Chapter 198 : Proud Mitokado Homura!

Mitokado Homura contemplated the situation. The Land of Whirlpools held significant importance for Konoha. Initially, he anticipated that it would fall to the onslaught of shinobi from Mist and Cloud. 

Konoha would then directly assume control of the Land of Whirlpools's legacy, reclaiming various sealing techniques and retrieving young Uzumaki individuals. 

These resilient and Chakra-endowed Uzumaki, influenced by the Will of Fire, would naturally integrate into Konoha, ultimately becoming loyal Jinchūriki.

However, it was disappointing that the Mist and Cloud shinobi proved too feeble, unable even to conquer the small Whirlpool country without sacrificing a tailed beast. 

Presently, with the Whirlpool's formidable strength and talents like Kazuhiko, other nations hesitated to act against it. Moreover, Konoha dared not act, considering its own Nine-Tails Jinchūriki belonged to the Uzumaki clan.

Consequently, the Whirlpool posed as a prickly obstacle to Konoha, impossible to remove yet reluctant to release. Given this predicament, winning over the Land of Whirlpools served Konoha's interests. Otherwise, they would be forced to feign ignorance about the Third Hokage's assassination.

When news arrived that the Whirlpool proposed a new covenant, they suspected a desire for separation from the Land of Fire, which alarmed them. 

However, as the largest and oldest ninja village, Konoha received numerous pleas for alliances from smaller nations. Thus, when Kazuhiko spoke, they naturally assumed the Whirlpool wouldn't willingly sever ties with Konoha, a reasonable assumption.

The reality was that the Whirlpool sought a more favorable covenant, leveraging its newfound power. Realizing this, Mitokado Homura felt a twinge of arrogance toward other nations before.

"So, it's merely a negotiation for a new covenant. I had anticipated greater benefits for Konoha..."

"I thought your Land of Whirlpools was mighty... yet it still relies on Konoha in the end!"

Mitokado Homura believed he had deciphered the situation. Despite his disdain, he dared not reveal it before the formidable Kazuhiko. Instead, his demeanor grew more deferential.

"Your Excellency Uzumaki clan head, I understand your intentions now. We'll consider what you've said regarding Konoha. Are there any other requests?"

Observing Homura's respectful yet subtly arrogant demeanor, Kazuhiko pondered, "Does he truly grasp my intentions?" Regardless, he brushed it aside and continued.

"If you please, tomorrow, bring the covenant between Konoha and the Whirlpool, and I shall annul it!"

Homura readily assented, recognizing the logic behind signing a new covenant while the old one remained in place.

Seeing Homura's swift agreement, Kazuhiko inferred his misinterpretation. A fleeting smirk crossed his lips before vanishing.

"Also, I wish for other representatives from Konoha to attend our meeting tomorrow."

"Why don't we hold it at Hokage Rock?"

Considering this proposal, Homura believed it prudent for others to witness whether signing a new covenant with the Land of Whirlpools was appropriate.

After careful consideration, I've decided there's nothing amiss with it. It's time to share it with more people and reassure them that the bond of friendship between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha remains steadfast.

This will ease the minds of those below and send a clear message to spies from other nations that Konoha in the Land of Whirlpools still holds its ground.

Hence, he found himself in agreement with Kazuhiko's remarkable proposal.

However, given years of prudence, he didn't immediately consent. "Very well, Your Excellency Uzumaki clan head. I've noted your request. I'll convey it to Lord Hokage and the elders, and you shall have the outcome by tomorrow."

Kazuhiko nodded in acknowledgment, casually grabbed a piece of meat, and gestured, "Very well, that'll suffice. You may take your leave."

Observing Kazuhiko's demeanor, as nonchalant as his subordinate's speech, Mitokado Homura's apprehension lingered.

"He's a Kage-level powerhouse, remarkably young, the Uzumaki clan head, bearing the mantle of the Land of Whirlpools. It's imperative for Konoha to nurture a strong alliance with the Land of Whirlpools at this juncture..."

Repeatedly reciting these thoughts, Homura suppressed his ire, rose to his feet, and bowed respectfully. "Understood." With that, he turned and exited the hut.

Stepping outside, he witnessed the jubilation among the Uzumaki people in the brightly lit vicinity.

Homura's countenance darkened briefly as he shot a venomous glance toward Kazuhiko.

"Hmph! Revel in your triumph for now. When the opportunity arises, I'll exact my revenge for today!"

"No matter how formidable you are now, you're not beholden to Konoha. Power is transient. Despite your genius, ultimately, you'll rely on Konoha!"

With this resolve, Homura felt a surge of satisfaction, hastened away from the scene, and headed proudly toward the Hokage Building, where eager individuals awaited his report.

Inside the hut, the Uzumaki elders chuckled as Mitokado Homura departed.

"Hahaha! Did you see the way he crumbled before the clan head? Once lofty, now he's meek and compliant!"

"Aye, in the presence of the clan head, he dare not utter a word of dissent!"

"Bullying the weak and cowering before the strong—only true strength commands respect!"

"Indeed!" they agreed with hearty laughter.

Kazuhiko lifted a glass of sake, watching as Mitokado Homura departed. The curve of his mouth became increasingly pronounced.

"Do you believe I'm merely going to renew the pact? Is that why you see me so content, under the illusion that we'll continue to maintain our honesty with Konoha?"


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