Chapter 92 : Shikkotsu Forest!

Kazuhiko was somewhat taken aback by Katsuyu's affirmative response.

"Is it really that simple? Are there any rules for entering the Shikkotsu Forest?" Kazuhiko asked his own question without any reservations about his Summoning Jutsu.

"Do not worry, Kazuhiko-sama. Since you are my summoner, you can access the Shikkotsu Forest at any time."

"What about any restrictions..." Katsuyu lowered its head and seemed to ponder for a moment, although Kazuhiko suspected it was making this up on the spot as well.

"Kazuhiko-sama, please take care not to recklessly use ninjutsu in the Shikkotsu Forest, as it could harm the environment. Normal actions are fine."

"Alright, got it. So how do I get to the Shikkotsu Forest?"

"As long as you, Kazuhiko-sama, employ the Reverse Summoning Jutsu, you can come to the Shikkotsu Forest."

"Any time?"

"Yes, you can rest assured, Kazuhiko-sama. You can visit at any time; my presence is always in the Shikkotsu Forest."

Kazuhiko couldn't wait, having heard about the Three Sacred Places. Now, he had the opportunity to experience it for himself.


"Reverse Summoning!

"Pong" "Pong"

In an instant, the figures of Kazuhiko and Katsuyu vanished from the small courtyard, leaving only two wisps of white smoke, swiftly dispersing into the air.

Moments later, Kazuhiko felt like his brain had been spun around in a washing machine dozens of times, causing him to retch.

"Kazuhiko-sama, are you okay? Your first time performing the Reverse Summoning Jutsu is usually like this. You'll get used to it," the gentle voice of Katsuyu reassured him.

Kazuhiko took a moment to recover, and when he looked up, he found himself in a forest with eerie, pale trees.

It was a gray world, with thick white fog limiting visibility to just a few dozen meters.

If it weren't for Kazuhiko's exceptional visual prowess, far surpassing the average person even in a normal state, the visible range would have been even smaller.

Kazuhiko had been resting on Katsuyu's shoulders all the way, and though she had been a small slug before, she had now automatically shrunk to an appropriate size and lay on his shoulders.

Kazuhiko surveyed his surroundings. The world here was covered in mucus, both on the ground and on the trees, secreted by the blue and white Katsuyu's mouthparts.

It appeared sinister and unnatural, definitely not a friendly place.

In the mucus, Kazuhiko could sense a kind of magical energy distinct from Chakra.

"Is this natural energy?" Kazuhiko considered for the first time.

Kazuhiko quietly explored the energy in this place, quickly realizing that it was indeed natural energy.

"Is this the Shikkotsu Forest? What a vivid name!" Kazuhiko couldn't help but comment on the surroundings.

"Yes, Kazuhiko-sama, this is the Shikkotsu Forest where I reside. It may not be a beautiful place for humans," the soft voice of Katsuyu explained.

"Kazuhiko-sama, please keep moving forward; my main body is ahead."

Kazuhiko nodded and, although he was curious about his surroundings, he continued walking, following the guidance of the tiny live gnat. 

Along the way, he discovered that without the guidance of the small live gnat, it was easy to get lost in this environment. The thick fog and peculiar qualities of the forest could disorient people and hinder their perceptions.

Kazuhiko also noticed that his Observation Haki had a limited range in this environment, only extending as far as his line of sight, making it difficult to sense beyond that.

After some time, Kazuhiko came to a stop. He had finally seen the true form of Katsuyu.

In the distance, he spotted a massive dark shape emerging from the thick fog.

Kazuhiko looked up, surprised by the enormous figure that now appeared before him.


Taking a few steps closer, the colossal blue and white Katsuyu was now completely visible.

Just how huge was she?

Kazuhiko believed that her mere presence on a battlefield could halt hostilities between two opposing nations. Whether in the world of shinobi or his previous life's modern world, the impact would be the same.

Kazuhiko, with this massive Katsuyu before him, imagined the devastation she could unleash with a simple movement. Her power could rival an S-rank destructive ninjutsu, and even thousands of ordinary ninja would be helpless against her.

What's more, within Katsuyu, Kazuhiko could sense an abundance of natural energy and Chakra, as boundless as an ocean.

Kazuhiko wondered if he could ever stand a chance in a battle against such a foe. Even her slightest motion would require his full strength to contend with, given the immense power differential. Tricks and strategies would likely be futile.

Kazuhiko's initial shock gradually gave way to a composed expression as he contemplated the situation. Katsuyu had always been aware of his presence, even as he stood there motionless for a while.

"Kazuhiko-sama, please wait a moment while I turn around," Katsuyu said. Kazuhiko began to protest but it was too late.


The ground shook violently as Katsuyu turned around. This level of shaking could be compared to a magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake and was just caused by the gnat's rotation.

Upon turning around, the huge head of Katsuyu emerged from the thick fog, and it bent its head slightly to gaze at Kazuhiko.

Although Kazuhiko was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be astounded. She was enormous!

Kazuhiko glanced at the cat-sized slug on his shoulder, as if expecting her to meow in response, and then turned his gaze back to the gigantic slug before him. The contrast was astonishing.

The moment Kazuhiko turned his head, the scene fell into an awed silence.


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