Shorts 4


Urban music roared through the speakers of the nightclub as patrons swayed on the dance floor to the music and mingled with one another at the bar. Vincent leaned into the balcony railing outside his office. He peered over his thriving crowded nightclub with a smile of pride and accomplishment. He was lost in admonishment and pride of his hard work until he was pulled from his reverie by one of his employees.

"Aye Boss." The man called out to him.

He turned to his head of security "What's up?"

"Um, sorry to bother you, but your wife is here." The man explained to him.

"Did she say why? He asked with a raised brow.

"No, but she does look pretty pissed off."

Vincent released a sigh of annoyance as he drooped his head as he leaned back against the balcony rail. He began to wonder what random jealous female had sent her emotions in a frenzy and waver her feelings for him again. The two were six months into their marriage and already having marital problems. Her arrival made this twentieth time within the last three months of an issue being brought to his attention and the shit was driving him freaking insane.

"Fuck!" Vincent exasperatedly stated pushing off from the balcony and walked over to sit at his desk. "Send her in and no one is to disturb me while she's here."

"And in the event of an emergency?" The security guard asked.

"Delegation is at your discretion."

"Say less." The guard replied with a nonchalant smile and head nod while turning around to leave.

Moments later, in walks his beautiful wife La'Nita wearing a blue and pink pleated body hugging dress that stopped mid thigh accentuating her curves. Her mocha skin radiated in the club light giving it a blue hue. Along with her hair; which was in bantu knots with glistening gold trinkets that were beautifully added to decorate. The black heels he bought for a previous birthday complemented, not only her dress, but her legs as well. La'Nita halted her position in front of his desk holding a large yellow envelope in her hands.

"I take it that this large envelope is the reason for your presence." Vincent asked with his hands clasped and swiveled from side to side in his office chair.

"And I see someone has jokes today." She said as she tossed the envelope on top of the desk and crossed her arms.

"Who is she?" La'Nita, with a raised eyebrow.

Vincent pulled himself towards his desk and picked up the parcel. He lifted the seal and removed the contents from inside. Scattered across his desk were pictures of him and a previous woman from his past. In each photo were close ups of different positions of the two of them engaged in intercourse. In an instant Vincent noticed the photos were taken from a video recording he'd made with the known woman from years ago. He did an annoyed sigh as he leaned back in his chair. Internally he cursed himself for his promiscuous past, for it was now coming back to haunt him in his present with the woman he set to spend the rest of his life with. He stood and made his way around to the front of his desk to La'Nita.

La'Nita stepped back as she watched him with an annoyed scowl on her face. She almost dropped her defenses from the smell of his cologne and his assertive aura but she managed to keep composure. Her eyes followed as he perched himself halfway on top of his desk.

"How can I put your mind at ease La'Nita?" Vincent asked with sincere eyes.

"Who is she and do I need to worry about her? I don't like being blind sided and embarrassed Vincent." She answered looking directly into his eyes.

"I know." He peers deep into her eyes. "And I- don't possess the energy to cause harm to the woman I devoted to spend the rest of my life with." He explained, shifting his posture, and pulling her towards him by the waste in-between his legs. "La'Nita, I was very open in what my past was like and the possibilities of what we may face once we married."

La'Nita had turned away from Vincent at the end of his explanation. She stared off to the right with a deep inhale and exhale, and tried to focus on something to keep her from breaking down. He was honest with his statement. From the moment they met, he was always forward and open about his life. It got to the point where he was too honest, to the point it felt as if he was lying at times. During that time it certainly scared and confused the hell out of her. In her own opinion people who possess this high level of integrity, morals, and ethics were of a rare breed of human. It was the inner mantra she followed that helped her navigate through most of the bullshit in this life. She felt it saved her much heartache and grief to always follow her instincts and intuition.

What made her stay was his consistency, his passion to evolve, and everything he stated to be factual within time. Just his presence made her feel safe to be her truest self unapologetic, without ridicule or belittlement. Anytime anything ever bothered her. The issue in thought would seem to dissipate from the mere sight of him. He was really, the calm to her storm and she to his.

Vincent could sense the pain within her, they haven't been married long and now faced with one issue after another. It was taking a toll on her mental and emotional state, and with any more of this he knew it would start to affect her physical. The last thing he wanted was for her to ask for an annulment of their union. He took another deep inhale and exhale then turned behind him to quickly search for his phone and reach for it. He began to navigate through it, making his way to his social media page to the woman pictured in the photos. He seen that they were still friends with each other. Navigating deeper, he makes his way to directly message her but decided to call the woman instead.

La'Nita hears the ringing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting an end to this shit right now." He assures her as he takes her left hand into his right.

Just when he finished his statement the person answered.

"Hello." Stated the woman on the line.

Vincent lets go of La'Nita's hand and places his index finger to her lips. She knew that was his signal for her to watch and listen.

"I got the little package you had sent to my wife. I didn't take you for someone who could be soo... bitter."

The woman on the other end scoffed at his statement. "I could never be bitter, a little jealous maybe."

"So out of a jealous rage you sent photos from a past video to cause chaos in my marriage. When it's been years since we've had contact?" He asked.

The woman was silent for a moment and La'Nita grew irritated with waiting for her to answer. Just as she was about to say something the woman responded.

"And... So what if I did." She replied back rudely.

Vincent shook his head as a sly smile crept in the corner of his mouth.

"Well, for one. You signed a N.D.A when we became involved with each other. That means you're in breach of contract and you- will be hearing from my lawyer." Vincent immediately ends the call after his statement and placed his phone face down on his desk after blocking her on all social media pages and forms of contact.

He stands in front of his wife, takes her hand again, and leads her over to the sofa in his office. He sat down and guided his wife to sit on his lap. A brief awkward silence came over them for a moment until La'Nita finally spoke.

"Apologies." She stated with sincere eyes.

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Did La'Nita, always in the right just apologize?" He gave a sarcastic look of shock as his left hand covered his mouth.

She gave an him eye roll and annoyed glare that clearly stated "Fuck you" in her mind, but she knew better to say it out loud. His domineering yet compassionate energy started to stir her energy into a frenzy. The little secret game between them was starting and she couldn't help but to indulge. She secretly loved being subdued and how he handled everything like it was nothing every time his past reared its ugly head. Over the three and half years they dated for every problem that threatened their relationship Vincent would handle each issue as if he was prepared it would happened and shut it down immediately. This caused an unknown feeling within La'Nita, where her body would act on its own and a side she never existed to bloomed.

"I know you're cursing me out in that beautiful head of yours." He stated with a smug look. "But MY MAIN concern is... If you are still upset with me?"

"No, I am not upset anymore." La'Nita shakes her head.

"Then why do you still have a scowl on your face?"

La'Nita had made a statement but it was inaudible.

"La'NITA, I can't help you when you're like this. Tell your husband what is wrong so I can fix it." Vincent stated with deep concern in his voice. He always stayed calm when it came to her emotions knowing how sensitive she was.

She replied annoyed as she side eyed him. "Don't. Play coy with me sir."

Vincent chuckled at his flustered wife. He caught on early that his safe aura had a sexual affect her. From the way she talked, to the movement of her body language, indicated that she wanted to play.

His right hand firmly grasped her throat and leaned her into him. Without warning he shoved his tongue into her ear. Slowly and meticulously he traced the tip of it along the shape of her it, sending shivers throughout her body. La'Nita bit down on her bottom lip with a deep exhale as she succumbed to his will; she was now putty in his hands.

As Vincent licked and nipped at her ear. He noticed the sexual agitation was filling within her. The sudden shifting of her thighs showed that she was building up but holding back. This issue made him curious as to why he wasn't getting the sound reactions that he'd normally hear. He ceased his actions and peered over La'Nita. His hand, still firmly grasped on her throat, he discovered her biting her lip and muffling her moans. Vincent was unhappy with the sight and his hand caressed up her neck. He placed his thumb on her chin and gently pulled it down subduing her to releasing it.

He took hold of her chin and guided her gaze toward his. "Why is my wife denying me the pleasure of hearing her moan?" He asked with a slow kiss of her lips. "What has you so distracted, my love?"

La'Nita in a breathy tone tried to avoid eye contact. "What if someone comes in?" She stated with her hands clasped as his same hand shift to the brim of her halter dress and pulled the left side down exposing her breast.

His index finger circled her areola causing goose bumps to form. The pleasuring tingle that formed between her legs had evolved into hard throb. Each pulsating pump sent a shock throughout her body.

"Took care of it." He spoke before his tongue invaded her mouth.

La'Nita's body went limp to her sides as she let Vincent have his way with her. He tasted her mouth and his self control started to wavier but he remained vigilant. Her slut was activated and he knew he could have her anyway he wanted, but he wanted to play more. He wanted to take his time of filling her cup of reassurance and continued to claim her mouth. From sucking her bottom lip, to her tongue, alternating between the two.

"Mmmm." He moaned. "Show me my wonderful slut." Vincent whispered to La'Nita, giving another brief moment for her to catch a quick inhale and exhale.

His natural being sent her over the edge, unlocking the obsessed addiction she contained for him. La'Nita relished in the euphoric high he submerged her in; his stature alone was enough to activate the spell she was knowingly under.

His left arm supported her head as his right hand turned her toward him by the waist. He continued to feast inside her mouth as slowly shifted her body position from sitting sideways on his lap to her sitting straddled. This action caused her dress to rise to her midsection exposing the thong she was wearing. He adjusted himself beneath her as she discarded her heels to the floor. His gentle, yet assertive manner served as reminder to her, that SHE was his wife, and no one else.

He slowly came to halt as he leisurely unsheathed his mouth from her tongue forcing another breathy moan to escape. He moved to the left side of her face to whisper into her ear.

"No one is going to see the lewd state that you're in. As I stated earlier, it was taken care of. Now... Do as your husband commands you and release it." He stated while his right hand reached in his pocket for a hand cleansing wipe to disinfect them both and drying them with his handkerchief from his breast pocket. He discards them to the side right hand resumed migrating between her legs and slid her panties to the side exposing her nether regions.

His middle and index finger were inserted into her moist canal as his thumb teased her clitoris.

"Fuck!" La'Nita moaned widening her legs and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Vincent slowly pumped his rigid fingers into her plush sleek walls building fluid with each entry. La'Nita held so tight around his neck that she pull him against her body. With this close opportunity he began to place soft suckles on her neck.

"Wwwait." She managed with an inhale. The addictive feeling she always felt started to manifest itself within her faster than she'd expected. She tried to suppress urge to capture it. She wanted to savor the wonderful body high, but once again as always, her body was no longer hers to command.

 "What do you mean wait? I gave you an order." He stated thrusting upward and deep into her canal. The forceful action caused La'Nita to jolt up on her knees and push her breast into his face. 

"FFFuck!" She screamed.

Vincent's left hand quickly moved from supporting her head to wrapping his whole arm around her waist to forcing her to stay still. La'Nita now held onto his head from being shifted upward from trying to avoid his repeated entry into her clenching walls. He continued to tease her body, tasting her skin, and suckling on her soft flesh.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" La'Nita shouted as he continued without mercy. The muscles in her body began to tense holding on to the delightful sensation.

He continued to hold her firmly in place as his hand jousted upward into her and hitting her G-spot each time waiting for her release. Thick white fluid began to run down his hand, forming a gushing sound as his entered and exited her body. Vincent sensed her release inching closer from the subtle tremors of her thighs. He began to feel her arms clutched tighter around him and her voice was now audible, even with him now being nuzzled between her breast.

Vincent wanted to hear her properly and unwrapped his arm from her waist and undo her arms from around his head.

His right hand came to a brief stop. "Hands behind your back now." He said to her firmly.

LaNita does as she's told without hesitation and places them behind her back.

"That's my good girl." He responded with a sly smile to her as his left hand took hold of her wrists in one grab.

He kissed in between her breast again and looked up at her. "Look at me my love." She peered down at him with her sex filled eyes and agaped mouth.

Vincent reveled in the sight of the sexual spell his wife was under. From the few unraveled bantu knots with hanging trinkets, to her exposed breast and bottom. This was how he preferred to see his wife in a sexual slutty mess not worried about the women of his past.

His right hand resumed in slow tantalizing upward stroke "Who do I belong to?" He asked her with sincere eyes.

LaNita looked deep into his beautiful carmel eyes. The sight of his chocolate smooth skin, to his full soft lips deepened her want to an aching need. The fire that was burning within her turned into a blazing inferno. Once resumed, each stroke into her plush walls was like a log being tossed into the flame.

"Fuck!" She screamed as her orgasm forced its way through. "Me! You fucking belong to me."

"That's right. Those women are nothing compared to you.You complete me in every way." He assured her.

Her lips met with his as he pulled her down to sit fully on his lap with fingers still inside of her. His thumb began to circle around her clitoris maintaining the lustrous realm she'd entered. The feel of it produced the need to taste her but he wanted her submerged deeper. With the steady pace he vigorously shook his fingers inside her and thumb against her clit pushing LaNita to ejaculate onto his lap.

Her eyes grew wide from the shock of the immediate release. Vincent held her in place tasting her mouth and making sure the orgasm fully washed over her. "Mmm." La'Nita moaned through the kisses getting air when she could.

He broke the kiss while simultaneously releasing her wrists and unsheathing his fingers from her canal. She collapsed from exhaustion, laying her head on his shoulder burying her face in neck.

Vincent examined the fingers that were just inside her. He held his right hand up to the light to admire the glistening fluid that coated it. He tasted his wife's secretions and reveled in the sweet tang that made contact with his taste buds.

"You know this is only the beginning, right?" He stated to her but all she could do was nod in agreeance.

"Good girl."

Vincent's hands cupped under La'Nita's thighs as he stood with her against his body and walked behind his desk. He knocked the bit of items off the desk onto the floor. The photos the she'd brought with her were among the discarded items as they spilled across the floor. Carefully he laid his wife on top of the desk and pulled up his chair in and sat down. In front of him displayed the glistening fruit between her beautiful melanated legs. The remnants of her orgasm started to seep from her canal onto her anus. He leaned in an ripped her thong from her body and caught the juices from her anus before shoving it into her rim.

"Ngh!" A hard moan escaped her lips as her canal contracted, pushing a mild squirt from her urethra.

His high was well past activated as he proceeded to spread her cheeks and place suckling kisses on her anal rim. Her face contorted in pleasure while her hands searched for something to grasp onto. His tongue probed her rim causing a deep inhale to her lungs and her legs began to tremble. Vincent continued to dine on his wife as worked his tongue against her canal for another taste of her savory juices to migrating up further to claim his budded prize. Her beautiful pearl was unveiled once more and revealed itself for the taking. Vincent took his time as he made his way upward with a long slow up and down lick of her labia. This made her walls contract again forcing fluid once more. His arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her still while placed kisses into her creases. LaNita's body was a trembling mess as she laid atop of his desk being made a meal of. She made a mental note that it was that last time she would doubt Vincent's loyalty to her. Her mind was in such a euphoric haze that she hadn't noticed that he carried her to his resting quarters behind his office.

"Hold your fuck'n legs up and keep them up." Vincent commanded as he eased himself into her welcoming canal. Her warm contracting insides coated his phallus as he was pulled deeper into her vortex. 

"Ngh! Fuck!" An elicit moan escaped from La'Nita's lips.

His phallus flexed and flinch within his wife's warm body. This sensation, no matter how many times felt like it was the very first time. This grip of her walls made his mind hazy where he almost spoiled the chance of being inside her.

Vincent regained his focus. He was determined to remind her that she was the only one for him. He leaned into her, his strong calves pushed her thighs into missionary, and he settled his sculpted chest on top hers.

"Are you comfortable my love?" He whispered in her right ear while gently getting settled into her.

"Mmm hmm" She replied in a moan.

He placed his right hand on her throat while his left held his weight from completely crushing her.

"What did I just say about denying me, hmm?" He drew back and stroked deep into her.

Only an inhaled gasp was heard form LaNita. Her subconscious was always plunged into a surrounding state of pleasure. Vincent could feel the grip of her tunnel enclose tighter around his member.

"Fuck!" He grunted in her ear. His mind began to cloud as well. "My little debaucherous whore." He stated with deep short strokes. "You're trying to pull me into the realm with you. He quickly shifted positions from LaNita from on her back to her stomach and entered her from behind with a strong thrust directly hitting her sweet spot.

"VinCent!" She screamed!

Her cries had fallen on deaf ears. Vincent laid on top of her from behind. His right hand snaked it's way under arm tenderly grasped her throat again forcing her body into an arch. His left elbow continued to support his the rest of his body as he continued to thrust into her from behind. His abs constricted with each concentrated pump slowly forming a knot in his belly.

"Vin... Vin." LaNita mustered the strength to say.

"Breathe baby." He instructed her.

Her body did as he commanded and a deep exhale exited her lungs, as the air escaped from her body, a gush of fluids were released as well sending a rush of endorphins so strong she felt as if her mind would break. LaNita tightly gripped the sheets with Vincent's hand on her throat. Her body began to instinctively brace itself for the powerful feel good that stoked within her.

"Fuuuck." She moaned as her eyes rolled back as the orgasm washed over her body.

"That's my good little slut. Let your juices claim my dick" He whispered into her ear stroking into her. "Squeeze it tighter. Make your husband cum."

His composure was faltering, with each stroke his mind became more clouded and hazy. The grip of her velvety plush walls began to encase around his phallus suctioning him deeper. Beads of sweat fell from his eyebrows and tip of his nose. He was nearing, nearing to his beautiful orgasmic release. He was ready to flood her insides with his warm seed and break her mind only to reclaim it once again. Both arms supported his weight becoming an aid in heightening his pleasure. His strokes increased along with his thrusts. The tightening knot became sharp and his vision became blurred. For his final stroke he drew back his hips as far they could and drove hard and deep, pushing him to ejaculate onto her g-spot sending LaNita into an orgasmic fit.

"Shhh. Let it wash through" Vincent coaxed her with soothing words while holding her in his arms immediately bringing the tremble to a soft shiver.

He continued to slide in and out of her, only this time it was slow and intimately. His member hadn't softened from its first release. This signaled his brain to ready another wave of endorphins throughout his body. Sweet release of his white fluid were but a mere pumps away and just the thought of it in-between thrusts sent the serotonin flooding his body into a frenzy. He didn't want to end it there, just unloading between her legs again. He wanted to delete the uncertainty that clouded her judgement of trust she began to harbor for him and instantly the thought came to mind. He unsheathed himself from her casing, halting his second release, and leaned down to whisper in her left ear.

"LaNita Garrs. You are the only woman for me. I belong to you just as you belong to me." His tongue began to trace the rim of her ear. "And only I am only one to cum on that beautiful face of yours and you are the only one to cum on mine."

LaNita managed a nod out of the weakened state she was in, indicating her consent of what he was hinting.

"I love how nasty my little slut becomes." He stated while gently turning her over onto her back.

He peered over his wife in her sexual radiance. Her beautiful mounds heaved up and down along with a mild shiver from the orgasm as if she was cold. On his knees he positioned himself with his manhood hovering above of her face, the bottom of his sack brushed against her soft plush lips causing a feel good shock throughout his groin.

"Open your mouth my love." He instructed her.

LaNita did as instructed and opened her wide for him to lower his testicles down into her mouth.

"My good little whore." He praised to her.

Vincent stroked his phallus with a tight grip as he tea bagged his wife. His brain sent feel good electrodes throughout his body, whitening his vision, and his mind to haze once more.

"Shit!" He stated aggressively while he massaged his phallus. "Fuck!"

LaNita took the tip of her tongue and traced it against his scrotal raphe. His abdomen started to tighten again and emit a hard tingle throughout his uretha. He continued jerking his phallus working up to release. His left foot planted near her head for balance as his left hand held on to the headboard for stability.

"Keep licking just like that." Vincent replied in a breathy tone. "Just. Like. That."

Vincent immediately pulled back from her mouth, forcing a small 'pop' to escape from his scrotum. against her mouth as he released his seamen in her mouth, on her chin, and neck.

A hard shiver radiated throughout Vincent's body, before it caused him to collapse on his wife he immediately laid next to her right side. His inhales and exhales were deep from his release as he turned on his side to face her. 

"Do you still doubt me?" He asked her.

Before she could answer he watched her swallow the cum she was playing with.

"No." LaNita stated after the deep gulp she took as she stared at the ceiling.

"If I see you do that shit again. My dick is going down your throat." He threatened her.

"As if you hadn't done it before." She shot back at him. "Besides, I'm too tired to go another round." LaNita ended with a yawn.

"Not before a proper bath and clean sheets." 

"Honeeeyyy. Come on. I'm tired." LaNita began to whine and pout. "For once can we just sleep after lovemaking."

"That- my love. Was far from lovemaking." Vincent chuckled with a smile.

LaNita turned to look at him. "If not. Then what?"

He looked back at her laying beside him and scanned the traces of his seamen smeared over her neck and chin. Vincent smiled with pride at the sight of his wife coated in his scent and fluids. 

"I don't know?" He stated as began he to exit the bed and make his way around to bed to washroom. "When I have the proper description for it. I'll let you know." He entered the bathroom and started the shower.

Once the temperature was right he returned to the bedroom to retrieve his wife only to find her fast asleep. He maneuvered her body into his arms and carried her to the shower. He gently laid her in the tub under the warm water. LaNita was fast asleep under his care as he lathered her body with soap. His hand made its way between her legs to wash her genitalia. He tried to be gentle as possible when he cleaned her sensitive nether regions, but his soft touch still caused a lewd moan to escape her lips, and cause her face to writhe with pleasure.

"Still sensitive I see." He whispered while rising her body then moving on to undoing her hair. "I'll make sure to have my assistant set a hair appointment for you." He stated to himself.

After washing her body and undoing her hair. He proceeded to wash her hair and then her face. His large fingers massaged her scalp causing her to relax more and her body becoming limp. Slowly with each deep massage his wife's hair went from a straight silk press to her beautiful tight coils. He finished washing her body and briefly returned to the sleep quarters and changed the sheets and pillow cases. He searched his closet for a button up for her to wear, and tossed it onto the bed. He reentered the washroom, wrapped a towel around her body, and carried her to the bed.

Vincent oiled her body, copped a feel of her thick mounds and thick curves. He pulled her arms through the sleeves and secured the buttons and finished with tying her hair up.

"Last thing I need is you complaining about is your hair not being tied up when you wake up." He stated to her sleeping body with a smile as he tucked her in bed. 

Now that his wife was finished and in bed he proceeded to enter the shower. He cleanse his face, mouth, and body. He exited the tub, oiled his body, and dress in a fresh suit to resume managing his business. As he secured his watch to his wrist he remember he didn't help her brush her teeth. Once finished and now dressed to conduct business he grabbed a toothbrush and applies toothpaste, a cup of rinse water, and made his way over to his sleeping wife.

"Baby, wake up." He gently shook her. 

LaNita turned her back to him with a glare.

"Okay, don't get mad at me when you smell dick and cum on your breath in the morning." He retorted at her.

She turned over with a evil look and an eye roll that clearly stated he was an 'asshole' for his comment but she knew he was right. Vincent didn't say anything and just continued to hold the toothbrush with toothpaste on it and the cup of rinse water. 

"Baby. Sit up so I can brush your teeth and you can go back to sleep. The club is still open and I have a business to run." He reprimanded her.

"Fine." LaNita sighed and did as Vincent requested and laid back down.

"We'll stay the night at the club tonight and go home once we wake and get moving around. Okay?" He explained taking the bristles over her teeth and tongue. "I'll be back once the club closes."

"Uh huh." She managed to reply.

Vincent stood and went into the bathroom to replace the toothbrush and discard the cup in the trash. With his wife now fully reassured and attended to. He felt good to return to work. Before he made his way to exit the quarters he kissed La'Nita on the cheek. He place his hand on the knob and turned it opening the door. As he was about to leave the word to describe what transpired earlier had came to mind. 

"LaNita." He called her name.

"Yes, my love." LaNita replied tiredly with her eyes still closed.

"Reminder." He stated.

"Huh?" She was confused.

"About what we 'did', not being considered lovemaking." He jogged her memory.

LaNita made a quick thought about it. "Yeah." She smiled. "We can call it that." She finished with smile.

Vincent could feel the warmth within her response as he watched her adjusted her position in bed to get comfortable.

"Every now and again I see I may need to remind you who this dick belongs to."

"Nope, I've learn my lesson on letting your past affect our happiness." La'Nita stated losing the battle to her sleepiness. "But if you want to remind me every now and again on your own. I see no problem with that." She ended with a yawn.

"Duly noted. I'll let you rest now." He replied to her, but soft breathing was the only thing reciprocated.

Vincent closed the door to his quarters, locking it, and resumed to running his business with a smile on his face.