Chapter 191 : Successful Treaty!

Needless to say, the two sides naturally sat directly on the floor.

Kazuhiko and Ryūshō looked at each other and nodded.

Kazuhiko gazed at Ryūshō, instantly recalling his Mangekyō Sharingan from that day.

He had now roughly deduced the abilities of Ryūshō's Mangekyō.

That night at the quarry, Ryūshō's terrifying speed and strength allowed him to land a flash kick without falling, surprising Kazuhiko.

He was aware of the flash kick's horror but didn't expect Ryūshō to block it directly.

Subsequently, Ryūshō unleashed Susanoo in its second form, and even in the final blow, Kazuhiko felt his Susanoo had faintly surpassed the second form, poised to ascend to the third form.

However, exhaustion thwarted this attempt.

Consequently, Kazuhiko speculated that Ryūshō's Mangekyō Sharingan bestowed an enhancement ability.

Each Mangekyō Sharingan's unique pupil technique is elusive and mysterious.

Forced to categorize them, Kazuhiko would roughly analyze them based on data from his past life and observations:

The first category encompasses illusion-type pupil techniques, like Shisui's 'Kotoamatsukami' and Itachi's 'Tsukuyomi.'

The second category involves ninjutsu-type pupil techniques, such as Itachi and Sasuke's 'Amaterasu.'

The third category pertains to augmentation, shaping pupils, exemplified by Sasuke's 'Flame Control.'

The fourth category is the most bizarre and unpredictable space-time pupils, typified by Obito's 'Kamui.'

Ryūshō's Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique likely falls into the third category of augmentation.

His augmentation doesn't just boost his speed and strength but extends to enhancing his Susanoo.

This explains the unimaginable Susanoo that night.

Acknowledging that he's not the protagonist, Kazuhiko attributes the explosive seeds to the ability of his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Ryūshō, in Kazuhiko's eyes, possesses formidable strength for someone so young.

After waking up and discussing with the elders, Kazuhiko learns about his exhaustion and fainting but appears unfazed.

It almost seems like the fight is still ongoing. Witnesses marvel at the Uzumaki clan's resilience, especially Kazuhiko's.

Convinced of Kazuhiko's strength, Ryūshō believes only someone of such power is worthy of a covenant with the Uchiha clan.

Other Uchiha elders who witnessed Kazuhiko's strength also carry the indelible image of the colossal God of Light, making them hesitant to underestimate the Uzumaki family.

At Kazuhiko's signal, the three elders present the Uzumaki clan's covenant.

The Uchiha family promptly presents their covenant.

After confirming the terms of the mutual friendly covenant, Kazuhiko and Ryūshō sign and seal the agreement.

Upon confirmation, both parties exchange and retain copies of the covenant.

The Uzumaki clan upholds the Uchiha covenant, and the Uchiha clan reciprocates by honoring the Uzumaki covenant. Once the agreement was confirmed, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room. The genuine smiles on their faces reflected the newfound alliance, a bond that was now unbreakable.

It was understood that Konoha had become their common adversary.

"Clan Head Kazuhiko, the Uzumaki and Uchiha clans are now allies. I seek your guidance," Ryūshō respectfully addressed Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko returned the gesture with a smile and a bow, "Your counsel will be valued in the times ahead!"

Their exchange conveyed satisfaction with the signed covenant. The tension in the room eased, as the Uzumaki and Uchiha clans were now on the same side, freeing them from the need for constant caution.

Kazuhiko turned to Ryūshō, a smile playing on his lips, "I'm curious about the Uchiha clan's stance on the Land of Whirlpools. What are your thoughts?"

Kazuhiko was keen to understand the Uchiha clan's practical stance towards Konoha.

Ryūshō and several Uchiha elders exchanged glances, silently nodding in agreement. It was evidently a prearranged decision.

"Clan Head Kazuhiko, we plan to let some Uchiha members 'defect' from Konoha," Ryūshō revealed.

"Defection!?" gasped the surprised Uzumaki elders.

Kazuhiko had expected this strategy, seeing it as a logical step. 'Defection' meant these Uchiha individuals could go anywhere without raising suspicion, yet a substantial Uchiha presence would remain in Konoha, avoiding a complete fallout with the village.

Kazuhiko approved of this arrangement. It allowed him to accept some Uchiha members into the Land of Whirlpools while maintaining a covert connection with Konoha through the remaining Uchiha in the village.

The critical consideration was ensuring the Uchiha clan truly desired to join the Land of Whirlpools.

Kazuhiko remained cautious. Since his Observation Haki was imperceptible to anyone in Konoha, he had maintained it during his time with the Uchiha clan. This ability allowed him to sense the genuine feelings beneath their words and actions. Even Ryūshō's Mangekyō Sharingan couldn't deceive Kazuhiko's Observation Haki.

As of now, Kazuhiko felt content with the situation.


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