Chapter 91 : Sage Katsuyu!

Mito also gazed expectantly at Kazuhiko, but Kazuhiko hesitated when it came time to sign the contract.

It wasn't that Kazuhiko was concerned about Mito trying to deceive him or that the Summoning beast had unfavorable terms in the contract. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the elderly woman before him with a sense of respect.

"Grandma Mito, this is the Senju clan's Summoning beast contract. Will it cause you any trouble if I sign it?"

Mito, who had been surprised by Kazuhiko's sudden hesitation, smiled even more kindly upon hearing his words and reassured the young boy.

"Don't worry, kid. This scroll was left to me by my husband. I have the authority to choose who can sign it. The Hokage cannot intervene. Come on, sign it quickly, or you'll have to bite your finger again."

As she said this, Mito momentarily exuded a strong presence, but it quickly faded.

Kazuhiko was momentarily taken aback by this, feeling somewhat uneasy at the mention of Mito's sudden display of power. However, he soon realized that Mito had been one of the leaders of Konoha before her seclusion. 

During that time, she had often taken charge of Konoha's affairs in the absence of the First and Second Hokage. 

While she had been a formidable leader in her youth, the years of seclusion had softened her, leaving behind only the warmth and tranquility of an elderly woman.

"Very well," Kazuhiko replied, putting his hesitation behind and writing his name in the final space of the contract. He then bit his other finger and pressed his handprint beneath his signature.

"It's done!" Mito exclaimed, picking up the scroll and double-checking to ensure that it had been signed properly.

"Kazuhiko, the Summoning jutsu's hand signfor Sage Katsuyu is Boar - Dog- Bird-Monkey, remember it," Mito reminded, handing the scroll to Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko accepted it, but with some doubt in his voice. 

Mito said, "The scroll's signing limit has been reached and is now useless. If you don't mind, I'd like to give it to you as a keepsake, Kazuhiko."

Kazuhiko chuckled and continued, "Of course, I have no objections. This scroll contains the signatures of many renowned ninjas. They are valuable collectibles. I can take them back to the Land of Whirlpools as a treasure."

Mito expressed her satisfaction with this arrangement. Kazuhiko's willingness to sign the Summoning beast contract without hesitation showed a significant level of trust in her. 

For the leader of the Uzumaki clan and a country's ruler, there were numerous options for summoning contracts. Yet, he had chosen to trust Mito and sign the Katsuyu Sage's contract without hesitation. This trust deeply pleased her.

Kazuhiko's decision was based on trust in Mito, but it was also influenced by the benefits of the Katsuyu Sage's summoning contract, which would greatly aid the Land of Whirlpools' development.

Afterward, Kazuhiko and Mito enjoyed their breakfast together, taking their time to eat and chat. Mito had not shared a meal and a conversation with someone for a long time, and it brought her a great deal of happiness. 

However, the emotional ups and downs of the morning had taken a toll on her, and she retired to her usual place for a break.

Kazuhiko bid her farewell, promising to visit her more often, and Mito allowed him to leave.

On his way back, Kazuhiko held the signed scroll and felt content with the meaningful breakfast. What he had initially thought would be a simple meal with the lonely old woman turned into something much more significant with the signing of the Summoning beast contract.

This contract would address the scarcity of healing abilities in the Land of Whirlpools, and the Katsuyu Sage's healing prowess was something he greatly coveted. 

It would prove invaluable in large-scale battles, and the ability to transmit information made it even more appealing.

Kazuhiko was pleased with his first summoning contract. As he walked back to Tsunade's small courtyard, he couldn't help but think about her. He hadn't seen her in a while, and he realized he missed her.

But before reuniting with Tsunade, Kazuhiko was curious to meet his first summoning beast, Katsuyu. He hadn't seen it in person and wanted to know what it was really like.

He closed the courtyard gate and ensured no one was watching before summoning Katsuyu. With a few hand seals and a press on the ground, Katsuyu appeared, a blue and white creature about half the height of a person.

Katsuyu raised her head and spoke in a soft, gentle voice, "Young ninja, are you my new contract holder, Kazuhiko?"

Kazuhiko, suppressing his excitement, replied, "Yes, I am your contract holder, Kazuhiko, and I'm the current leader of the Uzumaki clan."

"Alright, you can just call me Katsuyu," she said kindly. "How may I assist you today, Kazuhiko-sama?"

Kazuhiko thought for a moment before saying, "Katsuyu, this time I summoned you just to get to know you better."

Katsuyu responded with humility, "Certainly, Kazuhiko-sama. Is there anything else you'd like to know or request from me?"

Kazuhiko thought for a moment and then said, "Actually, I'd like to visit Shikkotsu Forest. Would it be possible?"

Katsuyu agreed, and the two began to chat and discuss their connection. The blue and white creature showed great respect for her contract holder, making Kazuhiko appreciate her even more.

This interaction left Kazuhiko satisfied with his new summoning contract. Afterward, he returned to Tsunade's courtyard, eager to see her again and share the news of his new partnership with Katsuyu.


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