The plot... Thickens...

Lilu heard these words, but she was busy focusing on the ranking board. She had started from the very bottom and was scanning upwards to try and find her name. She was not surprised she was above the five thousand rank, as she knew she did fairly well on the entrance exam. When she still didn't see her name after reaching the one thousand ranks she was beginning to get surprised.

When she still did not see her name reaching the five hundred, then again at the one hundred ranks, she was getting wider and wider eyed.

She crossed the fifty, the twenty, the ten.

Finally at rank number five she found her name. Everyone else had also noticed her name in this position. She was the only first year student in the top one hundred, let alone the top ten.

Lilu could feel eyes starting to look over at her and her group. They were all standing together, wearing similar uniforms.