Chapter 19 : Beginning of War

Before long, the vanguard of the Mist Shinobi ventured into the waters of the Land of Whirlpools.

By this time, the Land of Whirlpools had already stationed its forces far from the border. These forces remained concealed in the shadows, maintaining a vigilant watch over the surrounding seas day and night. Only those familiar with this sea area would have any hope of discovering them.

It wasn't long before Kirigakure's fleet was spotted. The Land of Whirlpools quickly dispatched a messenger to inform their leader, while simultaneously releasing a communication eagle to transmit the news.

The leader of the Land of Whirlpools, known as Kiyoshi, received the message from the communication eagle. The elders and the head of the Uzumaki clan, Kiyoshi swiftly gathered along the coastline. Kazuhiko also arrived promptly upon receiving the news.

Transforming into a streak of golden light, Kazuhiko dashed toward the coastline. Upon his arrival, he saw Kushina being held by Kiyoshi.

"Brother Kazuhiko!"

With a joyful expression in her big, bright eyes, Kushina greeted Kazuhiko, who had a striking appearance. However, the situation was dire, and there was no time for idle chitchat. Despite Kushina's cuteness, Kazuhiko merely nodded in acknowledgment.

Kazuhiko gazed at the vast expanse of sea in the distance. Kiyoshi clearly understood the situation.

"I request your assistance, Kazuki."

A figure stepped forward from the crowd, his trademark red hair a familiar sight. What set him apart was his single eyelids and a small mustache above his lips, lending him an air of comedy. This individual was Uzumaki Kazuki.

"I'll take care of it, Kiyoshi-sama."

With those words, Uzumaki Kazuki moved to the side, closed his eyes, and began silently sensing something.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at Kazuki's serious demeanor. He then turned his attention back to Kiyoshi, who met his gaze with a knowing smile, stroking his goatee.

"Kazuki possesses a perception skill called Kagura Heart Eye, a unique ability of our Uzumaki clan."

"Each generation typically produces only one individual who awakens this ability, and some generations may not have any at all."

"This ability allows its user to perceive beyond barriers and distances, making it incredibly potent!"

"Indeed, I haven't encountered a perception ninja stronger than Kazuki."

"Kazuki has mastered a wide range of enemy tracking techniques. If Kazuki can't spot them, nobody else can."

As Kiyoshi spoke, a sense of pride in the Uzumaki clan's unique abilities shone through.

"It's truly impressive," Kazuhiko couldn't help but marvel, realizing he had underestimated this elder who had a flair for comedy.

Truly, Kazuki was the perfect scout on the battlefield with his Kagura Heart Eye. While Kazuhiko initially associated this ability with Karin, he recognized that the Uzumaki clan boasted many skilled members.

With the turmoil of the past days, Kazuhiko made a mental note to familiarize himself with the diverse talents of his clan members when he had the opportunity.

Suddenly, a name came to his mind.

"Oh, right, Karin, Karin's mother! Those Uzumaki individuals are brimming with vitality!"

"They can take a bite even when injured, and they'll heal!"

"Unfortunately, there are so many Uzumaki individuals, and I have no idea who Karin's mother is... Searching for them one by one would be an immense task."

"And Karin's mother is likely just a child at this point. Whether she possesses that level of vitality remains uncertain."

"Never mind, there's no use pondering this now. After we secure victory in this war, we'll have time to search!"

"Slowly but surely, we'll reunite everyone."

Setting aside his thoughts, Kazuhiko and the others awaited the results of Kazuki's perception. They maintained a respectful silence, understanding the importance of not interrupting Kazuki's concentration.

After some time, Kazuki opened his eyes.

"How did it go, Kazuki?" inquired those nearby.

"I've sensed them. Clusters of powerful water Chakra."

"They're split into three groups, totaling about a hundred ninja."

"They entered our waters not long ago. Given their speed, they'll be here in about a day."

Kazuki promptly relayed the findings of his perception to everyone.

The group was already mentally prepared, so the news wasn't too surprising.

"These must be the advance forces of Kirigakure. Three ships, over a hundred ninja."

Kiyoshi deduced this conclusion based on Kazuki's insights.

The others nodded in agreement, sharing Kiyoshi's assessment.

"Kazuhiko, should we engage directly?" Kiyoshi turned to him, recognizing that the time to act was imminent. Kazuhiko's plans were to be followed.

Kazuhiko pondered for a moment.

"We'll remain here and bide our time. We'll allow them to come into view before we take action."

"After these days, our clansmen should witness the faces of these invaders."

"Elders, please inform the Uzumaki attack squads to prepare. All arranged ninjas should be in their positions."

Turning his gaze to Kushina, he instructed her.

"Kushina, immediately instruct everyone to vacate their homes and head to the concealed shelters. No one is to leave without an order."

"Kiyoshi-sama, ensure everyone is equipped with explosive tags. They should be ready to detonate at a moment's notice."

"Yes, Kazuhiko-sama!"

"Understood, Brother Kazuhiko!"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

The group responded with resolute determination.

"But remember, no one is to act prematurely without an order."

"This is especially true for the demolition team. Otherwise, it could easily disrupt our plan. Keep in mind that there's a substantial Kirigakure force backing those three ships!"

Kazuhiko emphasized, concerned that someone might rush out and jeopardize their strategy.

"Don't worry, Kazuhiko-sama."


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