Chapter 18 : Arrival of Mist Shinobi

In the presence of the clan head kneeling, the elderly clan elders, already nearing the end of their lives, felt no other emotions.

"Hahahaha, Kiyoshi, we're already on our last legs, and it's our joy to be of help in these final moments!"

"Ninjas shouldn't meet their end in a hospital bed!"

"Absolutely, you're right!"

"Exactly! The Uzumaki clan faces death fearlessly!"

"Hahaha, this is the way we've always dreamt of departing!"

A unanimous laughter resounded.

Two figures stepped forward to lift Kiyoshi from his kneeling position on the ground.

The elder beside him addressed Kiyoshi:

"Both you and the future clan head can let go and do what you need to do. Leave this matter to us, don't worry."

"Yes, we're all a group of old people, we've lived our fair share of life!"

"When I'm gone, I'll seal at least one Kage-level ninja. They need to understand that the Uzumaki clan isn't to be trifled with!"

"Indeed, I'll do the same. When the opportunity arises, I'll seal away the Mizukag.."

"You're just talking nonsense. I alone am more than enough to handle the Mizukage!"


The previously solemn atmosphere gradually dissipated.

The following morning, Kazuhiko swiftly organized himself for another day of training.

During these days, he noticed that his young follower, Uzumaki Hiroki, hadn't approached him anymore.

Curious, he went to find him and discovered that the boy had also been involved in fortifying the Uzumaki clan's defenses.

Every day, the boy tirelessly contributed to the construction of fortifications, sometimes assisting Kushina in caring for the elderly and the weak.

Seeing Hirokiw ith a dirt-stained face, sweating profusely yet resolute in his gaze, Kazuhiko felt admiration.

In these past days, the small hands that usually fumbled were now marked with blisters from hard labour.

Kazuhiko didn't say much, just placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, advising him to balance work and rest and not exhaust himself.

He reminded him to maintain a healthy rhythm, not to push too hard.

If a conflict emerged, he should promptly take shelter with everyone and avoid recklessly venturing into battle.

Having conveyed this, Kazuhiko left.

Day after day, the busy routine continued...

Out at sea...

"Captain, we're about to enter the waters of the Land of Whirlpools."

"After we enter, it'll take us one more day of travel to reach the Land of Whirlpools."

A Mist Shinobi with a water ripple emblem on his forehead stood at the bow.

He studied the surroundings, ensuring their position, before reporting to the captain nearby.

"You've done a great job, Zanku. Without your guidance, we'd be lost in this vast sea, unable to distinguish direction. We might have gone astray."

"That's what I am supposed to do!"

Zanku snapped to attention and replied.

"Why are you so formal with me? Your father and I were teammates. Before he passed, he entrusted you to me."

Zanku couldn't help but lower his head upon hearing this.

"Captain, why do you think we suddenly launched an attack on the Land of Whirlpools?"

After a prolonged silence, Zanku couldn't contain the question any longer.

"I don't know, and I don't need to know. Zanku, remember that ninjas only need to execute orders... Don't delve too deep."

Just when Zanku thought the captain would ignore his question, the captain looked at him and broke the silence.

"Understood, Captain."

"Good, Zanku. You're talented, but like your father, your curiosity can be both a strength and a weakness."

After uttering these words, the captain turned and left the bow.

Entering the cabin, the captain observed that more than half of the Mist Shinobi lay sprawled on the floor.

Most were occupied with playing cards and chatting, while a few were silently practicing.

Seeing this scene, the captain frowned.

At this point, the captain's tone was not as gentle as when addressing Zanku. He shouted sharply:

"Get up! You lot are a bunch of soft-footed shrimps! You're ninjas, but you're not acting like it!"

"You're disgracing Kirigakure!"



The captain's resounding shout was like a thunderclap, causing everyone to swiftly scramble to their feet.

Observing their hurried actions, the captain's frown deepened.

The nearby ninjas assisted their comrades in standing up.

Zanku also hurried over.

"Captain, many of them aren't experienced sailors, hence their reaction. Please forgive them."

"Yes, Captain. They've spent too long cooped up in the cabin, which might explain their behaviour."

The captain stared at them until their scalps tingled.

After a while, the captain spoke again.

"This is not acceptable!"

"Absolutely, it won't happen again."

Zanku and the nearby ninja quickly agreed.

"Thank you, Captain."

"Thank you, Captain."

The fallen shinobi also recovered, expressing their gratitude.

Seeing their spirits return, the captain nodded in satisfaction.

Only then did the captain reveal the reason for their presence in the cabin.

"Everyone, we're nearing the waters of the Land of Whirlpools, and we'll arrive there in a day!"

The assembled group, excited yet disciplined, remained silent in response, much to the captain's satisfaction.

"Don't celebrate just yet. War could be upon us very soon!"

"You're all aware of our mission this time. Make sure to prepare today."

"Distribute military ration pills, weapons, and be ready. We are Mist Shinobi's vanguard. Once we enter the Land of Whirlpools' waters, conflict may erupt at any moment. Stay alert. Remember, this is war!"

Having spoken, the captain exited the cabin.