Chapter 139 : Jiraiya's Practice!

Upon hearing Toad Fukasaku's words, Jiraiya pondered for a moment. Returning to Konoha alone wouldn't be of much help now. Despite being a Jōnin of Konoha, facing such a formidable adversary might render him powerless.

Going back to Konoha immediately and informing his teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen, about the peculiar dream from the Great Toad Sage was a daunting prospect. 

Jiraiya couldn't assure the authenticity of the dream, let alone convince the Hokage to believe it. Even if the Hokage were to believe him, searching for a needle in a haystack within the vast Land of Fire was no small task.

Starting with Konoha itself posed significant challenges, not to mention the risk of alienating people by prying into their personal affairs, especially the details of their everyday life.Even with the Third Hokage as his teacher, such actions could be perceived as offensive.

Considering all these factors, Jiraiya decided to handle it discreetly. It was better not to disclose the information at the beginning and silently search for clues. Moreover, at this point, Jiraiya felt uncertain about finding any leads in such a vast country as the Land of Fire.

Toad Fukasaku reassured Jiraiya, suggesting they follow his advice and focus on improving Jiraiya's strength first. They left the main hall and headed to the practice area, where Toad Fukasaku provided Jiraiya with tools to enhance his Sage Mode, including a black stick designed to prevent side effects and toad oil that sensed natural energy.

"Go ahead, little Jiraiya!"

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko and Tsunade enjoyed a meal together at Akamichi's yakiniku restaurant. Although Kazuhiko had thoughts about Uchiha Madara, he chose not to reveal them to Tsunade at this time, not wanting to burden her.

Tsunade recommended the yakiniku restaurant, and after trying the food, Kazuhiko found it truly delightful despite the higher price. The meal lifted his spirits, making him a bit happier.

After dining, they continued their outing, reaching an upscale clothing store. Tsunade expressed interest in shopping for clothes, and Kazuhiko, though having nothing to buy, agreed to accompany her.

Inside the store, they unexpectedly encountered an acquaintance, Kurogane. Recognizing the Konoha shinobi with a forehead protector, Kazuhiko greeted him. 

Kurogane promptly saluted and introduced a gentle woman accompanying him to the head of the Uzumaki clan, Kazuhiko, and Princess Tsunade.

"Esteemed Clan Head and Princess Tsunade, allow me to introduce my... my good friend, Sia. I'm here to lend a hand!"

As he spoke, a crimson hue painted his face, and he lowered his head, occasionally glancing at Sia. Kazuhiko and Tsunade quickly discerned the situation and, despite the unexpected encounter, found it intriguing.

"Miss Sia, are you the proprietor of this establishment?"

Clearly aware of the reputation of the two visitors—Princess Tsunade of the Senju clan and the recently renowned Kazuhiko—Sia responded with a touch of embarrassment:

"No, no, this is not my shop. I'm just here to assist."

Kazuhiko and Tsunade exchanged glances. "Ah, I see. You're here to help manage the store, and Kurogane is assisting you... tsk tsk tsk..."

Their playful remarks elicited blushes and lowered heads. Kazuhiko half-expected steam to rise from their faces any moment. However, having witnessed significant events, Kurogane swiftly intervened, stating, "Clan Head and Princess Tsunade, what items are you interested in? Sia can guide you."

Sia, relying on her robust professionalism, responded promptly and began introducing the store's clothing to Kazuhiko.

The store featured a variety of garments—ninja attire, yukatas, casual clothing, and even the distinctive sports attire worn by Might Guy. Furthermore, there were accessories, though fewer in number compared to the previous store, including splendid masks and earrings that complemented the clothing, radiating a captivating charm.

"Princess Tsunade, how do you find the attire here? Is there anything that catches your eye?"

Siari was well aware of the primary customers among the men accompanying the girls.

"Well, these are truly exceptional!"


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