Chapter 200 : Beautiful Night!

When Kazuhiko felt satisfied with his meal and ready to depart, ANBU ninjas arrived at the Senju clan, led by Senju clan servants.

"Esteemed Clan Head, Lord Hokage has agreed to meet you at Hokage Rock tomorrow at noon," one of the ANBU ninjas conveyed.

"Understood, we'll be there on time," replied Kazuhiko.

"Affirmative," the ANBU ninja responded before swiftly retreating.

As the elders in the house turned their attention to their Clan Head, one of them spoke up, "Clan Head, do you think Konoha will allow spectators at our meeting this time? This will be a significant gathering under the guise of national affairs, a scenario we've never encountered before."

The third elder observed Kazuhiko's reaction to the question, noting the shared suspicion among the other elders.

Kazuhiko responded with a smile, "They will. In their minds, we're merely exploiting this opportunity to renegotiate the treaty for added benefits."

"They fail to grasp the gravity of the situation. To them, this is a chance to rectify the recent tension between me and Konoha. When I present the Land of Whirlpools before them and signify my submission, how could they refuse?"

"They eagerly anticipate the public's presence. I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately invite more spectators, ensuring everyone witnesses the renowned Kazuhiko of Konoha signing a treaty before them."

"Just as the Uzumaki ancestors did decades ago—pledging allegiance to Konoha!"

The elders, understanding Kazuhiko's analysis, sneered collectively.

"Konoha truly seeks to paint a flattering picture!"

"Their arrogance knows no bounds! We never agreed to negotiate a new treaty with them!"

"How can we continue to ally with such treachery!"

The dismissive tone was unanimous among them, each eagerly anticipating the events of the following day.

Kazuhiko surveyed his peers, pleased to find their views aligned and their eagerness to outmaneuver Konoha palpable.

"Very well. Let's make preparations. Third elder, I entrust you with the task of drafting our 'treaty' tonight. Your expertise in this matter is unparalleled, and it must be delivered to Konoha by tomorrow."

As he mentioned the word "treaty," Kazuhiko emphasized it, locking eyes with the third elder.

Understanding the implicit directive, the third elder nodded resolutely. "Worry not, Clan Head. I'll handle it."

After issuing a few more instructions, Kazuhiko departed for Tsunade's Sakura Flower Garden.

These trivial matters were always delegated by Kazuhiko, who never considered himself a great leader by micromanaging everything.

He believed in letting his subordinates handle things reasonably, intervening only when they couldn't manage or lacked the courage to decide. All other miscellaneous tasks were left to them.

This approach was a deliberate strategy of Kazuhiko since his official ascension to the position of daimyo in the Land of Whirlpools. 

In their eyes, it was a sign of their Clan Head's willingness to listen to their input and intentionally delegate authority, even though he had no desire to grasp power for himself.

This style of leadership only deepened their reverence for Kazuhiko, as they truly trusted their leader's judgment.

However, unbeknownst to them, if anyone had ulterior motives, Kazuhiko's powerful perception and Observation Haki, capable of discerning good from evil, would immediately expose any hidden agendas.

Now, Kazuhiko worried that they might make mistakes not due to dissent, but simply because of their lack of capability. Thus, he deliberately focused on cultivating their problem-solving skills.

Many tasks that were previously handled by the Clan Head himself were now entrusted to others. Kazuhiko believed it was unnecessary for him to handle everything; doing so would exhaust him and leave him with little energy for training.

By allowing his subordinates to take charge, he not only lightened his own load but also earned their loyalty. With a simple declaration of "I believe in you," several elders were moved to tears and vowed to perform their duties well.

Satisfied with their dedication, Kazuhiko returned to his small courtyard and opened the gate. He noticed that Tsunade's house was still illuminated.

Without hesitation, he made his way to Tsunade's doorstep. Seeing her silhouette through the window paper, Kazuhiko's heart quickened.

Tsunade appeared surprised by his sudden visit, her tone betraying a hint of fluster, "Kazuhiko? Is everything alright? What brings you here?"

Taking a deep breath, Kazuhiko's racing heart began to steady.

"It's me, don't worry. I'll meet your teacher tomorrow to renegotiate the alliance between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha... It might not turn out as many people expect."

Kazuhiko pondered for a moment, deciding he should speak with Tsunade first.

Tsunade wasn't particularly interested in these matters anymore; they didn't concern her much, so she asked casually.

Seeing Kazuhiko still standing by the door, unwilling to leave, her heart raced, and she spoke hastily.

"Then you, go to bed, rest well, and be ready for the meeting tomorrow..."

Upon hearing this, Kazuhiko didn't leave immediately. Instead, he spoke softly, "I think... I want to see you, just to see you."

Though Tsunade didn't fully comprehend his intentions, the late hour, her solitude, and the suggestive atmosphere stirred up memories of inappropriate images, akin to her dream from the previous night.

She shook her head vigorously, asserting firmly, "No, Kazuhiko-kun, we're not married yet. This sort of thing is out of the question!"

Kazuhiko looked puzzled; they had just met, and now marriage was being mentioned?

"Alright then, good night." With a hint of disappointment, Kazuhiko turned and left Tsunade's residence.

He swiftly made his way back to his hut, intending to open the door and retire for the night.

At that moment, Tsunade's door creaked open suddenly. Kazuhiko turned to see Tsunade clad in loose pajamas, her cheeks flushed in the moonlight.

"Kazuhiko-kun, good night."


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