Chapter 171

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Known for its extensive list of talents revealed to the world, South Korea is a highly respected country among world powers.

With its unique method of education, the country seeks to bring out the best in each young person, with the intention of revealing their talents.

But while the country sought to reveal the genius of its young people in countless areas, there was one that received considerably more investment.

Martial Arts.

As a country that loves martial arts, the discipline is entirely intertwined with education, with even schools dedicated entirely to teaching combat.

With this system of education having been in place for a few decades, teenagers of the new generation are already completely accustomed to this unique education, making it normal for young people to know a martial art.

This, as expected, led to problems with bullies, but this was easily solved with discipline programs set up by the government, as well as initiatives by the students themselves.

There was still a lot of bullies in Korean society, but compared to previous years, it was much better.

As a country that cultivated martial arts, it was normal for strong individuals to be scattered throughout the territory.

Hidden talents, overwhelming forces, true geniuses.

There were all of them and more in this country. 

That's why it was normal for foreigners to visit to test their strength.

But it was already common knowledge that they wouldn't get very far. Perhaps they would reach a level that could place them in the greatness, but never before had one of them been able to sit on the throne.

Because when they reached greatness, they found much bigger monsters waiting for them.

At least, that's how it was.

But there was someone different.

A powerful figure, who stood out among the powerful, someone who, despite being in the country for some time, hadn't made a point of trying to rise to the top.

Someone who, even though he didn't want to, had made his presence known among those at the top.

A person who, at this point, was even stronger than the period when he messed up an entire territory of Korea.

The strongest teenager ever to set foot on Korean soil.

Yuji Shinakawa.




In a dimly lit room, two figures stared at each other without looking away, in an uncomfortable silence that was everywhere.

"Was this presentation really necessary, Eugene?" With the dim lighting revealing his face, the figure turned out to be Charles Choi, the CEO of HNH Group and the man primarily responsible for the creation of the Four Major Crews

Eugene, listening to him, only adjusted the glasses on his face as he cleared his throat.

"I thought it was appropriate, although I agree it was strange." Eugene turned to look out of the living room window, leaving Charles Choi staring at his back.

"It seems to me that you've done a lot of research on this boy."

"That's normal, after all, it's not often that someone strong enough to defeat Gun and Goo on the same day suddenly appears."

Charles remained silent, his eyes narrowing as he realized how calm Eugene had seemed at the mention of this fact.

"And what are you thinking of doing?"


Eugene remained silent. For a moment, he thought about simply saying what he would do to the man in front of him, but he knew that Charles was strong, strong enough to finish him off before he could think of escaping.

But in any case, it was almost certain that Charles already knew his intentions.

That was why he had called him to that place, so that he could intimidate him. But Eugene was no longer his 16-year-old self.

He now had power, enough power to go against Charles. What's more, he had his own pawns, his own Gun and Goo.

He no longer feared Charles Choi.

"No, you don't have to tell me." 

Eugene, who once again heard the old man's voice from behind him, turned to see him standing in front of him, his body casting a shadow that covered the younger man's short stature.

"Don't try to go against me, kid." Charles spoke imposingly, which caused Eugene's eyes to widen for a moment, before returning to normal in his calm expression. "You're not going to make it."

"That's not for you to decide." 

Passing the man, Eugene walked calmly to the door leading out of the room, stopping in front of it and turning his face to look at Charles.

"We seem to have the same idea, don't we? But which of us will be able to complete it first?" Eugene cracked a smile, which made Charles frown in annoyance.

"Position your pieces correctly, Charles Choi. Or I might finally take you down."

Opening the door, Eugene simply walked out, disappearing from Charles' sight, leaving the man alone with his own thoughts.

It was obvious that Eugene already knew Yuji Shinakawa. In fact, the underworld had known the teenager for some time, but while they only knew superficial information, Charles and Eugene contained essential information about the boy. 

And knowing the boy's tremendous potential, they both had the same idea. It was only natural that the two would eventually come face to face because of this.

But while Charles could simply destroy Eugene with ease, the Workers' President was still useful, so even with him drawing up plans in an attempt to overthrow him, Charles would let him do as he pleased, at least for the time being.

But faced with that situation, he couldn't let him take the reins. 

That meeting between the two had become the official declaration between them of the start of a cold war.

The start of a cold war, to see who would achieve their goal first.

The "recruitment" of Yuji Shinakawa to his side.