Chapter 172

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Five months, it had been five months since Gaeul had last seen Yuji.

Since then, they had only spoken to each other by text, Gaeul making a point of trying to keep in touch every day, even when she was on a tiring day.

But she knew that Yuji was a busy person, with his MMA career to take care of, so she didn't expect him to be able to answer her every time.

Still, she couldn't help but be annoyed.

"Idiot." Snorting, the girl looked at the screen of her phone as she seemed to patiently wait for an answer. 

Gaeul didn't know how to feel about Yuji.

She liked him, she couldn't deny that, but her lack of confidence prevented her from saying anything when he was still in the country.

So when he left, the girl fell into a deep sadness for a few weeks before finally returning to her normal state.

When all the trouble with Seongjun Baek and Jinho Lee started in Gangnam, Yuji was in Gangseo. It was quite frightening in her eyes, when she found out that Jinho Lee had tried to ambush her and her friends, Yuji destroyed him in a single day.

Jinho Lee had political connections, but even so, Yuji seemed to have no problem bringing him down.

There were no explanations, Yuji had only told her that he would sort everything out and, a day later, Jinho Lee had disappeared and Taesan Ju, the corrupt politician responsible for helping Jinho, was in prison.

Gaeul didn't know what Yuji had done, and she really couldn't care less. Jinho Lee was dangerous, and if he wasn't stopped, he could hurt everyone she loved.

She didn't want that, and she was eternally grateful to Yuji for that.

It was from this moment that her interest in him grew even more.

Unfortunately, she was unable to show her true feelings.

"Idiot!" Grumbling once again, the girl put the phone away while turning her attention back to the street.

Walking through the city streets, Gaeul looked around with a bored expression.

Since Jinho's fall, she and her group hadn't done much with their NewTube channel, which was very disappointing.

Hobin was mainly focused on training, since he had received some lessons from Yuji himself, and convinced Gaeul's father to teach him.

They intended to return with the canal, but Hobin had said he wouldn't until he was strong enough.

And that was four months ago.

"How boring." Letting out a tired sigh, his eyes filled with boredom. 

As she walked quietly through the city streets, the sun slowly began to set, giving way to a dark sky, which, although polluted by the city's brightness, still revealed few stars.

Gaeul couldn't help but notice them, a smile appearing on his lips.

But while she seemed distracted by the few stars in the sky, she didn't notice when a shadowy figure emerged from an alleyway just a few meters in front of her.

She didn't notice when, as she passed in front of the alley, the figure threw his hands towards her.

She only noticed when she found herself being dragged into a dark alley, but by then it was too late.

Because before she could try to escape, a damp cloth was used to cover her mouth and nose.

And her struggle didn't last long when unconsciousness finally left her.

"Target captured."

Gaeul had been kidnapped, and this time Yuji wasn't there to resolve the situation.


"Yuji Shinakawa left countless important people behind when he left the country."

In a meeting room, Eugene was sitting in the main chair at a large table, Mandeok Bang and Yuseong next to him while the main members of the branches were in the rest of the chairs.

"An important girl, and apparently three 'students', to be precise."

"He left an important girl behind? Sounds like an idiot to me." Ryuhei commented more to himself, although he said it out loud.

"Right now, it's likely that Charles Choi has already captured most of them. An interesting strategy, after all, even if he is a monster, Yuji will be unable to find them if he has no idea where they are being kept.

But while recruiting him with threats may work, it's a shot in the foot. Yuji Shinakawa a year ago was able to beat Gun Park and Goo Kim on the same day. Both may be much stronger, but it's foolish to believe that Yuji has stagnated since then. He's probably still superior to both of them."

Eugene smiled as he adjusted his glasses, the lenses emitting a dangerous glow.

"So the moment we receive information that Yuji Shinakawa is in the country, that's when we'll recruit him. I don't know his personality, but considering the victims he's claimed during his stay, I'm sure he won't miss the chance to take Charles Choi down with his own hands. We'll just ally ourselves to achieve this common goal." Ry

"Are you sure he wouldn't go over to Charles Choi's side instead?" Ryuhei asked sincerely, even though his mask didn't give him any sense of seriousness.

"No, because we're going to make him an offer he can't refuse." This time, taking the reins of the conversation, Mandeok was the one who spoke. "The location of those captured."

Eugene nodded in agreement, before adding. "Charles won't give away their location unless Yuji does everything he says for as long as it takes. Instead, we'll find out where they're being held and give them that information on a platter. In return, we'll ask for your loyalty."


The room remained silent. There was no doubt about the president's words, everyone could understand everything that had been said.

But while Yuji Shinakawa's situation was something to think about in the future, there was something more urgent they needed to resolve. 

"Leaving that aside, after all, Yuji Shinakawa won't be in the country any time soon, let's talk about our next important moves.

The capture of the Big Deal."


In the middle of a forest, Yuji Shinakawa was sitting on top of a rock, sweat dripping down his body, while countless destroyed trees could be seen all around him.

His muscles, compared to months ago, were even bigger and more defined, with scars all over his body, from his feet to his face.

After arduous training, he had taken some time to breathe.

But as he waited for his muscles to recover, he felt strange. For some reason, something was nudging him, telling him that something bad was about to happen.

This made him frown, as he could have his peace ruined at any moment.


And it looks like that was about to happen.

Seeing his phone next to him receive a message, Yuji picked it up, glancing directly at the notifications to see a familiar name.

"Hobin? It's been a while since we spoke. I wonder how he's been." 

Grumbling, he opened the message box. But as he waited to receive a greeting, his eyes narrowed as he read the content of the first message.

[Bowl Hair: Something's happened!]