Chapter 17 : Elders of the Uzumaki Clan

After receiving his own Zanpakutō, Kazuhiko requested his clan members to craft a scabbard for it.

Following this, Kazuhiko made the decision to carry his Zanpakutō with him at all times.

From now on, the blade would never leave his grasp.

This not only allowed him to practice his sword skills whenever he wished, but also helped him grow accustomed to his Zanpakutō.

It was a way to establish swift communication with his Zanpakutō.

Pondering for an extended period, Kazuhiko ultimately divided himself using the Shadow Clone technique. One of these clones was tasked with holding the Zanpakutō.

Swish! Slice! Strike!

He tirelessly practiced.

Repeatedly wielding the samurai sword in his hand, he engaged in constant practice.

At long last, as the day came to a close, the bustling activities were over.

Kazuhiko returned to his abode, the Shadow Clone likewise returned and was released.

Instantly, the weariness and pain that the six clones experienced throughout the day accumulated onto Kazuhiko.

Fortunately, he had prepared for this, yet he still found himself collapsing onto the bed, drenched in sweat.

He was left gasping for breath, his heart seemingly ready to leap out at any instant.

"It's truly exhausting! I knew that managing six clones would be strenuous, but I didn't anticipate it would be this draining!"

"Initial experiences are often inadequate. Progress should be smoother as I take it step by step."

"In the near future, I can likely manage only up to six of these intense exercises simultaneously."

After lying down for a considerable while, the bedding on the floor absorbed a significant amount of moisture.

To an outsider, it might seem as though something dire had occurred.

However, the benefits were conspicuous and would emerge once Kazuhiko recuperated.

The advantages of divided labour became evident as well.

On this particular day, seven personas combined into one core individual.

All the experiences, all the outcomes, were etched into Kazuhiko's consciousness.

Even the Shadow Clone that trained in taijutsu and swordsmanship.

The incremental muscle memory developed throughout the day was manifesting in his body.

"As expected of an A-level ninjutsu, its effects are truly remarkable!"

"The earlier discomfort and pain appear trivial in comparison."

With these thoughts, Kazuhiko paused, his hand brushing the still-moist bedding.

"Enough of self-deception. The fatigue is quite real."

"For the sake of my well-being, even in the future, when I'm capable of producing more clones, I should exercise restraint, employing them gradually."

"I mustn't generate too many clones at once, lest I find myself abruptly exhausted. Young people should exercise caution."

Resolute in his decision, Kazuhiko nodded with satisfaction as he recollected the day's accomplishments.

Soon thereafter, sleep beckoned, enveloping him in the day's weariness.

Meanwhile, as Kazuhiko slumbered, Kiyoshi and several elders convened in the ancestral hall.

These elders bore little resemblance to the typical clan members, lacking the vibrant red hair characteristic of the Uzumaki clan.

Numerous individuals among them sported grey hair, and some even exhibited completely white hair.

Many appeared emaciated, as though a gust of wind could whisk them away at any moment.

Occasional coughs punctuated the air, and a few retained traces of red hair.

Their complexion was pallid and ashen, a trait that manifested when one consumed too much vital energy, peculiar to aged members of the Uzumaki clan.

Most of these individuals were in their seventies or eighties, an impressive span of years in the world of shinobi.

Typically, the Uzumaki, even in their twilight years, maintained a dark red hair colour, devoid of pallor.

Only those who'd expended considerable vital energy, such as Nagato in the future, exhibited grey-white or pale hair hues.

At present, over a dozen elders had gathered within the ancestral hall, a few of whom Kazuhiko had never encountered before.

For those he had met, these occasions were fleeting encounters, often during leisurely strolls, with their identities shrouded in mystery for many clan members.

In their youth, they had dedicated themselves to the Uzumaki clan, investing their lives in its service.

Now, their elderly state bore the repercussions of their youthful battles.

They resided in seclusion within the clan, seldom emerging except for walks on fair-weather days.

Few within the clan were acquainted with them.

These senior figures constituted the clan's elders or clan heads.

They were privy to the Shinigami mask's true purpose.

To them, the mask was a means to their ultimate end: to utilize it in the face of invasion, sacrificing themselves to safeguard their clan!

This was their final wish.

"Ninjas should not meet their end in a sickbed. Meeting death on the battlefield is our most honourable fate!"

Such sentiments genuinely resided within their hearts.

Presently, they were all congregated within the ancestral hall.

"Kiyoshi, is the Uzumaki clan now facing life and death?"

A grey-haired elder stood by the clan head and spoke first.

The clan head,Kiyoshi, nodded, his expression solemn.

"In the past, to aid Konoha, the Uzumaki clan bore substantial losses. Furthermore, with the Mist Shinobi's assault and Konoha's unavailability for reinforcement, the Uzumaki clan stands on the brink of destruction. Therefore, with no other recourse, I deliberated with the elders and summoned you."

"I've always wished for everyone to enjoy their twilight years, but... who can guarantee the presence of unforeseen developments in the event of war?"

"Hence, I summoned the elders to this gathering. Should the enemy become insurmountable..."

Kiyoshi's voice trailed off, a hint of anguish accompanying the second half of his statement.

"If it becomes insurmountable... I implore you, consider the masks!"

"For the sake of the Uzumaki clan's survival, let the flames endure. Let us prevent the annihilation of our entire clan!"

Tears flowed down tKiyoshi's cheeks as he spoke these words.

"As the head of the Uzumaki clan, our predicament is largely of my making!"

Turning away, he faced the assembly, lowered himself to the ground, and bowed deeply.

"Should it indeed come to pass!"

"In the final moments, should it prove irreversible, I beseech you all... to safeguard the future clan head, Kazuhiko! He represents our Uzumaki clan's last hope!"

"I humbly request your assistance. Please, everyone!"