Chapter 52 : Alive?


With a tremendous collision, the light bullets and ice needles clashed violently. The sheer force of their clash sent a shockwave that shattered the remaining branches and leaves along the road, scattering them in all directions.

The entire forest was instantly enveloped in a shroud of steam, which slowly began to dissipate.

"Huff... huff..."

The Third Mizukage was visibly exhausted. The sequence of powerful moves had drained his chakra significantly.

"What kind of jutsu is this? Is it a Light Release technique, or perhaps a new bloodline limit?" 

"The Uzumaki clan has been hiding impressive abilities!"

The Third Mizukage's eyes widened in amazement as he carefully observed Kazuhiko in the dissipating mist. Knowing Kazuhiko's incredible speed, he dared not take his eyes off him.

In the blink of an eye, a figure emerged from the dissipating steam, creating explosive bursts of air. Kazuhiko had appeared right in front of the Third Mizukage, leaving the latter awestruck. Even with unwavering focus, the Third Mizukage struggled to perceive Kazuhiko's movements clearly.

"He's too fast!"

Drawing upon years of combat experience, the Third Mizukage swiftly formed hand seals the moment Kazuhiko made a move. He also released the remaining chakra within him.

"Ice Release: Freezing Youth!"

The chill lingering in the air combined with the Third Mizukage's chakra, giving birth to a colossal ice phoenix that blocked Kazuhiko's path. The majestic bird, with its sharp beak and icy aura, surged forward to strike at Kazuhiko.

"As expected of the Third Mizukage! His quick response and decisiveness are befitting of a Kage!"

Meanwhile, the Raikage, covered in electrically charged chakra, closely monitored the situation. The shifting temperatures from the light and ice attacks made him cautious.

"And you, Kazuhiko, you've already impressed me greatly. Do you have any more tricks up your sleeve?"

Kazuhiko squinted as he confronted the oncoming ice phoenix, seemingly poised to consume him.

"Reiatsu Release!"

Kazuhiko's entire body emanated a powerful reiatsu that filled the surroundings. 

"This is... coercion! His coercion is incredible!"

The Third Raikage's eyes widened as he stared at Kazuhiko, overwhelmed by the intense aura. It felt as though he was being stared down by a wild beast, sending shivers down his spine.

The most direct impact was on the Third Mizukage, who found himself engulfed by the overwhelming pressure. Trembling uncontrollably, fear began to creep into his heart.

"What is this? No, I can't back down. I'm a Mizukage!"

With his scalp tingling, Third Mizukage's eyes bulged as he fought to suppress the terror welling up within him. 

He increased his chakra output, even as the potent reiatsu continued to envelop him, forming a massive, skull-shaped defense.

This unique technique, reminiscent of Zaraki Kenpachi's style, created a tangible reiatsu barrier using his immense spiritual energy. It instantly shielded him from all external attacks and radiated intense heat.

The ice began to melt and disintegrate, and even the ground quaked as the reiatsu exerted pressure, churning the earth and stones.


At the moment of collision, the ice vaporized with a hiss. 

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"


The words reached the Third Mizukage's ears just as a brilliant flash consumed his field of vision. Kazuhiko's right leg had been gathering power silently for some time, emitting a blinding light and heat.

The surrounding air distorted, and cracks appeared intermittently. A deafening explosion echoed, as a powerful gust of wind accompanied the air pressure that struck the Third Mizukage. Even the water surrounding the Mizukage's water giant evaporated rapidly, as if on the verge of dissolution.

In the Third Raikage's eyes, amidst the deafening roar, a figure burst through the air, its right leg bathed in radiant light.

"Flash Kick!"

The kick, spanning the entire water giant, landed on the Third Mizukage. In that moment, even before the kick connected, the water within the giant's body vanished, as if a plug had been pulled from a pool.

The soil churned beneath, ploughed by the reiatsu. The ice juvenile, racing towards Kazuhiko, melted away without resistance.


Third Mizukage, sent flying by the impact, crashed into the few remaining trees, creating a cacophonous din as he tumbled into the rubble.


Before Kazuhiko could react, the Raikage swiftly reached Third Mizukage's side, examining the unconscious Mizukage. Despite his battered state, he was still breathing.


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