Chapter 182 : Inadvertent use of natural energy!

Kazuhiko turned around upon hearing the voice; the source of the surprised yet soft voice was Sage Katsuyu.

This was a miniature Katsuyu, condensed to the height of others, slowly crawling beside Kazuhiko.

The moment Kazuhiko entered the Shikkotsu Forest, he was detected by Sage Katsuyu.

It could be said that everything in the Shikkotsu Forest fell within the perception of Sage Katsuyu, and no one who entered could escape her notice.

"Kazuhiko-sama, what on earth is happening? I have never seen anyone develop such a powerful ability to sense natural energy in such a short period."

"This is truly remarkable; not even the original Hashirama-sama possessed such a strong sensing ability."

Kazuhiko felt a sense of joy hearing the surprised tone of the petite slug.

This marked the first time he had seen a slug so astonished. On closer inspection, Kakuzu appeared to be trembling slightly on her petite face, as if discerning something.

Even though he had surprised her before, the slug maintained composure. This time, seeing her with her two tentacles was undeniably adorable.

Kazuhiko had no intention of hiding it from her. Instead, he didn't immediately respond to her question but posed one himself.

"Hello, little slug. Before I answer you, tell me, how did you quickly discern that my sensing ability has significantly improved?"

The tiny slug tilted her upper body, gazing at Kazuhiko. Her gentle voice resonated once more.

"Hello, Mr. Kazuhiko, please forgive my previous impoliteness. I was genuinely surprised earlier."

This time the tiny slug had recovered from the initial shock.

"Kazuhiko-sama, as for how I know that your perception of natural energy has greatly improved, it's because, in my eyes, this world differs from yours.

Kazuhiko became even more intrigued upon hearing the words of the tiny slug. "In your eyes, how does this world appear?"

The blue and white skin of the tiny slug's face wrinkled slightly, as if contemplating the best language to describe her world.

Finally, after a moment, she softly said, "Kazuhiko-sama, in my eyes, this world is shrouded in natural energy."

"Whether we are ninjas, ordinary people, Summoning beasts, or everything in this world, we all exist within these natural energies."

"However, these natural energies have two distinct paths from humans or other entities. Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people go their entire lives without ever touching or understanding the presence of natural energy."

Upon hearing this, Kazuhiko allowed his imagination to unfold, contemplating the world the Little slug spoke of. It felt akin to the existence of ancients in his previous life, unaware that they breathed oxygen every day.

In their constant surroundings, oxygen remained omnipresent, yet its presence went unnoticed—much like the natural energy surrounding an ordinary person in the ninja world. They remained oblivious to the fact that the energy enveloping them was natural energy.

Of course, the scope of natural energy surpassed that of mere oxygen, and the analogy only scratched the surface of its principles. Its actual application was undoubtedly more intricate.

Observing that Kazuhiko had grasped something, Huo Hao continued to elaborate.

"Nevertheless, some individuals differ. Much like you, Kazuhiko-sama, certain people are inherently distinct, possessing heightened perception and sensitivity to natural energy.

"Through specific training, they learn to gradually sense the pervasive natural energy in this world.

"After one becomes aware of natural energy, it ceases to be separate; it becomes an integral part of you, akin to a shadow always accompanying you.

"You can even employ it without conscious effort, as it represents the essence of this world. Kazuhiko-sama, you are perpetually surrounded by such energy."

Kazuhiko finally comprehended after listening to the words of the Little slug.

For instance, during his previous confrontation with the Uchiha patriarch, he casually tossed a white robe, and a breeze carried it towards the watching elders.

This simple act represented the basic utilization of natural energy. At the time, Kazuhiko considered it a matter of course, without recognizing its profound nature.

However, he now realized that this was also a form of utilizing natural energy. Once you sense its presence, you instinctively start using it.

Kazuhiko also understood how the Little slug perceived his substantial increase in perception.

To put it simply, when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Although the phrasing varied slightly, the essence remained the same.

When you begin perceiving the abyss, it starts to perceive you.

Similarly, when you learn to sense natural energy, the same principle applies.

As you perceive the forces of nature, the energy of nature manifests within you.

Thus, on the Little slug's body, she could discern it. She could see the aura of natural energy on your body, allowing her to gauge your proficiency in perceiving natural energy.

"That clarifies things. I understand now."

Kazuhiko comprehended the principle, realizing that, in the eyes of others, he was no different—perhaps more "harmonious" due to his heightened perception.

This sense of harmony didn't refer to external tranquility; it was an innate calmness that seamlessly blended with the ninja world.

In the eyes of the Little slug, his perception of natural energy was likely unmistakably evident.

"Little slug, how would you describe my current heightened perception in your eyes?"


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