Chapter 140 : Tsunade Hime's Gift!

Tsunade couldn't help but admire the attire in the store. She didn't frequent this place because she'd heard it was somehow connected to the Uchiha, so she hadn't visited much before.

Today, with everyone's thoughts centered on the Uchiha, she decided to stop by the store as well.

Tsunade's gaze was fixed on a men's robe, the main purpose of her visit being to buy an outfit for Kazuhiko.

It was a robe with a style and tone that she found extremely satisfying.

The snow-white robe had a straight front, excellent drape, and a wide belt tied at the waist with a moon-white auspicious cloud pattern. It even had a carry-on bag for various items.

Tsunade noticed that Kazuhiko liked to wear such white robes, and she thought it would suit him well. Price was not a concern for her; she wasn't a 15-year-old with a gambling addiction. She exuded an air of maturity.

Simultaneously, Kazuhiko noticed a female kimono—a light green, long gown with black borders, giving it a mature look. The moment he saw it, he imagined how Tsunade would look in it.

The style and tone of the gown were perfect for Tsunade.

Kazuhiko and Tsunade both wanted to buy clothes from the wall—a green gown for women and a white robe for men.

Men were interested in women's gowns, and women were interested in men's robes.

Kazuhiko and Tsunade said in unison, "Help me take down that gown (robe) and have a look."

They turned to each other, both delighted by their unanimous understanding.

Sia on the side looked at the two with playful eyes, quickly taking off the clothes mentioned by Kazuhiko and Tsunade.

Kazuhiko was satisfied with the gown, then went to Tsunade, saying, "By the way, I've been in your courtyard for so many days and haven't paid rent."

"This time, I bought this gown as a gift for you, Tsunade. You can't dislike it."

Tsunade noticed the pale green gown in Kazuhiko's hand and liked it.

"Alright, if you have a good eye, consider this your rent."

After speaking, Tsunade handed over the robe in her hand.

Kazuhiko hadn't examined it closely yet.

They paid directly at the door, mutually agreeing not to have the clothes delivered but to take them home themselves.

Tsunade handed the packaged robe to Kazuhiko next to her.

"This is the robe I bought for you. I think it suits you very well. Go back and try it."

Kazuhiko also picked up the long gown in front of him. "This is also the gown I bought for you. Please accept it!"

Thus, the two exchanged their gifts directly.

Ready to leave, Kazuhiko suddenly remembered Tsunade's graceful figure in a kimono from the previous night when they were drinking.

"Wait for me here."

Kazuhiko walked directly into the clothing store, leaving Tsunade with a curious gaze.

Tsunade chose not to enter and waited patiently at the door until Kazuhiko emerged. At that moment, Kazuhiko had an extra bag, its contents concealed from Tsunade's view.

Assuming it was just some additional clothing Kazuhiko purchased for the clan, the two strolled back gradually, eventually returning to Tsunade's modest courtyard. Once the courtyard door closed, Tsunade prepared to retire to her home, intending to stow away all the items bought during the day.

However, Kazuhiko halted her, saying, "Wait, Tsunade, I have something for you." Under Tsunade's curious gaze, Kazuhiko's face grew slightly warm. Despite his embarrassment, he slowly pulled out a piece of clothing from the bag.

It turned out to be a simple, pure white women's kimono with golden moiré strokes along the edges and various blue and white prints on the hem. Tsunade's face turned crimson upon receiving the kimono from Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko recalled the scene when he went back to the store to buy the kimono. Upon seeing Sari and Kurogane, Kazuhiko directly asked, "Do you have any good-looking female kimonos here?"

Sia and Kurogane were surprised and warned, "Your Majesty, you can't give a kimono to the opposite sex casually. If a boy gives it to a girl, it means a proposal."

Kazuhiko was taken aback, not realizing that giving a kimono had such significance. However, the image of Tsunade in a kimono, as well as the robe Tsunade had given him, prompted him to decide quickly. Tsunade was still waiting for him outside, so he nodded and said, "I understand, take me to see it."

Kazuhiko chose a kimono with a white gilt border. Imagining Tsunade in this attire, he paid for it, had it packed, and went outside. Along the way, Kazuhiko's heart pounded as he contemplated whether to present this kimono.

As Tsunade was about to head back home, Kazuhiko couldn't hold back any longer and shouted out. Tsunade, flushed and feeling a bit dizzy, accepted the kimono from Kazuhiko with trembling hands.

Blushing, she stammered, "Kazuhiko... you're still too young... accepting this gift... it's nothing... Don't overthink it... I'm not... I like it..."

Tsunade's head was in a whirlwind; she uttered words even she couldn't fully comprehend but accepted the kimono. As she turned around to leave, her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Suddenly, a word came from behind, causing her heart to nearly leap out.

"Wait a moment…"


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