Chapter 131 : Danzo's confusion

"The Uchiha clan entered the Senju clan compound?"

Danzo furrowed his brow at the Anbu operative reporting to him.

"Yes, Lord Danzo. I witnessed Uchiha Kurogane from the Uchiha clan entering the Senju clan with my own eyes," the Anbu ninja responded firmly, though they dared not keep tabs on Kazuhiko anymore.

Initially, their surveillance was focused on Tsunade's courtyard. However, after Kazuhiko defeated the Third Hokage, their watch shifted to the Senju clan. Although they couldn't discern the content of their conversations, the Uchiha clan undoubtedly entered.

Danzo gazed ahead, contemplating the reason behind the Uchiha clan's visit to the Senju clan.

It was crucial to note that the Senju and Uchiha clans were the two pivotal families in the establishment of Konoha. Normally, they maintained a silent understanding and rarely crossed paths.

Danzo questioned the Uchiha clansman, "The one who went is called Kurogane?"

The Anbu Ninja responded promptly, "Yes, it's Kurogane."

Danzo had some answers in his mind. Kurogane was a renowned genius within the Uchiha clan.

During the recent incident at the Konoha Military Police Force, Danzo had contemplated using Kazuhiko to eliminate him and the accompanying group of Uchihas. However, Kazuhiko refrained from attacking them.

Later information revealed that the Uchiha clan bowed and apologized upon encountering Kazuhiko. Kazuhiko, without uttering a word, proceeded forward, and they allowed him to pass.

Their apologies were sincere and humble, a surprising departure from the typical proud and reticent Uchiha attitude.

Danzo, upon receiving this information, wondered if someone was playing a joke on him. Were these truly the same Uchiha who were known for their aloofness and reluctance to explain themselves?

Danzo experienced a sense of déjà vu, a feeling of "Why not stick to the usual script."

He understood that Kazuhiko spared them due to their timely apology and genuine demeanor. However, this leniency resulted in significant losses for the Sarutobi clan and the Anbu ninja who followed them.

While it achieved most of his objectives, Danzo couldn't help but see it as an opportunity lost to instill a profound lesson in the Uchihas, especially their talented prodigy.

The genius of the Uchiha has often been swayed by the Will of Fire, but only those loyal to Konoha, like Shisui, are deemed worthy.

Uchiha's true genius rejects the confines of narrow clan concepts and instead focuses on the brilliance of all of Konoha. Such genius is not only fitting but can continue to thrive.

Others are simply disposable, mere pawns. You can manipulate and use the Uchiha, like the previous Kurogane, carefully selected by Danzo for his purposes.

Now, the outcome is better, and the Uchiha have no objections. Kurogane is not only alive but also thriving, and today, he directly visited the Senju clan.

This situation left Danzo a bit puzzled. "He's the one who had contact with Kazuhiko at the Konoha Military Police Force before!"

"And he's the one who first confessed to Kazuhiko."

Danzo furrowed his brows and pondered, while an Anbu ninja knelt with bowed head, wisely refraining from speaking.

He knew Lord Danzo's preferences—no unnecessary interjections. It was best to kneel silently at such times.

"So, does Kurogane have a connection with Kazuhiko? What did he learn from Kazuhiko..."

Danzo suddenly asked, turning around.

"Here, Danzo-sama!" A note was handed over from the shadows, revealing an Anbu ninja.

Danzo wasn't surprised to find others present in the hut besides him and the Anbu ninja on the ground. Apparently, they were already aware.

Opening the note, Danzo read it. "The Uchiha clan held another meeting yesterday?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo. Following your instructions, we've been monitoring the Uchiha, Sarutobi, Hyuga, and other major clans recently."

"Based on our surveillance, the Uchiha clan indeed held an elders' meeting last night. This marks the second such meeting in recent times."

Danzo studied the note, contemplating that the first elders' meeting occurred because Kazuhiko defeated Sarutobi Hiruzen. He knew this, and other clans had various meetings that night.

The sudden elders' meeting yesterday indicated a single cause—the events at the Konoha Military Police Force during the day.

After the meeting, the Uchiha clan actively approached the Senju clan the next day. The Uchiha and Senju clans had a delicate relationship, and without the clan's consent, such proactive contact wouldn't occur.

If there was anything special between the Senju and Uchiha clans lately, it must be related to Kazuhiko.

More Uzumaki clan members lived near the Senju clan. The Uchiha clan met with the Uzumaki clan head yesterday.

Clearly, the key to these events lies with the head of the Uzumaki clan, Kazuhiko!

With this connection, Danzo swiftly reconstructed the sequence of events in his mind.

During the day, the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans met at the Konoha Military Police Force. Kurogane, a Uchiha genius, was the first to apologize to Kazuhiko, the head of the Uzumaki clan. They must have been in contact—perhaps earlier or maybe on the same day—leading Kurogane to discover something.

In the evening, the Uchiha clan convened an elders' meeting. The following morning, they sent Kurogane to the Senju clan to find Kazuhiko.

Danzo closed his eyes, mapping out the entire chain of relationships. It seemed to him that this was the whole story, alleviating some of the concerns in his heart. The Uchiha clan sought Kazuhiko from the Senju clan for a reason.

As long as it doesn't involve the Senju clan, Danzo deemed it acceptable. The prospect of the Senju and Uchiha clans collaborating worried him deeply. In Danzo's mind, the interaction of the two clans was indeed troublesome.

However, Danzo's concern deepened as he pondered the Uchiha clan's involvement with Kazuhiko. Was their purpose still to express gratitude to Kazuhiko for sparing them from death? The details remained unclear to Danzo.

Yesterday, Kazuhiko had shattered the Uchiha clan's expectations for the Hokage position through Kurogane's words. The truth was now known to the Uchiha; the high-ranking officials of Konoha would not support their claim to the Hokage title.

Acknowledging this harsh reality, the Uchiha were no longer willing to play the role of obedient followers. Instead, they sought guidance from the person who had unveiled the truth. They were eager to hear advice on their next course of action.

In a move that served as a wake-up call, Kazuhiko had been invited by the Uchiha to guide them. No longer deluding themselves into thinking that blind loyalty would guarantee reward or the Hokage title, they were now open to different perspectives.

Given the intricate relationship between Kazuhiko and the Uchiha, the clan sought to understand his thoughts and opinions. However, Danzo, entrenched in his view of the Uchiha as subservient, failed to grasp that this old "licking dog" was no longer willing to play that role.

Danzo also desired counsel from those around him on how to proceed when this allegiance was no longer offered willingly.


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