Chapter 172 : Is it convenient to introduce other clans?

When Isamu heard Kazuhiko's words, he wore a serious expression and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Why did the Senju clan leave the village, created by the Senju clan?"

"We take pride in this place, we built it, and the villagers respect us."

Isamu proudly pointed in the direction of Hokage Rock and said, "There are three Hokage avatars there, and the first two are from our Senju clan!"

"So, why should we leave Konoha?"

Of course, it's due to your future deaths and disturbances that a once esteemed Senju clan eventually faded away, and it all depends on the bachelorette Tsunade to maintain the legacy.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but roll his eyes at the thought of this.

Of course, these words couldn't be said directly. Uttering curses to wipe out a clan for no reason is unacceptable.

Kazuhiko couldn't say that, but he seemed to grasp something from Isamu's impassioned words.

He gave a thoughtful look, examined Isamu's face, and said, "Uncle Isamu, I'm afraid you've noticed it too. The Senju clan isn't faring well these days..."

Kazuhiko intentionally sighed as he spoke. He had been scheming against the Senju clan and he had already investigated the Senju clan's situation in recent years.

In recent years, the Senju clan appeared prosperous on the surface, but there were undercurrents of turmoil beneath.

They faced various troubles from time to time, and tasks were often assigned in their name, subtly suppressing the Senju clan bit by bit.

Although the issues were not severe, they were gradually undermining the Senju clan.

It became evident to them that someone high up in Konoha was orchestrating their downfall.

They were familiar with this tactic, reminiscent of when their Senju Tobirama became Hokage and displaced the Uchiha clan from the center of power.

Gradually overwhelming the Uchiha, leaving them entangled in internal conflicts and disinterested in other matters.

Spreading unverifiable rumors, such as Uchiha producing evil Chakra and having extreme personalities!

These were just excuses. Hokage wanted to eliminate a clan without needing too many reasons, alright?

Isamu also suspected that his uncle, Senju Tobirama, might still harbor resentment against the Uchiha clan.

When everyone perishes, he will commence his work as a cinematic entity.

Regarding the deceptive motives, Isamu, the son of Senju Hashirama's, harbors an abundance of concealed truths. He is aware that, following the demise of Uchiha Madara's younger sibling, the cooperation between him and his father Senju Hashirama ended tumultuously. 

Why did he not declare that Uchiha Chakra was malevolent and extreme?

This stems from the fact that Uchiha Madara and his father eventually treaded divergent paths. His father revealed to him that Madara, perceiving a bleak outlook for peace, condemned Konoha.

Furthermore, his father once jestingly mentioned that in Madara's youth, he aided a wrestling girl in the village. Ultimately, due to her foul odor, she even frightened her younger sister to tears.

Therefore, the notion of Uchiha producing malevolent Chakra is unfounded.

Admittedly, the Uchiha clan is not without flaws, but it is far from irredeemable. However, their demeanor often appears haughty, and they communicate with others using a consistently impassive expression, giving them an inhumane aura.

Currently, it seems that the Senju clan is bearing the brunt of this situation.

Since the ascent of the Third Hokage, this trend has become increasingly evident over the years.

"Alas!" Isamu was deeply moved by Kazuhiko's words, though he refrained from responding, merely sighing softly.

In recent years, the Senju clan has faced considerable adversity. The Third Hokage relentlessly persecutes them, forcing the Senju clan to retreat gradually. 

The Third Hokage, once an apprentice to Senju Tobirama, aims to diminish the prestige of the Senju clan, despite their founding of Konoha and two consecutive terms as Hokage. Yet, diminishing the Senju clan's prestige is no easy feat.

Thus, their persecution intensifies.

The Senju clan recognizes that if this persists, they will be forced to yield ground. What course of action should they take?

"Regardless, the Senju clan are Konoha's Senju clan!" Isamu exclaimed with a sigh, offering no room for negotiation.

Kazuhiko regarded him with a headache, finding these individuals to be unwavering in their perspectives. It seems they still hold hope for Konoha, believing that the upper echelons will show mercy based on past ties.

Regrettably, the higher-ups in Konoha have already honed their blades, destined to instill regret.

However, Kazuhiko presently has no intention of compelling the entire Senju clan to relocate to the Land of Whirlpools. Even if they sought refuge there now, Kazuhiko would not dare accept them.

His current statements serve a purpose, as articulated by a renowned writer in a previous life.

"People always like to make compromises. For example, if you say that this room is too dark, you must open a window here, and you must not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to make a compromise and are willing to open the window."

Kazuhiko initially approached the Senju clan, inviting them to the Land of the Whirlpool, but they declined.

Later, he considered proposing a marriage to Tsunade and taking some people away, which seemed to increase the likelihood of acceptance.

It would be more palatable for Isamu, especially considering the entire Senju clan had left Konoha before.

Simultaneously, Kazuhiko was aware of the Senju clan's general attitude towards Konoha.

Knowing that the Third Hokage aimed to diminish the prestige of the Senju clan, he felt a sense of threat.

Yet, he clung to hope in the Third Hokage, sensing a connection as Senju Tobirama's disciple, hoping for mercy.

"How naive! Power struggles are always bloody, especially when this Hokage has a Darkness of Ninja World beside him..."

Kazuhiko didn't elaborate much but planned to keep an eye on Senju clan news in the future.

He believed there might still be hope for Konoha, and reality would reveal the truth later.

Leaving seemed the best option.

If he made a discreet move, he could likely win over many Senju clan members.

Even if they had to deal with the stubborn elders who wished to remain in Konoha, there would be numerous young people willing to depart.

Contemplating the situation, Kazuhiko seemed to have alternative plans.

"The Senju clan will never betray Konoha." Isamu stared at Kazuhiko with a serious expression.

Observing Isamu's seriousness, Kazuhiko nodded in understanding.

After a moment of thought, Kazuhiko asked, "Would it be convenient for the Senju clan to introduce me to other clans?"

Isamu was taken aback by Kazuhiko's request.

Does this kid have such a grand appetite? Does he want an introduction to other clans? Why not try convincing the Uchiha clan? Is he planning to evacuate Konoha? Isn't he afraid of facing consequences from Konoha?"


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