Chapter 44

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The day of the beginning of Yuji's training arrived, and he was not surprised to see Agito and Mokichi waiting for him in front of his house. He took nothing with him, since Mokichi had told him that he would not need any clothes or supplies where they were going.

A few days earlier, he had said goodbye to his friends, saying that he would be gone for an indefinite time, but assured them that he would be back soon. This caused melancholy among his group of friends, but they did not go against his decision, bidding him farewell with hugs and tears, on Shiki's part.

Senju, who also said goodbye to him, promised that when he returned, Brahman would be the most powerful gang in Tokyo. With a smile, he bid her good luck, as he believed she would be able to complete this goal. The boy did not notice the melancholy forming in the girl's expression as he turned his back with one last nod and left.

As for Elena, she was not as calm as the others, hugging him like a Koala would hug its mother, crying on his shoulder while refusing to let him go. This left Mokichi in a bad mood all day after they were able to calm the girl down.

His aunt bid him a tearful farewell, hugging him tightly and bidding him good luck, before kissing him on the cheek. Yuji loved his aunt as he loved his mother, so he couldn't stop the tears from forming in the corner of his eyes, quickly wiping them away as he took a deep breath to calm his mind.

He really couldn't say goodbye to Tomari in person, since the woman was on a business trip. This disappointed him a little, but he quickly put this feeling aside.

"All right, let's go." Mokichi spoke bluntly, getting into the car.

With a sigh, he turned toward his house, seeing his aunt watching him with a gentle smile.

'So that's it...'

With a final nod, he got into the car, sitting next to an Agito who was sketching his usual monotone expression, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uh... Thank you for agreeing to be my mentor, master." Yuji scratched the back of his head nervously.

Agito did not speak, just maintaining his position while facing the street. The boy lowered his gaze, clearly embarrassed by the lack of attention he received after his thanks.

"He's not a talkative man, don't worry." Mokichi assured in the front seat, Yuji nodding in agreement.

"Where will we go anyway?" Yuji asked curiously, raising an eyebrow when Mokichi seemed to ignore his question.

"You will soon see."

Agito's voice caught his attention, Yuji swallowing dryly as he realized that whatever place he was going, it would not be a pleasant one.




-----------Yuji Pov---------------

After a few hours of driving, I was surprised when the car pulled into a shabby road, houses and buildings in pieces while several buildings made of what looked like garbage piled up in various places, barely allowing room for people to circulate. I immediately saw the resemblance of this place to slums, but the situation here seemed much worse than a simple misallocation of resources.

As the car drove deeper into that place, my eyes landed on a body of a teenager lying near the road, his throat slit while dried blood covered all the ground around him, indicating that he had been dead for at least a few hours.

"What the fuck is this place..." I whispered, my eyes turning to Mokichi, the man clearly uncomfortable being in that place.

"It's called 'The Inside'." Agito's voice caught my attention, causing me to turn to see him looking out the window with an expression I couldn't decipher.

"It's a zone that the Japanese government has given up trying to save. The law is worthless in this place, and it is known for its environment in which it boils down to 'Kill or be killed. From children to the elderly, there is no mercy in this place if it means one more day of life. The people here won't mind slitting anyone's throat for a plate of food." He explained, my forehead frowning each time he explained about the place.

'That sounds like hell.'

"There are seven districts in this sector, and we are currently in the one known as Rikuko."

Turning my attention to the outside, my eyes landed on a child who walked towards the body of an old man lying on the ground who seemed to be on his deathbed, rummaging through his pockets and stealing some coins as he ran as fast as possible into a dark alley.

What a shitty place. There was no training that would prepare me to see this kind of thing. It is worse than any place I have ever seen in my former life. I could only imagine how hard life was for the people who were born in this place.

"And what are we doing here?" I asked as I stared at various situations that would be crimes in normal society, being completely ignored by the people circulating through the narrow streets, an uncomfortable expression on my face.

"We are here for your training." Agito replied.

"You have 1 year to master this district."

My eyes widened as I heard his words, turning around only to see a boot inches from my nose, my face being hit hard enough to throw my body out the car window, my body rolling on the ground for a few seconds before I regained control and stood up with some parts of my skin torn off and a bloody nose.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted in fury, my eyes turning to the car that was rapidly driving away.

"We will be back in 1 month to see your progress, good luck!"

I heard Mokichi's voice, veins bulging in my forehead as I stared at the car fading from my vision with intensity in my gaze.

"Sons of bitches! What were they thinking?!" I wiped the blood from my nose with the sleeve of my shirt, my eyes turning to the people around, who stared at me with malice in their gazes.

A boy who looked no older than 17 falling into their midst with expensive looking clothes would definitely attract attention. I was smart enough to understand this immediately, quickly letting my aura explode from my body, intending to ward off anyone who thought I was easy prey. This seemed to work when most of them trembled with fear and just went back to their own business.

With that settled, I looked around uneasily, my eyes wandering over the appearance of the buildings that looked much worse looking at them up close.

"Dominate that district?" I asked myself, a sigh escaping my lips as I crossed my arms. "I don't even know how things work around here."

Concluding that standing still would not help at all, I started walking, studying my surroundings more closely.

Like any favela, there had to be an owner who ran everything, the most powerful one who sucked as much as he could from the most vulnerable. It would take me a while to find out, but one year was more than enough time.

"What a situation I put myself in."

Continuing to walk, completely oblivious to a small figure that was stealthily following me, I stopped in front of what looked like a bar, a shabby sign placed above the entrance door.

'Maybe a drink will help.'

As I entered the bar, everyone's eyes immediately turned to me, some of the men in the place staring at me with perversion as their eyes roamed my body longer than necessary, veins bulging on my forehead as I stared at them intensely, the pressure exploding from my body enough to prevent them from doing anything against me.

I certainly wouldn't have minded killing every one of them. Considering the looks on their faces, they wouldn't mind abusing someone like me, who didn't look a day over 17 due to my height and still teenage face.

But starting a fight would only bring unwanted attention, attention that I didn't need at the moment.

Walking over to the counter, I sat next to a tall, muscular man, who seemed to ignore me as the bartender stared at me with disgust in his gaze.

"Say what you want, you brat. If you don't have the money to pay, you can get the hell out of here."

I ignored his look and his disgusted tone, my eyes wandering to the sample drinks on the shelves for a few seconds, before I faced him with disinterest.

"Just bring me a glass of water. Clean, if possible."

The bartender grumbled, heading for a room behind the counter.

Silence hung between me and the muscular man for some time.

"You look like a healthy boy."

This continued until the man finally broke the silence, mentioning something that caused me to raise an eyebrow in suspicion, not answering him.

"I would love to have a body like yours in my collection."

I didn't react when I heard those words come out of his mouth, a tired sigh escaping my lips as I stared at him, seeing a wicked, malicious smile on his lips as his eyes glittered dangerously, his hands moving to touch my body.

'Okay, fuck that shit.'

With a move fast enough that he couldn't react, I grabbed him by the neck and smashed his face into the counter, destroying the wood just as the bartender returned with my glass of water.

"You slags..."

Hovering above the muscular man's face, I stepped on his face hard enough to sink his nose, repeating the process until his face was unrecognizable.

"I will kill every single one of you."

With a wide smile on my lips, I turned to the other men at the bar, all frozen by the scene they had just seen.