Chapter 90

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"Now let's start the Kengan annihilation tournament!"

In the tournament arena, Katahara Sayaka, daughter of the president of the Kengan association, finally began the long-awaited annihilation tournament, and at her proclamation the audience bubbled with excitement.

In a private room , where there was a wide view of the arena, three old men were sitting together as they watched the commotion in the arena. Silence hung between the three, but there didn't seem to be any hostility between them, since the atmosphere was not at all unpleasant.

"How nice of you to come, Tokugawa." One of them, Katahara Metsudo, spoke as he looked at the old man next to him, a small, balding man with wrinkled skin, but well groomed for an old man. "I know you wouldn't miss it."

"Haha! You know me, Katahara! I would never miss something like that!" Tokugawa laughed. "All the more so since I can see some pretty familiar names."

"Oh... You won't just see familiar names, you'll also meet something surprising, some rather promising young people." Katahara spoke, his eyes moving to the other old man on the scene, Kure Erioh, the patriarch of the Kure family. "Maybe they'll even be better than your champion."

Tokugawa who heard this, was not upset, or at least did not show it, a big smile appearing on his lips as he looked at the two old men.

"Better than my champion? You're making big promises, old man!"

"Old Man?! I'm just 96 years old!"

Erioh seeing the argument of the two, just sighed and ignored their mischief, turning his attention back to the arena.


Lying on the floor of a room, Yuji stared at the ceiling with an unreadable expression.

Surprisingly, Yuji would be facing Mizakuchi Rei in the first round, a troublesome opponent from the beginning, since he was the only one he was unable to gather enough information. The only thing he knew, was about very little information of the Raishin style, which apparently made its user able to literally move like lightning.

From what he remembered of his old life, in what little he read of the Kengan Ashura manga, Mikazuchi was said to be the fastest fighter in the tournament, and dealing with opponents who were too fast was as problematic as facing those who were too strong.

Honestly, Yuji would rather face a brute like Julius than fight a flashy looking emo.

"Anyway, there's no changing that, I have to deal with what I have." Getting up, he stretched his arms before leaving the room, moving on to walk down the aisles of the arena.

The first fight would be Imai versus Adam, and since he already knew the outcome of these fights, he had no interest in watching them, besides, there was nothing to copy from these fighters, so he would only be watching the most important fights, the ones that were worth analyzing.

"And the winner, is Imai Cosmo!"

The referee announced, the audience roaring with excitement. Yuji, hearing this, frowned, he turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.

"And before the excitement dies down, let's get to our second fight of the first round! Da nentendo, Kouno Haruo! From Wakasa life insurance, Akoya Seishuu!"

'Looks like I'll be paying a little visit to a beautiful woman.'


The ability to use one's own internal clock to figure out the fighter's breathing pattern. The timing of a fighter's breathing, is the moment when he finds himself most vulnerable, even if that period takes no longer than 1 second. Hiyama, with her extremely accurate internal clock, is able to see these intervals, and tell when the opponent will attack.

Unfortunately, she has only normal reflexes, but combining her ability with Akoya's monstrous reflexes, as long as Hiyama could analyze his opponent, the two of them could defeat anyone.

At least, that's the way it was supposed to be.

"And the winner is Akoya Seishuu!"

Due to a twist at the end of the fight, Akoya's opponent, Haruo, suddenly put the policeman under pressure with his heavy and fast blows. His change in speed forced Hiyama to reanalyze his breaths, but this proved unnecessary, with Akoya ignoring her as he prepared to kill Haruo.

This sent the woman into despair, but as luck would have it, Haruo's knee gave way in a sequence of blows, which gave Akoya the chance to finish him off with a kick to the face.

"Akoya!" The moment Akoya entered the corridor leading to the arena, Hiyama ran toward him, stopping in front of him. "I'm sorry. I was caught off guard with your unexpected moves, and it ended up delaying the analysis."

Hiyama tried to keep her posture, but it was clear that she was embarrassed by her inability to help him, but most of all, with the intense look Akoya was giving her, she was intimidated by the man, afraid of the decisions he might make because she was unable to do what they had trained so hard to do.

Akoya, seeing the apologizing woman in front of him, stared at her with an unreadable expression, he raising his hand and throwing it toward her face with the intention of slapping her.


" Hey, hey , you shouldn't hit a defenseless woman."

Hiyama, who heard an unfamiliar voice, widened her eyes in dread as she turned her head, she seeing a person she prayed would never meet Akoya, standing in front of her, his hand gripping Akoya's wrist to prevent him from slapping her.

"What kind of cop are you? Do you think you can go out beating up anyone?" The figure asked, a dark aura exploding from Akoya's body as he felt the tightness in his wrist. "You think you're so much of yourself, you maniac."

'Yuji Shinakawa.' Hiyama thought with dread on his face as he looked at the young fighter's back.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you by any chance want to feel my justice?" Akoya asked with murderous intent exploding from his body, him moving closer to Yuji as he closed his fists.

"They say you have the most impenetrable defense in this tournament, Akoya." Yuji spoke serenely, a cheeky smile appearing on his lips as he increased the grip on the man's wrist, causing him to widen his eyes from the sudden pain. "But you can handle my attack?"


Before Akoya could even react, he found himself with his back pressed against the wall as Yuji pressed his forearm into his neck, the policeman struggling to breathe, trying uselessly to get rid of Yuji.

'You bastard! I'll kill you for standing in the way of my justice!' Akoya thought in fury, his teeth clenching as he closed his fist and launched it toward Yuji's heart.


Before the attack could hit him, Yuji easily grabbed his fist, his smile widening as he further increased the pressure on Akoya's neck.

"Let him go." About to pass out the man, Yuji heard Hiayma's pleading voice, him turning to see the woman staring at him with blank eyes, making him frown at that. "Please let him go."

'That woman... What a disgusting obsession.' Yuji thought with frustration. As much as he wanted to rid the woman of this kind of scum, it was clear that she would not disengage from this man so easily, and knowing this was enough to irritate him deeply. 'Very well, I'll stay out of it.'

Letting go of the man, Akoya fell to her knees on the floor as she grabbed her throat and struggled to regain her breath.

"Come on, Akoya." Hiyama helped the man to his feet, she turned to Yuji, only to see him look at her with an intense gaze, a gaze that carried so much power that it caused her to freeze for a moment, before she turned and left with Akoya.

The policeman seemed unwilling to look at Yuji, whether out of pride or shame. Already with Hiyama guiding the man, Yuji's earlier look came to her mind, a small shade of red appearing on her cheeks, before she quickly put the thought aside to turn her attention back to Akoya.

"Damn..." Yuji cursed, he crossed his arms as he watched the two turn in the hallway. "I didn't want to confront him, I just wanted to talk to Hiyama, but that bastard had to try to slap her."

Yuji rubbed the back of his neck in frustration, he glanced at the wall he had pressed the man into, which now sported a large crack. "Maybe it would have been better if I had killed him at once, I'm sure I could deal with the problems this would bring with a talk with old Katahara."

"Ah, Yuji! You were waiting for me?"

Turning when a voice caught his attention, Yuji saw Mokichi walking towards him with Elena and the other girls in tow.

"Yuji! You weren't in the waiting room!" Elena spoke as she ran toward the boy, taking him in a hug that Yuji readily accepted.

"Yuji!" Kou, who jumped toward the boy, hugged him along with Elena, the embrace of the two causing a loving smile to appear on his lips.

Senju, although not very pleased with the scene, no looked jealous, after all, she had already shared a kiss with Yuji, a hug was no big deal.

While Karura, despite sketching a friendly smile on the outside, she was quite upset on the inside since she couldn't hug him as Elena and Kou took up all the space around him.

"In the name of the Kure clan, he will kill anyone who stands in his way!" Interrupting the group, Sayaka proceeded to introduce the next fighter, Yuji narrowing eyes as he looked across the arena. "At a height of 188 inches, weighing 207 pounds, this is his debut in Kengan fighting!"

"Representing Under Mount, Inc! Kure Raian- Huh?!"

Just as she was about to end the performance, her eyes widened as Raian entered the arena covered in blood, the audience falling silent as they stared at Kure, who seemed unfazed by the stares.

Mokichi, who had been staring at the wall for several seconds while a depressive aura emanated from his body, suddenly shook off that state, turning toward the arena while looking at Kure with curiosity.

"All right, I'm going." He spoke, turning to Karura before leaving. "I'm sorry, Karura. I appreciate you being Elena's friend, but this is a fight, and I'm afraid I'll have to beat your kinsman."

Karura, looking at the man with calmness on her face, nodded in agreement as she cracked an approving smile.

Before Mokichi could start walking, Yuji grabbed his shoulder and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Don't take him lightly, go all in from the beginning. This is not an opponent you should take lightly, make sure he is truly defeated." Yuji spoke with a serious tone, this causing Mokichi to crack a smile and if headed towards the arena.

"Good luck, master."