Chapter 130 : Uchiha's Invitation?

The following morning, the sky was gray, portending rain.

Tsunade groggily awoke in her bed.

Her wide, alert eyes blinked open, and she turned to gaze vacantly at the overcast sky through the window. There was something alluring about staying in bed during such weather.

Despite having slept comfortably this time, Tsunade lingered on the edge of the bed, retracing the events of the previous night.

"When did I fall asleep last night? Did Kazuhiko carry me in again?" she pondered.

Her eyes dropped down, and she couldn't help but notice the ample space.

"He didn't see everything, did he? Hmph, he must have... He kept glancing at me while sipping his drink..."

This realization made Tsunade blush.

"What was he doing behind my back? I remember waking up briefly in the middle of the night. I recall hearing something about a system or whatever, and then he looked so pleased... After that, I drifted off again..."

As Tsunade mused over the events of the night before, she naturally forgot many details.

All she could recall was the happiness and relaxation they experienced. The two of them talked and laughed, the specifics lost in the haze of the evening, but the joy lingered.

This reminiscence sparked a budding feeling in Tsunade's heart, akin to a spring sprout on the verge of breaking through the soil, an indescribable emotion resonating within.

Just as Tsunade contemplated lying down for a bit longer, the aroma of delicious miso soup wafted in.

Her body's various functions seemed to awaken instantly, especially her stomach, which seemed to be incessantly shouting "hungry."

Tsunade promptly rose, tidied up hastily, reconsidered, adorned herself, and swung the door open, fully aware that someone awaited her outside for breakfast.

At a glance, Kazuhiko had already set everything up, sitting on the stone bench patiently.

"Wake up, I figured you'd be hungry around this time."

On the table lay her favorite miso soup and tender chicken. Kazuhiko, now clad in his favored white robe, his fiery red hair dancing in the wind, sat there, ready to share breakfast with Tsunade.

Observing Kazuhiko, who had prepared everything, Tsunade felt a happiness that extended beyond knowing he waited for her. Seeing him, she couldn't help but feel joy in her heart.

Hurriedly, Tsunade approached. At this moment, her long, light yellow hair was often arranged in a large ponytail.

On her forehead, the bluish-purple imprint of the Hundred Healings Mark, pale yellow slender eyebrows, bright brown pupils, and pale red lips gave her a mature and plump appearance, a glimpse into the future.

At least, that's how Kazuhiko perceived it. He seemed stunned, as if he witnessed the most mature Tsunade after many years.

Tsunade noticed this and, although pleased, remained silent.

"Hee hee, it seems he appreciates my sense of style. Perhaps I should dress like this more often in the future..."

Kazuhiko looked at Tsunade, who had settled beside him, arranged the table and chopsticks, and said, "Eat. I asked the household servant; this is your favorite miso soup and tender chicken."

With that, the two commenced their breakfast. Tsunade, with a composed expression, looked at Kazuhiko. However, as the most powerful medical ninja in the ninja world, her perceptiveness was top-notch.

I'll do my best to provide a revised and readable version of the text:

She sensed that Kazuhiko was in high spirits, his joy not confined to the simple pleasure of sharing breakfast with her.

Tsunade scrutinized Kazuhiko's face, attempting to fathom why he radiated newfound happiness after the night.

After a moment, a spontaneous comment escaped her lips, "So handsome!"

Observing Tsunade's prolonged gaze, Kazuhiko, somewhat unsure, touched his face, "Is there something on my face that you're staring at me like this?"

Only then did Tsunade regain her composure, her face flushing, "No, it's just that you seem exceptionally happy this morning. Is there a reason for this joy?"

Kazuhiko was taken aback by Tsunade's words, "Is it that obvious? I've always been happy..."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow confidently, "Well, your happiness now is different from before. It's like... It's like..."

Frowning, Tsunade searched for the right words to convey her thoughts.

"It's as if a problem that has haunted you for years has been resolved!" Kazuhiko interjected.

He continued, "I am genuinely happy today. Last night, the fog in my mind lifted, and I now know the direction for my future."

Observing Kazuhiko looking ahead, speaking with newfound assurance, Tsunade saw him as high-spirited and fearless, radiating a unique charm.

She understood that the previous night had been significant for Kazuhiko, even if she wasn't privy to the specifics.

Despite her lack of knowledge about the source of his happiness, she shared in his joy.

Regretfully, there was no wine for breakfast, so Tsunade grabbed the miso soup instead.

"Here's to dispelling the fog for you!" she exclaimed, raising her miso soup for a toast.

Perplexed, Kazuhiko hesitated for a moment before clinking his miso soup with Tsunade's.

While they were enjoying their meal, Kazuhiko suddenly sensed two approaching figures from outside the yard.

Sensing them, he identified one as a servant of the Senju clan, and the other as Kurogane.

Why were they coming?

Kazuhiko gestured to Tsunade, walked over, and opened the courtyard door, just as the two visitors arrived.

Surprised by the sudden opening of the door, the servant quickly explained, "Kazuhiko-sama, this is the son of the Uchiha clan elder. He mentioned having an important matter to discuss with you."

Kurogane, introduced by the servant, bowed to Kazuhiko and saluted, "Uzumaki Clan Head, I'm here to invite you to our Uchiha dinner party. Please do honor us with your presence..."


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