Chapter 87 : Defeated Hiruzen!


"Lord Hokage!"

Danzo, along with Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, and others, were immediately shocked and rushed forward, fearing something had truly happened to their Third Hokage. This was their beloved Third Hokage, and the was in the heart of Konoha.

Danzo, the first to help Sarutobi Hiruzen to his feet, turned and nodded to the concerned elders. He hadn't succumbed.

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. They quickly ordered, "Hurry, take Lord Hokage to the Senju clan for Tsunade to treat."

At that time, specialized medical ninjas and hospitals were scarce. Most medical care was provided by renowned doctors. In Konoha, the most prominent medic was undoubtedly Tsunade of the Senju clan.

But, for now, they had to stem Sarutobi Hiruzen's bleeding. A massive gash ran from his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth.

Kazuhiko stood by, watching the bustling crowd from the Land of Whirlpools.

"Kazuhiko-sama!" The Land of Whirlpool's people also arrived, standing by Kazuhiko's side.

Looking at the devastation and the severely injured Third Hokage, everyone regarded their clan head with admiration.

Kazuhiko nodded in acknowledgment.

The crowd observed as the Konoha group quickly attended to Third Hokage's injuries, eventually bandaging him up. It appeared that their Hokage would pull through.

With the treatment complete, Danzo and his companions approached Kazuhiko. Their expressions were complex.

They had never expected that Hokage-sama would be defeated by someone as young as this man. It was truly terrifying.

The menacing sword's echoes haunted them. Could anyone in Konoha stand against that weapon? Could anyone face such incredible power?

What was the nature of that terrifying sword? One thing was certain: it had something to do with its wielder's brilliance.

Yet, what about the others? No, they pondered; they had never seen such extraordinary power—such breakneck speed and overwhelming aggression combined.

What kind of kekkei genkai was this? If only Konoha possessed...

With these thoughts, they shivered, realizing that it was impossible. Kazuhiko's attitude towards Konoha was far from friendly.

They should consider the opposite scenario. If Konoha were to engage in a conflict with the Land of Whirlpools, who could guarantee their victory?

Mito-sama? No, she was Konoha's trump card—a Jinchuriki—and had to remain in the village.

What about Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, or the recently lauded Hatake Sakumo, whose swordsmanship was exceptional?

They considered various options but couldn't find a 100% suitable candidate.

Both sides stood in silence for a while. Sarutobi Hiruzen remained in a coma and was being attended to.

Now, Danzo took on the role of their de facto leader. He looked at the Land of Whirlpools group and said, "Your Excellency Uzumaki Clan Head, please return to rest for now. We will discuss matters further once Lord Hokage awakens."

Danzo spoke these words slowly, and the other Konoha elders were about to object but were silenced by Danzo's gaze.

Kazuhiko and his group nodded in agreement. The outcome was clear; they could only discuss the situation further once Third Hokage had recovered.

"Then, we shall depart," Kazuhiko said, casting a deep look at them before turning away and leaving with his group.

Konoha's people noticed that when Kazuhiko departed, many of their hearts seemed to skip a beat involuntarily.

Thoughts that should have been unthinkable gradually faded. Unconsciously, they bowed slightly to show their respect as Kazuhiko departed.

It was only after Kazuhiko and his group had vanished from sight that they resumed their conversation. It felt natural; such respect for the powerful was inherent.

They didn't revere Kazuhiko himself but the strength he possessed. They, too, held greater power than most ordinary ninjas and understood the respect that came with it.

Strength made a significant impact, requiring no words. Show your strength, and others would naturally respect you. Respecting the strong was their tradition.

Everyone was part of this, often enjoying the respect of those weaker than themselves. When facing stronger ninjas, it was only right to show respect.

As Kazuhiko and his group left, nearby ninja muttered among themselves.

"It's incredible. I never expected Hokage-sama to be defeated..."

"To possess such remarkable strength at such a young age, the Uzumaki clan's head is truly terrifying!"

"Yes, this level of power, that radiant technique—it reminds me of the First Hokage when I was younger."

The onlookers agreed. That radiant technique, combined with such youth and overwhelming strength, garnered immense respect from the Uzumaki clan's people.

It resembled the First Hokage, who possessed the extraordinary Wood Style and remarkable strength at a young age, endearing him to his clan members.

Danzo overheard the chatter and, when no one was watching, his face darkened, and his eyes gleamed with intensity. "Is he like the First Hokage..."

Thinking of Uzumaki's incredible strength, he had to admit that it rivaled the legendary First Hokage. However, Kazuhiko was not a Konoha ninja; he hailed from the Land of Whirlpools. Someone so powerful from outside their borders posed a threat.

"It seems that Hiruzen's previous proposal must continue. This competition brings more benefits than we initially thought. At the very least, we now know his abilities and can prepare accordingly."

"This time, we must devise a foolproof solution. We need to deal with Kazuhiko as quickly as possible. Otherwise, in a few years, when he reaches his full potential, it will be a significant problem for Konoha."

With these thoughts, Danzo quickened his pace, heading back to the Hokage Building. He needed to carefully select the next candidates, one by one...


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