Chapter 53 : Verbal Battle

The Third Raikage couldn't afford to be careless, as it was uncertain if the Mizukage would survive the ordeal. It felt like a massive boulder had fallen on him. 

Unbeknownst to him, he believed that he and Kazuhiko had combined forces to confront the Mizukage.

He swiftly tended to the Third Mizukage's injuries, using the medicine he had brought with him. After a brief treatment, seeing the Mizukage's calm breathing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Kazuhiko, standing beside him, felt a bit embarrassed as he watched Raikage tending to the Mizukage. "Was I too ruthless? But I suppose there's no room for mercy in a situation like this. Survival is what matters."

Once Kazuhiko grasped the situation, his embarrassment dissipated, realizing that such ruthlessness was often a necessity in a duel.

The Third Raikage looked at Kazuhiko with a complex gaze. He hadn't expected that this young ninja could defeat the Third Mizukage. "Kazuhiko, the Third Mizukage has lost consciousness, so you win."

"Understood," Kazuhiko nodded, knowing the result when his kick connected.

With that declaration, the Third Raikage swiftly formed a hand seal, and a bolt of Lightning Style ninjutsu streaked across the sky. This was the signal to end the fight, as agreed upon earlier.


The members of the Uzumaki clan and the enduring Kirigakure citizens anxiously awaited the outcome.

Fewer than a hundred Cloud Shinobi stood in the middle, acting as mediators and preventing any internal conflicts or fighting from spilling outside. 

Cloud Shinobi wanted to maintain impartiality at this moment, not favoring either the Land of Whirlpools or the Mist Shinobi.

After all, the Mist Shinobi were technically still their allies, and they hadn't officially severed their alliance. As for the Land of Whirlpools, it no longer held the same significance for them.

During this period, it was an opportune time for them to create new trouble and discord.

The previous night, Lord Raikage had discussed a new strategic plan with them. They had revised their strategic arrangement regarding the Land of Whirlpools because it was inevitable that it would break away from Konoha.

Cloud Shinobi wished for the Land of Whirlpools to emerge victorious and desired to plant a thorn in the side of the Land of Fire. The stronger the Land of Whirlpools became, the more Konoha would be preoccupied with them.

It was an elaborate scheme to divert Konoha's attention away from the Land of Thunder. Lord Raikage had conveyed this plan to the Cloud Shinobi.

Thus, they genuinely hoped that the Land of Whirlpools would swiftly grow stronger, perhaps defeating the Third Mizukage and capturing a Tailed Beast.

However, even the Uzumaki clan itself didn't hold that much confidence.

Recognizing this, Dodai glanced at the members of the Uzumaki clan. Unlike the relaxed Mist Shinobi, the Uzumaki clan members wore more solemn expressions. They were clearly concerned about their young clan head, Kazuhiko.

"Don't worry, Mizukage-sama will definitely win. Those little Uzumaki devils are bound to lose!" a Mist Shinobi suddenly exclaimed amidst the waiting.

The Uzumaki clan, who had been suppressed previously, was incensed by this comment.

They had themselves suggested that their young clan head should surrender if he couldn't win, but now, someone was saying that he couldn't win at all!

They retorted, "Humph, we remember someone who got thoroughly defeated by us!"

"That's right! He was clearly defeated, and now he has the audacity to say such things!"

The Uzumaki clan members expressed their agreement by nodding in unison.

"It's just a ploy! The Land of Whirlpools is known for its tricks and deception. In a fair fight, they are no match for us!"

"Indeed, the little Uzumaki devil challenged us with tricks. Mizukage-sama will surely defeat him in a fair duel!"

"Mizukage can finish him off in one move!"

"Perhaps then, he'll cry and beg Mizukage-sama for mercy..."

Various taunts from the Mist Shinobi resonated in the crowd.

The clan head of the Uzumaki clan and the accompanying elder Mist Shinobi exchanged glances but remained silent.

Coughing to gain everyone's attention, the Uzumaki clan head cleared his throat. Immediately, the Uzumaki clan members launched into a barrage of impassioned responses.

"It's ridiculous. If we lose, we lose, but blaming us for using tricks is uncalled for. Perhaps we should have warned you in advance of our capabilities."

"Yeah, Mist Shinobi, always acting so high and mighty but never proving themselves as real men!"

"We have complete faith in our young clan head. Even in a fair duel, you can't defeat us!"

"All these Mist Shinobi do is boast; maybe you should be thinking about where to bury your comrades who were killed!"

The previously calm Mist Shinobi, who had been assisting their elders, closed their eyes as if they couldn't hear the heated exchange between the two sides. 

However, the last comment struck a nerve, especially with one of them, whose grandson's fate remained uncertain.

Soon, even the assisting elder from Mist joined the verbal battle, and the Uzumaki clan head, Uzumaki Kiyoshi, saw no reason to hold back.

With that, the tense standoff was shattered, and both sides engaged in a volley of verbal exchanges. The atmosphere grew increasingly heated as insults flew back and forth.


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