Chapter 45

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A few seconds after Yuji had entered the bar, a small childish figure stood in front of the building, her eyes gleaming with what looked like enthusiasm as she just stood there, waiting for something.

With short straight silver hair, and large brown eyes, the figure revealed itself to be a little girl who looked no older than eight years old. Despite her pretty features, it was clear that like the other residents of the place, she did not receive any kind of special treatment, considering her tattered clothes and the signs of malnutrition that made her body undeveloped for her real age.

"Incredible." Whispering faintly, the little girl stared at the door Yuji had passed through just a few minutes ago, remembering what she had just seen moments before.

When Yuji was thrown out of the car, the little girl immediately focused her attention on him for some time, until believing him to be nothing more than someone new who would simply be easily put down, she went back to her business, only to have the boy's aura draw her attention to him again, her eyes glowing with excitement the moment he drew the gazes of the people around her away with his presence alone. She felt no fear of his aura, quite the contrary, she felt a sense of protection, as if her body was telling her that Yuji would be able to protect her, as someone somewhere in her memories had done so long ago that she could barely remember.

This ignited something inside the girl, who despite all the rationality in her mind developed from years of surviving in that place telling her that she shouldn't, she followed him, hope kindled in her heart.

As much as her mind had matured due to the environment she was forced to live in, it didn't change the fact that she was a child. Even the smallest thread of hope would cause her to commit madness if it meant finding what she so desperately sought...



A man's body flew by next to the little girl, startling her as she turned her gaze to the man, who at some point collided with the wall of a building.

With the flesh of his chest twisted into a spiral, there was not a single indication that he was still alive, the girl opening her mouth in disbelief as she stared at the dead man, her eyes returning to the bar as male screams reached her ears.

The sound of meat being twisted made the little girl cringe, her curiosity overcoming the fear she felt as she slowly walked to the entrance of the bar and opened the door just enough to get her head inside.

"Wait! I'm not with them!"

The interior of the bar had several bodies scattered in various places, none of them with a single sign of life. The bartender, who was being lifted by the neck by a blood-covered Yuji tried to explain, his expression full of fear as he saw the boy's eyes staring at him angrily.

"I saw it in your eyes, you are just like them, a damn pedophile maniac." Increasing the grip on his neck, Yuji opened a dangerous smile, "So if you don't want to become a meat sack like them, you will answer my questions."

Nodding frantically in agreement, Yuji let go of the bartender, the man running a hand over his neck as he began to cough.

"Who runs this district?" Bluntly, the boy asked.

The bartender, not wanting to upset him, immediately started talking with difficulty.

"Are you talking about the administrators? This is a human trafficking organization. No one dares to mess with their business, or even stop them when they choose someone from the district to kidnap them. Those who try anything are easily killed by the organization's elite." Rubbing his neck, the bartender explained, sweat beading down his forehead as he watched Yuji's expression.

Frowning at this, Yuji let out a sigh.

'Instead of a group of maniacs, I end up with a human trafficking organization... That's going to be a problem, but I can certainly take this organization apart if I play my pieces right.' The boy thought quickly, his eyes landing on the bartender, who froze at the sight of him staring at him.

"Where is the main place of operations of that organization?" Yuji asked with annoyance.

"It's-it's a few miles north of here, in an old abandoned factory. The trucks with the people are taken there, so if you want, I can drive you there."

The bartender tried to persuade the boy, but this did not go unnoticed by Yuji, who narrowed his eyes as he realized what the man was trying to do.

"That won't be necessary." He spoke, a calm tone in his voice.

"Maybe I-I can at least help him with something-"

Before the man could even react, Yuji struck his palm into his chest, the sound of flesh twisting before the bartender vomited blood and fell face down on the floor, his eyes devoid of life.

"Your help has been more than enough."

With a look of disgust, Yuji avoided the bodies by the floor as he walked toward the exit of the bar.

He didn't feel for what he had done to these "people," after all, they were all maniacs who wouldn't mind using a child's body for their own pleasure. He could only imagine how many victims they had already made, and this served as even more fuel for his anger, completely clouding his remorse for taking their lives.

'Remorse? For monsters like them? 'Don't fill it up. They are much worse than Kisaki.'

As he left the bar, the sound of footsteps beside him immediately alerted him, his narrowed eyes landing on a little girl who trembled at his gaze.

The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, the little girl suddenly adhering to a military posture while saluting, an action that brought strangeness to Yuji, who did not understand the reason for it.

"My name is Kou Rikuko and I am 11 years old!" The girl introduced herself.

Yuji's gaze immediately softened, the feeling of strangeness disappearing as he gave the girl a gentle smile.

"Oh, it's a pleasure, Kou. My name is Yuji." Completely ignoring the fact that he was soiled with blood, Yuji stooped down in an attempt to pass a sense of comfort to the girl, placing himself at the same height as her. "What is a little girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Kou, who was silent for a few seconds, seeming to ponder what words she would use next, spoke up when her eyes turned to the floor.

"Kou has lived here for as long as she can remember." Spoke the girl, sadness clear in her tone, something Yuji noticed and couldn't help but sigh in exasperation.

'What a shitty place.'

"I see... Well, it can't be easy, Kou, you're a strong little girl for enduring it for so long." Stroking the top of her head in an attempt to comfort her, Yuji spoke with a gentle tone.

He didn't mind doing that. It was a child that stood before him, an innocent soul that didn't deserve to suffer for so long in a hell like that. At least in the time that he was dealing with the "Administrators," he could make life a little easier for these children. It was something he would definitely be doing.

The little girl, feeling the caress on her head, just stared at the floor for several seconds, a small smile taking over her lips as her eyes sparkled when a lost memory suddenly popped into her mind.

Raising his head to face the boy, Kou had his eyes shining with determination, this serving to surprise Yuji for a moment.

"Kou wants to follow Yuji!"

