Chapter 201 : Sunny Day!

Kazuhiko gazed unwaveringly at Tsunade, who appeared ethereal in the moonlight, her beauty captivating him.

Unbeknownst to Tsunade, Kazuhiko's eyes had evolved, allowing him to see clearly even from a distance of more than ten meters under the dark sky.

He noticed the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each breath, and even the details that modesty would prevent me from elaborating.

As Tsunade finished speaking, Kazuhiko, still stunned, flashed a mischievous smile before retreating into his home and closing the door behind him.

Once inside, Tsunade sank to the ground, replaying the boldness of his actions in her mind. Despite his recovery, she couldn't muster the courage to open the door.

However, the words Kazuhiko uttered, especially "Good night...", shattered Tsunade's resolve.

Moments after Kazuhiko left, Tsunade summoned the courage to reciprocate his goodnight, puzzled by the sudden shift in her feelings towards him.

She pondered over their relationship. Previously, sharing a drink with him under the moon had felt harmless. But tonight, she sensed a foreboding, as if their interaction at the door hinted at something deeper.

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko, back in his hut, pondered Tsunade's reluctance to open the door earlier. Despite her odd remarks about being unmarried, her eventual greeting filled him with joy—not for its suggestive nature, but for the intimacy it symbolized.

In that moment, he felt assured of his choice. Tsunade would make an excellent wife in the future.

"Is this love? It feels wonderful..." Kazuhiko mused.

After a simple shower, Kazuhiko lay on his bed, experiencing the sweetness of love for the first time in his two lifetimes. Thoughts of Tsunade consumed him, pushing aside the political intrigues of Konoha, as he drifted into sleep with a smile.

The following day dawned bright and cloudless.

Hokage Rock bustled with activity as word spread about the upcoming meeting between Konoha and the Land of the Whirlpool. Curious villagers and ninja alike flocked to witness the historic event.

Vendors took advantage of the crowd, offering food and trinkets, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Orochimaru and Tsunade, dressed in their ninja attire, patrolled the area to maintain order.

Surprised by the sudden influx of visitors, Orochimaru couldn't help but remark, "It's astonishing to see so many people gathered for the meeting between Konoha and the Land of the Whirlpool."

Tsunade, filled with pride, attributed the turnout to Kazuhiko's popularity. "As expected of Kazuhiko-kun!"

Observing Tsunade's enthusiasm, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for their late comrade Jiraiya.

Orochimaru never concerned himself with matters of love between men and women; it simply wasn't his ambition or interest.

However, as the number of spectators from Konoha grew, Orochimaru began to sense that something was amiss.

In ordinary circumstances, it would be inconceivable for such a large crowd to gather, especially considering the recent tension in the Land of Whirlpools.

Such spontaneous congregation seemed implausible.

Furrowing his brow in contemplation, Orochimaru, with his keen intellect, quickly grasped the situation.

The organization behind this massive turnout in Konoha could only be the work of Konoha's leadership.

While other clans might manage this feat with considerable effort, what purpose did it serve? Did it demonstrate their control over the ordinary populace of Konoha?

Nonsense! If they dared orchestrate such a gathering, Konoha would swiftly purge the offending clans the following day, citing whatever pretext necessary.

Why else would they employ the Darkness Concealment Jutsu?

Orochimaru deduced that the higher echelons of Konoha were orchestrating this public attendance.

"What could be their aim? To draw a larger crowd—what for?"

He pondered briefly on the motives behind this action.

"The elders of Konoha only advocate for matters that serve their interests, but what interest does this serve them?"

"Or is it a request from the Land of Whirlpools? But then, why would they make such a request?"

"Forget it. It's none of my concern. I'll focus on security here. Konoha and the Land of Whirlpools can handle their own affairs…"

Orochimaru soon dismissed further speculation. Despite his exposure to the world's suffering and complexities through War's Doctrine, his understanding remained immature. He couldn't fathom the intricacies of such machinations just yet.

On the other hand, Tsunade, who stood nearby, paid little heed to these thoughts. In normal circumstances, she might have sensed that something was awry.

But now, seeing the influx of spectators, Tsunade presumed they had come to witness Kazuhiko, and her heart swelled with pride.

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko, accompanied by several Uzumaki elders and clansmen, stood within the Senju compound, ready for departure.

They had packed their belongings and positioned themselves behind the family head, facing the bright, sunny day. The sunlight bathed them in warmth.

Kazuhiko gazed steadily at the fiery orb in the sky, sensing that the moment was approaching. He shielded his eyes slightly from the glare with his hand.

"Let's go. To Hokage Rock. Let's give them a surprise," he said with determination.


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