Lilu heard the number but pretended she didn't. "What was that? Can you repeat that again?" Making sure her ears aren't broken.
Percival sighs "it costs 300 million credits to restore a single lost limb."
Lilu lost her color and looked down at Juan. He was still unconscious but he at least seemed stable.
She looked at Percival and decided this was not the place to discuss business. "Let's go back to your office and see if there is some sort of arrangement we can come too"
Percival looked at her up and then down again misconstruing her words. "Ms Casteel I must inform you I am happily married. "
Lilu's face developed a hot blush and she shouted at Percival "ASSHOLE! I am not offering you my body!" Glaring at him now.
It was Percivals turn to turn red. He was trying to deny to himself that when he looked at Lilu it inspired certain thoughts which he was always pushing out of his head.
He simply acted like it never happened turning and walking back to the elevator doors.