Chapter 86 : Victory?

As Kazuhiko drew the sword from his waist, everyone held their breath. Even the elders of Konoha and Uzumaki clan felt the weight of the moment. Was their Clan Head finally going to use this sword?

Back in the Land of Whirlpools, when Kazuhiko was still only a clan heir, he carried this sword with him daily. 

At first, everyone thought he was just practicing and playing around. However, as time passed, they realized that this sword held a mysterious power. 

Despite seeing the Clan Head with the sword every day, no one had witnessed him using it in combat. It was shrouded in mystery.

When the people from Konoha saw the sword that had always hung at the boy's side, they knew the moment had come. All eyes were fixed on Kazuhiko's sword.

Their anticipation turned to disappointment when they realized it appeared to be an ordinary samurai sword.

Kazuhiko paid no heed to their reactions; he was engrossed in studying the sword. It felt as if the sword was communicating its excitement to him. 

Over the past few days, he had refrained from using the sword in battles, and Senkaihime, the Zanpakutō spirit, had grown impatient. Kazuhiko decided it was time for Senkaihime to see the world.

In the next instant, the seemingly ordinary samurai sword was enveloped in a layer of golden light. The entire sword emitted a radiant but not blinding glow, a warm and gentle light that flickered. 

Small particles of light seemed to dance along the sword, giving the impression that the sword was breathing.

The onlookers were in awe as they watched the transformation of the samurai sword. Kazuhiko's sword was now anything but ordinary.

"It's incredible! This sword was plain before."

"The way the sword emits a different light must be linked to his unique ability."

"Yes, it's an astonishing ability!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen closely observed Kazuhiko's actions. He had a clear view of the situation and commented in a low, raspy voice, "What's your ability? The incredible power, incredible speed, formidable attack strength, and high-temperature beam – it's truly remarkable."

Kazuhiko, hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, considered telling him that there were even more powers he hadn't unveiled yet. 

But he kept quiet and thought for a moment, replying, "This is Light Release, created by merging the thunder and fire attributes of chakra nature. It's a unique bloodline limit of mine."

"Really..." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded without further inquiry. He, like others, believed this explanation, although the ability appeared exceptionally powerful.

Kazuhiko remained silent, knowing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was trying to recover his chakra while conversing. However, he didn't mind.

Then, in an instant, Kazuhiko grasped the sword in his hand and pointed it at Sarutobi Hiruzen. 

Sarutobi Hiruzen, aware that the moment had come, didn't wait for Kazuhiko to act first, having suffered a disadvantage earlier.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

In an instant, four clones appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, who kept a watchful eye on Kazuhiko.

"Be cautious, this is a technique I can hardly control!"

The clones dispersed immediately, while Kazuhiko stood his ground, sword in hand.

"Is Hiruzen going to use that move?"

"He's sure to win with this technique!"

"The Uzumaki clan won't be able to withstand this!"

Danzo, Utatane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura, who were familiar with Sarutobi Hiruzen, recognized the situation and voiced their confidence in him. 

This was Sarutobi Hiruzen's secret weapon, but he only used it when absolutely necessary due to its immense chakra consumption.

"Five Release Great Combo Technique!"

In an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen and his four shadow clones simultaneously formed seals and directed their attacks toward the center at Kazuhiko.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"Wind Style: Wind Bullet!"

"Lightning Style: Thunder Bullet!"

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!"

In a flash, the entire open space was enveloped by five distinct chakra natures, stirring up powerful winds and waves. In that moment:

The flames burned hot, the winds swirled fiercely, thunder cracked loudly, the earth quaked mightily, and water surged forcefully. All five chakras intertwined and converged upon Kazuhiko.

"He's using five chakra natures simultaneously! That's incredible!"

"As expected of the Third Hokage, always surprising us!"

The people from Konoha watched in amazement as the magnificent spectacle unfolded before them, excitement evident on their faces.

Danzo and his companions wore similar expressions. Sarutobi Hiruzen's Five Elemental Jutsu was a unique technique, only employed when absolutely necessary, due to its immense chakra consumption. Additionally, controlling five chakra natures at once could be quite risky if not executed perfectly.

"What will the Clan Head do?" the Uzumaki clan's elders wondered, watching Kazuhiko with anxiety.

Kazuhiko stood alone in the middle, surrounded by chakra from the five attributes that roared as if they were about to engulf him. 

Suddenly, Kazuhiko's overwhelming presence radiated, and it was as if an ancient beast stood before him. Even onlookers felt an invisible pressure in their hearts, as if they were facing a predator ready to strike.

"What an intense feeling!"

"It's terrifying! What kind of power is this?"

"Is this coercion? It must be!"

Spectators couldn't help but exclaim and fixate their gaze on Kazuhiko.

Under the tremendous pressure, even the five elemental jutsus in the distance were suppressed.

Kazuhiko, standing at the center of the maelstrom, seemed unaffected, holding the sword.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, despite having exhausted himself with the technique, felt an intense crisis and raised his Adamantine Staff above his head.

Everything seemed to freeze for a moment. Kazuhiko swung his sword.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's potent jutsus vanished as though a gust of wind had erased them. The earth quaked and shattered, as if a hundred thousand elephants had trampled it. 

People were shocked, their ears ringing and heads spinning. Many collapsed to the ground, bewildered.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had remained still, was now on the ground, and his supposedly indestructible Adamantine Staff lay in two pieces. A trickle of blood ran down his face, and then it gushed like a spring.


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