Lilu was holding her stomach laughing so hard.
When her words finally clicked in Macky's head, she also started laughing.
Soon everyone around them was laughing, much to the chagrin of Richard. He was use to it though. It is one of the things that drove him to perform.
He simply stepped into the background letting everyone enjoy their fun. The dean however stepped to the foreground and smiled slapping his chest loudly as he could not clap. "Bravo Lilu, Bravo. You are showing exactly what I want this new school to be about, total dominance of power."
Seems he had his plan to make Lilu his poster girl, and her sorority like an elite training ground. Lilu could understand his intentions, but as they were in line with her own, she had no qualms letting him use her to advertise. She was using him to steal, ahem, recruit new troops.