Chapter 189 : Inventory Appearance!

Kazuhiko felt immense satisfaction with the rewards he had gained from signing in at the Shikkotsu Forest. The prizes were not only of high quality, but the system had started to reward items from other worlds.

Anticipating even more such rewards in the future, Kazuhiko gazed at the two items he had acquired, prompting him to make a decision.

"System, open my properties panel."

"Host: Kazuhiko

Age: 11

Current resident sign-in area: Hokage・Konoha

Area to be signed in: none, to be refreshed

Signed in: Uzumaki Clan Land, Uzumaki Clan Secret Room, Konoha Hokage Rock.

Rewards: Admiral Kizaru template of One Piece World (53.766%, in development) Shinigami World No. 11 Team Captain Zaraki Kenpachi template (71.38% in development), Fire Style Great Fireball Technique, Lightning Style Lightning Bomb, Water Style · Water Barrier, Wind Style · Great Breakthrough, Earth Style · Earth Shore Return, Yin Release· Shadow Control, Yang Release Healing Jutsu, Rinnegan

Skills: Rasenryū Sword Art, God of Light, Sage Mode (Shikkotsu Forest)

Items: Senzu Beans Jar (Copy), Golden Robe (Worn).

Note: The Host has completed the sign-in, please wait patiently for the next sign-in!"

Remarks: World-class sign-in task (to be completed!!!) (click to view for details)

Kazuhiko's joy was evident as he observed the new item column in the system panel. With an established inventory, he wondered if the future held even greater treasures.

Pushing open the door of his hut, Kazuhiko stepped into the courtyard. Despite less than a day passing, he had already mastered Sage Mode and acquired two valuable sign-in reward items. The euphoria overwhelmed him.

Contemplating the differences in natural energy between the Shikkotsu Forest and the ninja world, Kazuhiko decided to test his Sage Mode in the latter.

With a swift gesture of his hands, natural energy flowed into him like a gentle stream.

Opening his eyes, he declared, "Sage Mode!"

Familiar black lines adorned the corners of Kazuhiko's eyes, and the mysterious vertical eyes on his forehead enhanced his aura.

"It seems that even in the ninja world, my Sage Mode can be activated swiftly."

Without activating other perceptions, Kazuhiko could accurately sense everything around him.

From time to time, a distant sound reached Kazuhiko's ears, imperceptible under normal circumstances but crystal clear when he focused. Surveying the natural energy around him, he noticed the subtle difference compared to the abundant and refined energy of the Shikkotsu Forest.

This piqued Kazuhiko's curiosity about the other Two Great Sage Region, Ryūchi Cave and Mount Myōboku. "I wonder if their natural energy is as vibrant as the Shikkotsu Forest. If the opportunity arises, I must investigate. Beyond anything else, the unique Sage Modes they possess are truly intriguing."

"Why are they considered the Three Great Sage Region? Is it connected to the inherited Sage Mode, or is there another undisclosed secret? How did their Sage Mode originate, and what sets them apart?"

"I'll have to find out little by little..."

Kazuhiko was consumed by numerous questions about the three sacred places, acknowledging the many secrets within the ninja world. Mount Myōboku, in particular, carried an air of mystery, and its influence on crucial events in the ninja world was undeniable.

Contemplating these thoughts under a Sakura tree, Kazuhiko mused, "The ninja world harbors secrets that are absolutely essential... The depths are greater than I initially imagined."

"It adds to the intrigue, though, doesn't it?"

After concluding his experiment, Kazuhiko deactivated his Sage Mode. Observing the time, it was already noon, and Tsunade had yet to return for lunch. Kazuhiko, his mind filled with thoughts of her, couldn't wait to establish a more direct connection with Tsunade.

Disappointed that Tsunade hadn't returned, Kazuhiko left the courtyard. His initial plan to have lunch with Tsunade and playfully tease her, perhaps stealing a couple more kisses, was dashed.

Arriving at the residence of the Uzumaki elders, Kazuhiko joined their group of seasoned individuals for lunch.

Seeing him approach, the elders suspected something might be amiss with their patriarch. Their scrutinizing gazes focused on Kazuhiko, who quickly reassured them with a wave, signaling that he was there just for the meal.

After lunch, as the elders prepared to leave, Kazuhiko detained them. They exchanged helpless glances, realizing their patriarch indeed had something on his mind.

Kazuhiko suddenly recalled his purpose and stated directly, "Elders, later we will visit the Uchiha clan discreetly. Bring the necessary seals; today, we'll make every effort to officially establish a covenant with the Uchiha."


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