Chapter 91

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____Mokichi Pov____

"It's time to introduce your opponent!" Entering the arena, I listened to the announcer begin, my smile widening as I listened to the cheering from the audience. "Straight from Great Britain ! Victory is the only thing in your beautiful blue eyes!"

I rolled my eyes at that statement. Who would write something like that?

"With the providences of God as his shield, the holy warrior moves forward! At 189 centimeters tall and weighing 99kg, he has a record of 48 wins and no losses! With a total acquired assets of 708 million yen."

"Representing Sentory, the Terminator Vicar, Mokichi Robinson!"

Standing in front of my opponent, I didn't bother to notice his appearance. The only thing on my mind right now is victory, and no matter who is in front of me, I will achieve it, for both of you, Elena and Kou.

Turning my attention back to the back, I laid my eyes on Elena and Kou, who were holding their hands together as they prayed. Yuji, who was standing next to them, had his arms crossed as he stared at me with a serious look, a sight I was not used to seeing.

'I appreciate the concern, Yuji. But that won't be necessary, after all, how could a master be defeated in front of his student? No, I won't let that happen.'

'Then observe me, my student. '

'I will show you how a Baritsu master fights.'


____Narration Pov____

"Okay, both of you get into position!" The referee shouted, neither adhering to a posture as they stared at each other.

[Finally, the time for the Elite assassin to face the imported fighter!]

"In your positions!" The referee raised his arm, Raian showing his tongue in an attempt at provocation while Mokichi merely fidgeted with his presence.

Yuji, who was looking at the two fighters with his narrowed eyes, asked in his mind for Mokichi to follow what he had said. Raian, as chaotic as he looked, was the strongest and most promising Kure in the clan, if he used the Kure techniques, it would be a problem that he feared Mokichi would be unable to handle.

Mokichi, unlike canon, was clearly more powerful, but still, Raian was a calamity with a potential equivalent if not greater than Metsudo's own Fangs. If he had the chance, he should end the fight immediately.

Yuji did not want his defeat to happen as it originally should have been.



At the instant the start of the fight took place, their kicks collided with enough force that the sound reverberated throughout the arena.

'He's fast!' Raian thought excitedly, him throwing several punches towards Mokichi, who parried them all with ease.

Attempting a high kick, Raian was surprised when Mokichi grabbed his foot easily, the blonde kicking his knee and knocking him backwards to the ground, but before the Baritsu master could try to overpower him, a knee strike came at his face, he barely managed to block it as he walked away.

"Not bad!" Raian shouted as he exploded toward Mokichi and launched a punch toward his face. "Come on, you piece of shit!"


Just as the punch was about to reach him, Mokichi surprised everyone when he dodged it with a simple movement, taking just one step to the side and immediately fitting a counter punch in the form of a punch to Raian's chin, who staggered from the perfect attack.

'What was that? Did he predict my blow?' Raian clutched his chin as he looked at Mokichi, an excited smile on his lips. 'How amusing.'

Erioh, who was watching the fight along with Tokugawa and Katahara, raised his eyebrow at what had happened, his dark eyes fixed on Mokichi's back. 'That was...'

"That was good! You're not bad, English asshole!" Raian shouted, his smile widening as he took a step to front. "But can you handle it?!"

Exploding toward Mokichi, Raian threw some blood from his body toward his opponent's face, he hoping to blind him to give him enough time to get closer.

But his plan didn't go as planned, as if almost as if he predicted such a move, Mokichi simply pushed the blood away with his palm and advanced towards Raian, taking the Kure by surprise, who was unable to block a punch that landed on his face, blood gushing from his nose as he staggered backwards.

'What was that?! He predicted it again?' Raian showed shock, in his mind trying to understand how that man was predicting his moves before they even happened.


Sweeping the distance between the two in an instant, Mokichi appeared in front of Raian, the Kure immediately reacting with a punch, which was easily avoided when Mokichi ducked over his arm and grabbed him.

"!!" Raian's eyes widened, him trying to stop that movement, but this proving unsuccessful, his body being projected into the air as Mokichi pulled him to the ground in a perfect shoulder throw. 'Damn.'


Due to the angle of the fall, Raian had his face smashed into the ground, causing small cracks due to the impact, his body holding firm only due to his neck while his legs were raised to the sky.

"Forgive me." Mokichi spoke as he looked at the defeated Kure. "I had no intention of holding myself back, rest in peace."

Yuji, seeing this, cracked a slight smile as he saw how easily Raian had been defeated, since Mokichi didn't even have to reveal his Baritsu.

'Pre-Initiative.' He thought, his eyes turning to Mokichi, who was about to leave the arena. 'He has dominated these past two years.'



The ability to read your opponent's intent and attack him before he even moves. A skill as good as [Foresight], but much more difficult to master.

In these two years, Mokichi was by no means idle, training with Kanoh Agito himself to master such a technique. Normally, it would take a person several years to master it, and several more years to be able to use it in a fight, but Mokichi, like the Kure, also came from a lineage of warriors, although there was no gene selection like them, but still, his lineage granted him tremendous talent, which made it possible for Mokichi to learn the technique and use it in combat in just two years.

So what happens when an excellent Baritsu master masters the ability to read his opponents?

He becomes a monster.



Mokichi frowned as an explosion came from his back, he quickly turned around to see something that momentarily shocked him.

'It was a perfect throw, so how...' Disbelieving, Mokichi stared at the man he swore he had defeated with intensity. 'Then how did he get up?'

What can a monster do against a demon ?

"A fair fight, an honest fight? Fuck it!" Raian shouted, the veins of his body bulging in his skin that took on a violet hue. "I don't give a shit about that kind of shit. I don't like fighting."

Mokichi raised his guard when a powerful killing intent exploded from Kure, his eyes narrowing when he realized that that form was very similar to Yuji's .

"I like to dominate anyway!" Raian roared, a powerful pressure exploding from his body uncontrollably. "And now, it's time to dominate you!"


"Uh?" Raian raised an eyebrow as a smile appeared on Mokichi's lips, confusion taking over his expression for a moment when the blond held back a laugh.

"Dominate me, eh?" Mokichi spoke with serenity in his voice, his thin eyes opening to face his opponent.

"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen."