Chapter 199 : Proud Konoha!

Kazuhiko sneered inwardly, watching Mitokado Homura leave as if he were watching a clown.

Anticipation simmered for the encounter with Kazuhiko tomorrow.

"I simply wished to address you in the presence of esteemed elders and the Hokage."

"Now, since you are so arrogant and believed we would readily sign the covenant with Konoha, then tomorrow I shall ensure you remember this lesson!

"Tomorrow promises to be entertaining!

Contemplating that scenario, Kazuhiko found it amusing, raising the wine glass to his lips.

"Cheers, elders, tomorrow, we shall make it known to all of Konoha that the Land of Whirlpools is no longer what it once was!"

"Drink up! Let's surprise them!"

Everyone cheerfully imbibed the wine.

Meanwhile, Mitokado Homura had reached the Hokage building, now serving as the Hokage's office.

Several key figures of Konoha had already assembled: Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu, and Danzo, along with Mitokado Homura, freshly briefed by the Senju clan.

The four of them held the reins of power in Konoha, while the other elders provided assistance.

Through Mitokado Homura's account, they learned of the outcome of tonight's negotiation with Kazuhiko.

Upon hearing, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Utatane Koharu felt a sense of "I knew it".

"It's not uncommon for a small nation like the Land of Whirlpools to seek to renegotiate a covenant with Konoha once its strength grows!"

Utatane Koharu remarked disdainfully. In her eyes, it was natural for such a small country to seek greater benefits from Konoha, a scenario she and Mitokado Homura had handled numerous times before.

Both had witnessed similar situations countless times. Although the Land of Whirlpools had now backtracked on its words, they perceived it as no different from before.

Merely seeking to extract more benefits from Konoha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded in agreement. Wasn't this precisely what small nations like theirs always did?

If they harbored a prodigy or possessed unique resources, they'd leverage them to extract benefits from Konoha.

They were all too familiar with such occurrences.

The current state of the Land of Whirlpools was merely another variation of this, seeking greater advantages.

It gave them an odd sense of satisfaction. So what if your Land of Whirlpools is strong? So what if you repelled Kirigakure's invasion? So what if your clan head is formidable and influential?

In the end, they'd still bow before Konoha, kneeling in supplication for sustenance!

In that moment, a certain satisfaction simmered in everyone's hearts, a sensation long suppressed by Kazuhiko's dominance.

Yet, ultimately, the Land of Whirlpools would still kneel at their feet.

Although Kazuhiko appeared aloof, ultimately, they had to rely on Konoha.

Kazuhiko was still young, and in a few years, they would find an opportunity. But what they wanted to accomplish wouldn't come easy.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh with pride, "This is the power of a great nation!"

Though his words were brief, everyone present understood their significance.

A small nation like theirs was inevitably overshadowed by the might of larger ones, no matter the prowess of individuals like Kazuhiko. In the face of a powerhouse like the Land of Fire, they had to bow their heads.

Only a nation of considerable size like theirs could maintain dignity consistently.

The trio felt a sense of satisfaction in the vortex nation's submission, and they had no objections to Kazuhiko's suggestion to allow Konoha citizens to witness.

It was a way to showcase the alliance between the vortex nation and Konoha.

Despite the praise and recognition Kazuhiko received in Konoha Village during this time, they all knew that ultimately, the vortex nation was subservient to Konoha.

No matter how formidable Kazuhiko might be, they had to defer to Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu were all pleased, even impressed by Kazuhiko's thoughtful suggestion. They hadn't considered such a strategy before.

Only the naturally suspicious Danzo remained silent after hearing Mitokado Homura's words.

He continued to furrow his brow, pondering over Kazuhiko's self-assured demeanor. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone like Kazuhiko wouldn't submit so easily.

Observing Danzo's silence, Sarutobi Hiruzen addressed him with a puff of blue smoke, "Danzo, do you have something to add?"

After a moment of silence, Danzo spoke, "I can't help but feel that the Uzumaki clan head isn't as simple as he appears. He wouldn't just accept defeat..."

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could respond, Mitokado Homura chuckled beside him.

"Indeed, he's not simple, possessing such strength at his age. But no matter how powerful he may be, he's still the leader of a small nation, not like the Land of Fire. That's his tragedy!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Utatane Koharu nodded in agreement with Mitokado Homura's assessment.

In the end, Danzo could only shake his head in resignation and remain silent.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a couple of steps, exhaling two puffs of blue smoke contentedly, ensuring Danzo had nothing further to say, before giving an order to the door.

"Let someone inform the Land of Whirlpools; we've concurred to rendezvous at Hokage Tower tomorrow at noon."


Little did they realize, all their assumptions hinged on the presumption that the Land of Whirlpools would persist in its alliance with Konoha.

If the Land of Whirlpools decides to sever ties with Konoha tomorrow, what then?

Yet, their customary arrogance led them to dismiss such a notion outright.

In their view, what insignificant nation would dare such a move?

It's utter foolishness."


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