. As he slowly and achingly pulled the bra from her body, his index fingers caressed down as the straps traveled with him. This action caused goosebumps to form. Next, his hands went on to unfasten her shorts. Instinctively her arms went around his neck to brace herself as she helped shimmy them to her feet, and kicking them away.

As she held on to him, her nose was in the crook of his neck to where she could smell 'him'. His pheromones placated her and without realizing and her legs were wrapping around his waist. She still had on her underwear, which was a purple lace thong that accentuated her backside. This gave Eric a handful as he held on to her while walking over to the bathroom.

"Umm..." Sheila moaned into his neck from the friction of his phallus and her labia rubbing together against the fabric, as he walked.

"That's a good girl. Get nice and ready for me." He whispered in her ear while entering the vast shower while bracing her with one arm, and sliding the door closed.

His muscle flexed as he continued to hold her with his right hand and used his left to move the shower head out of the way, before adjusting the water temperature. He bends down just enough, reaching the water, and turning it on. The water temperature was set just right and he turns the water onto them. The beads of warm water rained on the goose bumps of Sheila's skin.

"Mmm..." Sheila moaned to the contact of the water cascading on her skin, as Eric sandwiched her between the shower wall and his chest.

"I take it my wife has been missing her husband." Eric stated after letting her stand to her feet.

Sheila's felt the weakness in her legs while trying to hold herself to a full stand. Eric watched her struggle to keep her composure in front of him. A smile crept in the left corner of his mouth watched his woman in admonishment, still become embarrassed in his sights. She tried to cover her breast with crossing her arms and placing her hands over them.

"Move. Your. Hands." He commands her.

Sheila doing as she was told, removed her hands re-exposing her chest. She wondered when he was going to be plowing into her sending rippling orgasms through her body. She wondered if and when he would rip her thong from her body and shove his tongue between her legs. The sheer magnitude of his sexual aura was enough to cause her to have to mentally remind herself to breath.

He reaches over, grab the washcloth and soap, lathers it up, and proceeds wash her body. Carefully taking the cloth over her body. He gently starts at the top under her neck. Next, he moves on to her arms starting with the left then moving over to the right. After, he shifts the towel to her breasts, washing the right, and then washing the left. Lastly, he reached behind her and washes her back, washing her with the towel in one hand, and gripping her backside with the other. Once completed, he reached for the shower head, removes it, and rinses the top-half of her body.

Even with the water warm and steamy, Sheila's nipples were erect. Her clitoris throbbed and pulsated on his command. Her body was once again out of her control, no matter hard she tried to be defiant her whole being would betray time and time again.

He place the shower head back in place and noticed her eyes follow him as he stooped to his knees in front of her. Still peering into her eyes his hands raised to the sides of her hips. His index fingers hooked around the fabric of her thong and slowly pulled them down her legs, freeing her pussy from bondage. Assisting her weak legs, he helps her steps out and tossing them in the corner of the shower.

Taking the towel, he lathers it, washes her bottom half paying extra close attention to her nether regions. When finished he washed her legs and feet, completing her wash with a rinse, and moving on to himself.

Sheila watched helplessly as she watched him cleaning his body. "Fuck!" She said to herself. "He's gone for three freaking years. Who does he think he is commanding me. So what cause you're a lieutenant." She cut her eyes at him, watching him rinse his body, as she struggled bracing herself against the wall.

"I'm your husband. That's who I think I am." Eric replies back to her while wiping the water from his face.

"How in the hell?" Sheila stated out loud with a confused look on her face.

"I know you." He says peering deeply into her eyes. "And 'YOU' know better when it comes to what your husband want." Saying while cupping her chin to an arch and placing his lips onto hers and shoving his in her mouth.

As his left hand command her top. His right hand shoved two fingers between her legs to command her bottom. She tried with her zapped strength to push him away but her body betrayed he once again and succumbed to his bidding. He may have been a gentleman it did not mean that he was a gentle man. sudden force of his fingers entering her moist tight opening caused her gasp in pain from the entry but immediately changed to an illicit moan escaping her lips.

The proof of her loyalty swelled his ego and pride. The feeling of this made him increase the thrusting of his fingers as his tongue dominated her mouth. He felt the arms of his wife wrap around his neck to keep from collapsing onto the floor of the shower.

"You loyal woman." Speaking to himself. "If you only knew what I have in store for this beautiful of yours."

He pulls his lingua from her mouth and her arms enclosed tighter around his neck bringing his mouth next to her ear.

"Mmm... That's right show your husband how much you've missed him." He moans into her ear.

Sheila was inaudible. The sexual tension and crave of Eric was forcing itself to the surface, like volcano readying itself to erupt with each harsh thrust of his fingers into her slick canal. The build of pleasure was torturing to her. Eric could feel her struggle to hold onto him as she was wrapping arms tighter around his neck. He noticed she was also struggling to exhale.

"My beautiful wife. Your doing it again." Eric referencing to her holding her breath. "Breath baby or you won't orgasm."

Once again her body acted on command and started to complete full inhale and exhales until the build up of her finally erupted in the screaming of his name.

"Eric! Eric!" Sheila shouted his name in the shower as continued. The warmth of the water prolonged the endorphins surging through her body.

Eric enjoyed the clamping of her walls around his middle and index finger but knew there were other ideas he had in store for her. He pulls his right hand from between her legs and braces her against his body with his left. Sheila's legs and arms quickly goes limp but he manages to keep a firm grip of her wet body.

"It seems we will have to continue this in the bed. My wife was so eager for her husband, only to become exhausted after one orgasm." He tells her as slowly sits her to the floor of the shower.

He shuts of the water and leaves to retrieve a towels to dry their bodies. He returns with a towel secured around his waist and another held open to cover Sheila with. Bending down, he leans in to cover her but for quick moment his erection was exposed, and Sheila immediately taking his manhood into his mouth. Sucking and slurping, high from her orgasm, and taking him down her throat. The sudden feel of cock being grabbed and shoved into her mouth sat him on the floor of the shower.

"Shit! I see that the little succubus within you has finally awakened." Saying while attempting to support himself sitting up.

Her warm mouth encased around his shaft as she sucked hard bobbing her head up and down. Tasting his precum on her taste buds Eric could only watched helplessly as his cock disappeared in her mouth over and over again. The veins in cock started to build with blood and become tighter with each surge down her throat to the point where it almost painful. The erotic sounds of his phallus sloshing in and out of her larynx had pushed him over the edge coating her esophagus with his seamen. He watched as she savored taste of him, lightly cleaning him of his excess release as it slowly slid on the side of his shaft. With each suckle she performed on his manhood caused a shiver to vibrate up his spine.

He peered down at his lap watching his wife leisurely lick his manhood like a cat cleaning themselves. His right hand reach and cupped her chin directing to make eye contact. Seeing the a range of emotions in her eyes and body language cause his phallus to rise again.

Eric with a surge of energy grabs Sheila, cradles her in his arms, and walks back into their room. "That act of defiance has caused for your anus to be punished." He says walking over to their bed and tossing her onto it.

She begins to touch all over her body while Eric opens the top drawer of the night stand and retrieves a bottle of lubricant. Opening it, he squeezes a hefty amount into the palm of his left hand, and massages it from tip down to the base. He notices Sheila was ready to receive him with her knees to her chest and with her arms locked behind them.

With the height of the bed perfectly at level Eric squeezes another hefty amount of lubricant on to his index and middle finger. Slowly and gently he penetrates her, raising the heat in her body once a again. He noticed she was receptive to the pleasure from her body forming an arch wanting his finger to venture deeper.

"Honey! How long are you going to continue to tease me!" Sheila cried out to him.

Her sudden outburst made him raise an eyebrow and the look on his face caused her to place her hands over her face in embarrassment. Eric grabs her left leg and roughly turns her onto her stomach. With his chest now one with her back, left hand on her throat, and right lining his phallus with her backside.

His organ entered with ease but he knew he needed to take his time, even if she was aching to be rammed. Keeping a firm hold on her esophagus, Sheila's back was kept in an arch, and his cock gently filling her up.

"Yeeesss. Fuck yes!" She moaned in a breathy tone.

"Are you satisfied now." He asked her.

She manages to nod as he strokes in and out of her backside, stirring the feel good emotions in her body. The tightness of her anal walls clenching around his cock drove him to harder and faster. Beads of sweat started to build on his forehead as the force of his assault began to build. The slickness of the lubricant mixed with her own secretions made her insides feel like velvet.

"Ngh! Eric! I'm going to-" She mustered the voice moan. Her body was in a euphoria, still high from her clitoral stimulation

"Why are you telling me, huh?" He whispers into her ear again. "Do you like having your husband's permission to cum?"


Eric knew she loved the deepness of his voice especially when he commanded her in the most dominate ways.

"You have my permission to cum." Eric giving her permission.

His voice was the key to open and release the floodgates of her orgasm as his deep long hard thrusts continued inside her. Her screams of ecstasy fueled his own nature to rise as he kept on with his steady pace.

Sheila's body felt like she was engulfed in a never ending flame to where her voice had gone hoarse. Her mind was a blinded mess with his increasing strokes and thrusts into her anus. Her nether regions began to emit a warm tingly sensation that she had no intention of stopping.

"Errriccc!" She shouted his name with her fading vocals as she ejaculated on his testicles.

"I'm almost there baby." He assured her grunting through his strokes. "Hold out a little longer for me."

The pressure of his release was working its way to the hilt of his penis painfully slow. The blood in his body draining to focus one area, and his vision becoming cloudy from the sweat dripping. Veins in his phallus swelling from his wife's anus clenching around him during his strokes and successfully pulling Eric to his release. He filled her backside with his hot liquid sending her body into a frenzy. Pulling himself free, he turns her over to face him, and wraps his strong arms around her.

"Shh. Breath baby." Eric says kissing Sheila's lips as his hands rubs all over, coaxing her high down.

Once she was calm and sleeping he leaves the bed to relieve himself and run a bath for her. When the bath was ready, her turns off the faucet, and scoops her from the bed gently placing her in the soothing water waking her.

"Are you going to join me?" She asks exhausted.

"No. While you soak I'm going to use the shower for a brief wash up and change the sheets, so you can get nap." He answers her question as he caresses the side of her jaw. "When you wake, I'll have something ready for you to eat."

"Ok." She replied with a smile.

Eric went ahead with his quick shower and changing of the bed sheets once he was dried, body oiled, and lounge pants were put on. He comes back to into the bathroom to find his wife sound asleep. He his the latch to the drain the water and while the water descends; Eric washes and rinses her body. A since of joy and pride filled him as he cared for his wife who never faltered from his side while in and out of deployment.

When finished he dries, oils, dresses her in a gown to sleep, and places her in the bed covering her with sheet. Before leaving her to rest, Eric leans in to place a kiss on her forehead but before his lips could reach. Sheila tilted her chin upward meeting her lips with his and starting a passionate kiss that conveyed an emotion so deep that words alone would not be enough.

Eric broke the passionate kiss. He felt the blood making its way down to his member again and he knew his wife was tired from the excitement of the day.

"I'm home for good now. I'm not going anywhere." He says reassuring her. "Now, get some sleep so I can put some food in your belly when you get up."

"Yes, honey." She replies back in whiny tone while shifting to get herself comfortable in the bed.

Eric chuckles and smiles at his wife's actions and turns off the light on the nightstand. He turns around and proceeds to exit the bedroom, but once he is in the archway he hears Sheila call his name.


"Yeah, baby?" He says turning to her.

"I missed you." She confesses to him.

"I know baby and I missed you too."

"Happy Homecoming." She finishes with a yawn as she drifts to sleep.

"Yeah, happy homecoming." Eric replies with a smile as he closes the french doors.