Chapter - 6: Don't Worry, Nothing Is Going To Happen......

When Lunar came to her conscious, she found herself in a abandoned room, lying down with her hands tied. She couldn't see anything clearly and her head was hurting and bleeding because of the bang she got before. As her conscious became clearer, she heard a crying sound from a corner of the room and she turned her head towards the sound and what she saw broke her heart into piece.

She saw Ying with eyes full of tears and his head between his knees, cowering in fear, drench completely in sweat and trembling and shaking.

When she was about to call him, he suddenly raised his head and started to move back in fear, that's when she heard few foot steps proceeding towards her. She turned her head towards that direction and saw three men coming toward her.

"Boss, she looks beautiful I want have a taste of her" said a person who was standing next a man whom he called boss a minute ago. Then he approached near Lunar and extending his hand to touch her face but she dodge his hand and kicked him hard in his stomach. He stumbled little bit back from the kick, and Lunar quickly sat up and started to untie herself. "Looking beautiful but has feisty character....I like it" saying this he again started to approach her while extending his hand, this time it was not to touch her face but to touch her chest but before he could touch her she freed herself and got hold of his hand.

Then she turned towards Ying and said in soft voice "don't worry, nothing is going to happen. Now listen to me, close your eyes and cover your ears. You should not open it until I say so.....okay, my good boy". Ying gave a nod as okay and did what she asked her to do.

Then she turned to the person who struggling to get his hand out her grip and smiled at him politely which gave him eerie feeling. Lunar went near his ear and whispered something to him, as soon as she moved back from his face he fell on his knees and started to plead her for mercy. This whole situation made the other two who were standing back confuse. Then Lunar got up from the ground and let go of his hand and said him to go. As soon as she said it, he got up and turned to run but before he could run, Lunar kicked him in his head hardly which made him to fall on the ground and bleed from all the holes that was present on his body. Seeing that their boss was dead, the other person got frighten and took out his gun to shoot but Lunar was fast, before he could hold the gun properly, Lunar got hold of his gun. This made him tremble in fear. He asked her who she was but she gave him a wicked smile and shot him on his head, and turned her gun to the other who was standing there, seeing all his mates dying in front of him, he kneeled down and begged for mercy. Suddenly Lunar heard the scream of Ying and turned back to see him, because of gun shooting sound, he started to cry but didn't not open his eyes as Lunar asked him not to until she say so. She dropped her gun down and went to Ying and asked him to open his eyes, after seeing that Lunar was okay, he calm down and hugged her tightly. Seeing that Ying was in bad condition, she carried him in her arm and turned to the other person and said "just because I didn't do anything to you, if you try shooting at me after this....I will definitely kill you" saying this she started to walk towards the door.

But the person didn't take any heed to her warning and picked up the gun which was lying down the ground and started shooting at her. Since he never used gun before, he kept missing and Lunar kept dodge the bullet at the best she could. When she went near the door she pulled a pocket knife which was lying on the table, and threw at him which hit on him on his neck, with much effort he pull the trigger of the gun at his last moment and Lunar failed to dodge this bullet and got hit on her back.

All the people who kidnapped them were dead in the building. Lunar, carrying Ying who shaking in fear because to gun shot sound, started walking down the alley. She was walking for literally a hour, searching for a way to get out and to ask for help, as soon as she got out and came to main road she saw a very familiar car, it was Zhan's car. The car stopped near them and very familiar face came out of the car, as soon as Lunar saw Zhan, she handed over Ying in his arm and collapsed in front of him. Zhan asked Jun to hold Ying and bend down to lift Lunar, he felt wet in his hand when he lifted her up from the ground and removed his hand which was supporting her just to see his hand covered in blood, he lifted her to see that she was shot and bleeding badly, then he noticed the wound near her head and her hand, his heart was hurt because of the guilt for doubting her and some unknown feeling.