Chapter 184 : Connection!

Kazuhiko couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh upon hearing the words of the Little slug.

"Is this really necessary?" He glanced helplessly at the Little slug beside him.

"Indeed, Kazuhiko-sama. It's absolutely necessary," the Little slug replied with a serious tone.

"Kazuhiko-sama, your existence is rare and undoubtedly holds a special significance. You're aware that you are human, and the human lifespan is quite short."

"Therefore, I must document everything about you to ensure that your existence leaves a lasting mark even after your death. It's quite a pity..."

The Little slug wore a serious expression as it spoke, contrasting with the black lines on Kazuhiko's face.

"After death? Is she cursing me? Oh well, it's true that compared to it, I indeed have a short lifespan..."

"But who knows, as long as I continue to grow stronger, my lifespan might differ significantly..."

Disregarding this topic, Kazuhiko watched as the Little slug on his shoulder crawled across his body.

From head to toe, it waved its two tiny antennae in a circular motion, both in front and behind him.

Gradually, it returned to the massive body of the slug.

Satisfied, the Little slug sighed upon returning to its main body. Kazuhiko always found this process quite amusing.

Observing that the Little slug had finished its preparations, Kazuhiko continued, "Little slug, is there a way for you to help me conceal the fact that my perception has significantly increased? It's too conspicuous, like a torch in the dark."

While many individuals might possess this kind of perception, it's not an ability easily detected by the average person.

Kazuhiko preferred not to draw unnecessary attention, as it often led to complications.

Countless historical experiences emphasized the importance of being low-key; in many situations, being discreet was key.

The Little slug suggested, "Kazuhiko-sama, you only need to learn Sage Mode. Once mastered, you can directly utilize natural energy, making you less conspicuous."

"Perfect, Little slug. Let's begin learning Sage Mode; I can't wait."

Kazuhiko didn't anticipate it being this straightforward, thinking it would involve additional skills.

Little did he know that Sage Mode would be the chosen path.

The Little slug transformed into a smaller version and brought Kazuhiko back to the familiar hill.

This time, his perception had significantly increased. Now, he could see that the crystal-clear and alluring hot springs on the mountaintop were interwoven with abundant life energy and natural energy.

To Kazuhiko, it wasn't just spring water; it seemed like the most fundamental energy converged and collected here.

Kazuhiko gazed at the clear hot spring, occasionally shrouded in white mist rising above it—a manifestation of the essential natural energy and vitality.

No further words were needed. Kazuhiko swiftly removed his clothes and set them aside.

"Kazuhiko-sama, you should immerse yourself in the Fountain of Life for a while."

Upon hearing this, Kazuhiko promptly entered the Fountain of Life. Having had a positive experience with it before, he couldn't wait to do so again.

Step by step, Kazuhiko entered the hot spring, feeling his body connect with the vital energy of the Fountain of Life.

The sensation was truly marvelous, akin to returning to his warmest hometown. Everything felt pristine and thorough, creating the illusion that his soul had been cleansed.

Observing Kazuhiko entering the Fountain of Life, the live gnat remarked, "Kazuhiko-sama, you are now officially practicing Sage Mode. Therefore, it's time for me to explain the connection between Chakra and natural energy."

"The connection between Chakra and natural energy?" Kazuhiko asked curiously.

Having not encountered this concept much before, he had only a vague understanding from his past life experiences. His knowledge of the specifics was rather limited.

"Yes, in fact, over a thousand years ago, this world had no Chakra..."

"No Chakra..." Kazuhiko, with his deep knowledge of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, couldn't be more familiar with this fact.

"Back then, only natural energy existed in nature, and Chakra originated due to changes in the sky and the earth."

"Hmm," Kazuhiko nodded, suspecting that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya played a crucial role.

"At that time, there was a being known as the divine tree in the world. This tree absorbed the natural energy of the environment for countless years."

"Eventually, it bore fruit at the tree's pinnacle, marking the inception of Chakra and the origin of all Chakra."

The live gnat recounted the historical events while Kazuhiko absorbed the information like a student in a classroom.

"So, Chakra is essentially transformed from natural energy, and the primal essence of Chakra is natural energy?" Kazuhiko grasped the connection between the two, an aspect he hadn't contemplated much before.

He hadn't delved into this direction previously, nor had he given much thought to the essence of Chakra.

"Indeed, Kazuhiko-sama. Natural energy is wild and challenging for many individuals to control."

"In my perspective, even the divine tree itself might be incapable of directly assimilating such a force. It can only undergo gradual transformation over countless years, eventually becoming the manageable Chakra we know."

"Subsequently, the gentle energy of Chakra began to prevail, gradually replacing the prominence of natural energy, permeating the bodies of all living beings, and passing down through generations."

"What about the sacred tree?" Kazuhiko expressed keen interest in understanding the perspective of beings that have existed for thousands of years.


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