The quaking continued violently. The very last potion tinked on the floor as it fell empty. Everyones mana was completely dry. They watched at the crystals slowly dimmed one by one. "GET BACK IF YOU CAN!" Lilu shouts, trying to urge everyone that was spent to leave. Several of the casters were passed out on the floor.
Everyone struggled to get to their feet, falling over again and again.
No one could leave.
The crystals dimmed till the last crystal.
The quaking stopped.
Everyone held their breath. The vibrations on the ground seemed to be lessening, like something was moving away.
The male student almost opened his mouth again. The two nearest students clamped their hands over his face the moment they saw him take a breath to speak. They would not have him jinxing them again.
No one spoke.
Everyone was quiet.
They waited.
No one moved, barely taking breaths.