Chapter 117

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____Yuji Pov____

While the title of Metsudo's Fangs candidate gave me enough freedom to travel the world to train, it did not exempt me from my duties as a bodyguard, at least while I was in Japan. Therefore, I should be properly informed of any problems that were happening on the island, so that should something happen, I would know exactly what to do.

At first, I didn't think anything so alarming was happening, after all, who would be foolish enough to invade the island of one of the most powerful men in the country? Especially when such an important event was taking place? There were many world leaders watching the tournament, and whoever was invading the island could easily become an enemy of the greatest powers on the planet.

But I was completely wrong in thinking that.

A tanker with enough tracks to deduce that it had been crewed by at least 100 passengers had been found anchored on one of the island's beaches.

This wasn't like power-hungry businessmen trying to continue in the tournament by cheating, no... This was something bigger, that could easily affect all of Japan. That is if nothing happened to the leaders of the other countries.

I trusted the island's bodyguards, after all, I had trained with many of them myself, and I knew that most, if not all, could stand up to most enemies that stood in their way. But the idea of causing a world-scale war due to an uncontained invasion was quite worrying.

When I learned all this information, I immediately volunteered to go on patrol with the bodyguards, since I knew that with my senses and ability to sense auras, I could easily find the invaders.

But old Metsudo was stubborn, telling me to stay off patrols so that I could rest properly for the second round of the tournament.


"Leave me out? If I join the patrols, we can easily find the invaders!" I spoke with a serious tone, my brow furrowing as I looked at Iwaki, the person in charge of the search operation for the invaders.

"That was a direct order from our master. You, as a fighter, must not directly interfere with the operation, and you must rest properly." Iwaki spoke, making it clear that this was an unchanging order. "Our master said that working as a bodyguard and fighting is a great disadvantage, and he does not wish that to happen."

I pinched the tip of my nose listening to him. I couldn't even fight this argument, since although Kanoh worked as a bodyguard and fighter at the same time, he only stood guard, not participated in patrols or other bodyguard duties.

"Okay." I simply accepted. As much as I was still a little worried, my future knowledge gave me an assurance that the tournament would end well in the end.

Probably old Katahara had countermeasures for that kind of situation... At least that's what I hope he had

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Iwaki staring at me with a serious look.

"I know you are worried, Yuji. But trust the power of the bodyguards." He spoke with determination in his eyes, me nodding in agreement as I ran a hand over the back of my neck. "Besides..."

I raised my eyebrow as I heard him continue, my vision turning back to him to see him giving me a thumbs up as a friendly smile appeared on his lips.

"We're sorry for messing up your evening with that girl, you can come back now."


Suddenly I feel like punching him in the face.


Returning to the present, I decided to entrust the problem with the invaders to the bodyguards, since besides not having much choice, this was the best decision, after all, as much as I had an almost supernatural stamina and was confident that I could face 100 people at the same time, this would only serve to tire me out for the next fights, and if I wanted to face someone like Kuroki Gensai, being at my 100% was the minimum.


"Yuji, come swim with us!"

Today the sun is perfect for a beach.

Turning towards the sea, I could see Elena and Karura waving at me, a smile appearing on my lips as I crossed my arms.

Today was a rest day, as after the first round, a day off is given to the fighters so that they can prepare for the second round. The tournament is scheduled to take place in 5 days.... Actually, there is nothing that can change this, and regardless of what happens, it should be finished in 5 days.

On the second and fourth day, there is a break, as on the fifth day, the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals are held, which is extremely exhausting for the fighters. Even I imagine myself arriving at the finals with just enough strength to stand, since I have two calamities in my way.

'Honestly, I hope Gaolang can do a lot of damage to Kanoh, since I certainly won't come out of my fight against Gensai unscathed.' I sighed, my vision wandering along the beautiful beach, occasionally stopping at Karura and Elena, who were wearing rather attractive bikinis.

As for my thoughts related to my fight against Gensai, I was by no means being pessimistic, in fact, I am sure I can beat him, but to come out unscathed is a thought I cannot have, since just from the man's aura, I knew he was stronger than me.

I would even have to find a way to turn my wounds into an advantage.

"Aren't you going swimming?"

Snapping out of my thoughts when a voice sounded beside me, I turned to see a Senju girl wearing a beautiful black bikini that immediately caught my attention. The girl had a slight blush that seemed to increase with each second, which only served to make her even more beautiful.

Senju is beautiful, of that I have no doubt.

"Sure, come on." I took a few seconds to respond, cracking a smile as I held the girl's hand and guided her toward the sea, ignoring how embarrassed the girl looked.

I could be training at a time like this, but... Moments of peace like this after so long...

I really needed that.
