Chapter 141 : Banquet Uchiha!

Hearing Kazuhiko's words behind her, Tsunade's heart suddenly felt a jolt, and the next moment, it seemed as if her heart was on the verge of bursting.

"Why did he stop me? What does he want? Is he really going to propose to me...!? Impossible... he's still too young... we can't..."

"What if he's really proposing now? This is too sudden for a Konoha shinobi... Is it normal to be a couple? But I can't... It's too unexpected... Am I going to refuse? Yes, I have to refuse! I can't agree..."

Even though she said that, Tsunade couldn't help the pounding in her heart, a hint of joy lingering within, and she found herself unable to resist fantasizing.

"Tsunade, calm down! Don't panic, calm down... Refuse now, take your time... It's just a small scene, it's alright... You can't panic..."

While comforting herself internally, Tsunade turned her head to face Kazuhiko with a composed expression, but her breath unconsciously deepened.

Simultaneously, her smile turned a shade of red, her eyes fixed on Kazuhiko, and after a moment, she couldn't help turning her head away, muttering incoherently with a blushing face:

"You... you have something to say, I have to go back and attend to things..."

Kazuhiko observed Tsunade before him, charmed by her blushing face and the way she shyly tilted her head.

Watching for a while, when he heard Tsunade's words, he too reacted.

He took out a shell from his pocket, the very one Kazuhiko had purchased when they went to the jewelry store together.

Kazuhiko looked at the puzzled Tsunade and explained, "I noticed you liked it yesterday... it looked pretty..."

"So, I bought this when we were at the jewelry store... I thought it would suit you..."

For some reason, Kazuhiko also stammered a little, and as he looked at Tsunade's charming appearance, his heart couldn't help but beat faster.

When Tsunade heard Kazuhiko's words, she realized he wasn't about to propose, and relief washed over her. However, an unexpected trace of sadness flickered in her heart.

But soon, this sadness transformed into joy, and she felt elated hearing Kazuhiko praise her painting last night.

"He noticed it... I thought he didn't see it yesterday... I didn't expect it..."

With this realization, Tsunade took shell from Kazuhiko's hand.

The pale pink shell, when held by Tsunade, carried Kazuhiko's warmth from being cradled in his arms for a while.

Feeling that it was bought by Kazuhiko and herself at the jewelry store before, a sweet sensation filled her heart once again.

Opening the shell, Tsunade looked at it, her eyes lighting up again; she instantly liked the color.

She could sense that it would suit her well.

Looking up at the expectant Kazuhiko, Tsunade raised the corners of her mouth, "I really like it... when you return, I'll paint it for you... Thank you, Kazuhiko!"

After speaking, Tsunade finally couldn't contain herself any longer, turning around and walking away step by step.

Even though she walked away slowly, Tsunade couldn't stop her heart from beating like a drum.

Considering the provided text, here's a refined version:

Deep in thought, Tsunade's legs trembled beneath her.

Retreating to her hut, Tsunade collapsed onto the floor immediately after shutting the door.


Gasping for breath, Tsunade appeared as though she had just engaged in a fierce battle.

Kazuhiko felt a surge of joy upon hearing Tsunade's final words, particularly the part where she mentioned painting for herself. This added to her happiness.

Observing Tsunade gradually departing, Kazuhiko hesitated for a moment, reluctant to let her go.

Despite suppressing the urge to follow Tsunade, Kazuhiko witnessed her returning to the wooden house and closing the door before turning away.

Back in his own hut, Kazuhiko gazed at the robe Tsunade had gifted him.

Upon unwrapping it, he found it quite appealing and decided to remove his current attire.

Putting on the moon-white robe adorned with auspicious cloud patterns that Tsunade had bought for him, Kazuhiko felt it suited him well, a testament to a Jonin's keen eye.

Though he hadn't measured it, Kazuhiko was confident that the gift he'd bought for Tsunade would fit her perfectly.

Looking at the sky outside, Kazuhiko reflected on their day of shopping for clothes. Despite his relatively short time practicing, he felt content, having spent a delightful day with Tsunade and received his first gift.

He also sensed the presence of White Zetsu, the watcher of Konoha. Though he hadn't fully identified him, Kazuhiko was certain that the aura belonged to White Zetsu.

This realization prompted him to be more vigilant of Uchiha Madara, lurking in the shadows. Simultaneously, he acknowledged other enigmatic figures in the ninja world, such as the Sage of Six Paths and Mount Myōboku, potential conflicts on the horizon.

Given their differing philosophies, Kazuhiko understood that negotiations might not be as easy as Naruto made them seem. Instead, he might need to rely on strength, a sentiment he found resonant with his own nature.

Surprisingly, the shopping trip with Tsunade yielded valuable insights for Kazuhiko.

As he contemplated, time passed, and it wasn't long before both Kazuhiko and Tsunade were expected to return.

Glancing upwards, Kazuhiko noticed the darkening sky, indicating that the time was approaching.

Understanding that it was time for the Uchiha clan dinner, Kazuhiko looked at the robe nearby. After a brief thought, he decided to wear the moon-white auspicious cloud pattern robe Tsunade had given him to the banquet.

Opening the wooden door, Tsunade sat on the hut's wooden board. Upon seeing Kazuhiko donning the white robe, her eyes gleamed with joy.

Aware that Kazuhiko was attending the Uchiha clan dinner, Tsunade cautioned him.

"Kazuhiko, be cautious. Although I'm not sure why the Uchiha clan invited you or why Kurogane is so respectful, they're not known for being easy to deal with."

"If they disrespect you, don't hesitate to leave. Our Senju clan will support you!"

With a confident look, Tsunade raised her fist.

Kazuhiko chuckled, "Okay, got it. Don't worry. I'll handle Uchiha clan; you take care."

Bidding farewell to Tsunade, Kazuhiko headed towards the Uchiha clan.

While his pace seemed unhurried, Kazuhiko walked with purpose, leaving a noticeable trail behind.

After a while, he arrived at the Uchiha clan's location. Though evening had yet to fully set in, the Uchiha clan's lights were the brightest on the street, echoing with sounds of laughter and clinking dishes.

A determined gleam in his eyes, Kazuhiko stepped forward.

"Let's see how the Uchiha clan behave now. I wonder if they can be of any help..."


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