Chapter 173 : Promise of marriage!?

"If we recommend, what if they think that our Senju clan has agreed to your invitation to the Land of Whirlpools?

Hence, Isamu sternly declined Kazuhiko's proposition, expressing earnestly, 'Kazuhiko, you are still young. The waters within the Konoha run deep, concealing many truths and falsehoods. You can't grasp...'

Messing with Konoha is not an easy task. Your audacity may not concern me, but convey to them that they must report back to the Third Hokage.

At that point, Konoha will become highly vigilant towards the Land of Whirlpools, and there is no need...

Kazuhiko never imagined that Isamu, who initially appeared calm and solemn, would become so verbose. As these words flowed out, it felt like listening to a Buddhist monk reciting scriptures, causing Kazuhiko a headache.

Ultimately, Kazuhiko had to reassure himself that he only intended to visit other clans with no ulterior motives. Isamu believed him.

When he finally saw Isamu cease nagging, Kazuhiko also breathed a sigh of relief.

After pondering for a moment, Kazuhiko decided to reveal another purpose for his visit.

Looking at Isamu, he slowly opened his mouth and said, 'Actually, besides that, the main purpose of my visit this time...'

'I want to propose to you!' Kazuhiko instantly used honorifics.

Isamu mentally prepared for what Kazuhiko would say next.

He knew that the Land of Whirlpools had many shortcomings, even after repelling the invaders. Rebuilding the Land of Whirlpools was inevitable.

If Kazuhiko sought financial aid and workers, as long as he didn't request people from the Senju clan, Isamu could still contribute some assistance.

Isamu was mentally prepared, expecting Kazuhiko to agree after making his request.

Unexpectedly, when Kazuhiko opened his mouth, he proposed, 'Promise of marriage!'

Isamu's eyes widened, and a sip of tea almost choked him.

'What... What did you say? What are you mentioning?'

Isamu even wondered if he misheard.

Kazuhiko calmly looked at Isamu, anticipating his reaction.

'Yes, I hope you can agree to my proposal!' Kazuhiko looked at Isamu seriously.

'Why are you proposing marriage? How did you even think of it?' Isamu looked at Kazuhiko in disbelief. The topic caught him off guard, and he struggled to keep up.

Kazuhiko had already prepared a draft.

"I have deep feelings for Miss Tsunade. As a prominent figure in the Land of Whirlpools, it is customary to marry to secure one's rule. Normally, upon ascending the throne, I would need to consider marriage, but due to my young age, I have postponed this decision. Spending time with Miss Tsunade has been delightful, and my heart has confirmed my affection for her. I sincerely like Miss Tsunade."

"I believe Miss Tsunade does not harbor any resentment towards me. Hence, I am proposing now, hoping for your approval! Please!"

After expressing himself, Kazuhiko looked earnestly at Isamu.

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's words, Isamu gradually recovered from the initial shock.

He quickly assessed everything Kazuhiko had said in his mind.

To be frank, the timing Kazuhiko mentioned is quite appropriate. Tsunade is currently unattached, and it is the right time for her to consider marriage. Isamu has also been concerned about Tsunade in recent years.

Furthermore, a union between Tsunade and the Land of Whirlpools could help ease the strained relations between Konoha and the Land of Whirlpools.

Additionally, when a typical daimyo ascends the throne, they are usually already married and might even have children, which is considered normal. Kazuhiko, on the other hand, is still unmarried, which is somewhat unconventional.

In an era where leadership is often inherited, having one's own children is a crucial symbol for leaders. While Kazuhiko is only eleven years old, it is not uncommon for people in the ninja world to marry at such a young age due to the turbulent times.

Moreover, the frequent wars have made many individuals mature early; some know who they like by the age of five or six, and it's not uncommon for people to fall in love and marry by the age of ten.

Tsunade's situation is somewhat different due to her being a ninja, and it's normal for her to marry later and have children later. However, families not involved in ninja activities often marry early to establish the next generation for their clan.

Additionally, the Uzumaki and Senju clans have been allies for many years, maintaining a strong relationship. Although intermarriage between the two clans is not widespread, it does occur.

Kazuhiko proposing marriage to Tsunade holds significance, as one is the princess of the Senju clan, and the other is the daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools. Furthermore, this daimyo also serves as the head of the Uzumaki clan, making him a unique figure in the Land of Whirlpools.

...for flowers....

In terms of status, the two clans have maintained a friendly relationship for many years, with the Senju clan acknowledging the Uzumaki clan, an ancient lineage known for its powerful chakra and sealing techniques, famous throughout the ninja world.

Moreover, Kazuhiko, a genius among geniuses, has recently emerged in the Land of Whirlpools, possessing the strength of a Kage-level powerhouse at a young age.

Here's a translated version of the provided text:


Even though many people hailed him as the new god of the ninja world, Isamu had only recently heard the name Kazuhiko. If Tsunade were to marry, it would never be a disgrace.

However, everything seemed fine except for one thing that left Isamu a bit dissatisfied.

Kazuhiko was truly too young, with Tsunade being nine years older than him. Isamu couldn't help but think, "If only Kazuhiko were a few years older, say sixteen or seventeen... but eleven years old, the age gap is quite significant."

This thought made Isamu a bit uneasy, but everything would be perfect if Kazuhiko wasn't so young.

Yet, if Kazuhiko hadn't been so young, he might not have earned the title of "the new god of the ninja world." It was precisely because of his youth that people took him so seriously, believing that his current power would only grow more formidable in the future.

Some even speculated that he might reach the level of the First Hokage.

Contemplating this, Isamu found himself moved for a moment. His father was the god of the ninja world, and he understood the advantages that came with having a ninja god in the clan.

If his son-in-law also became the god of the ninja world, would the Senju clan still face the same challenges?

Even if he didn't reach his father Senju Hashirama's level, given Kazuhiko's displayed potential, he would undoubtedly become a dominant figure in the ninja world.

Should any trouble befall the Senju, Kazuhiko, as the son-in-law, would be compelled to assist when Tsunade gave the order.

Contemplating this, Isamu's initial objections began to waver, leaning more towards acceptance.

However, as he gazed at Kazuhiko, Isamu set down his teacup and remarked, "Ultimately, this decision rests on Tsunade's feelings. We shouldn't pressure her into anything..."


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