Chapter 212 : Soul Fusion!

Kazuhiko surveyed the admiring faces around him, opting not to clarify anything and allowing misunderstandings to persist.

Observing that everyone had returned to their usual selves, Kazuhiko promptly announced, "Now is not the time for sentimentality. Let's quickly gather our belongings."

"Our stay in Konoha has exceeded its purpose. In two hours, we'll depart! Make sure to bring your provisions and pack up! Understood?"

"Yes!" came the unanimous response from the group.

This wasn't a sudden decision; they had been aware since yesterday that if their visit to Hokage Rock went well today, they would leave Konoha in the afternoon.

Their mission in Konoha had been accomplished, and having openly criticized the village, there was no reason to linger. What were they waiting for? Retaliation?

Following Kazuhiko's lead, the group moved forward. They exchanged greetings with the curious onlookers from the Senju clan and continued on their way.

Upon reaching their lodgings to pack up, Kazuhiko's accommodations were distinct, situated in the Sakura Flower Courtyard within Tsunade's domain.

Eager to return, he also intended to observe any changes along the journey.

Approaching the small courtyard, the door opened automatically before Kazuhiko's arrival.

He entered with a composed expression and made his way toward his cabin.

As he passed, the doors closed behind him, a simple display of Kazuhiko's prowess with the Rinnegan.

Inside his abode, Kazuhiko managed to quell his excitement.

"System, what's happening? I feel different on my way back. Why?"

"The tension in your body has diminished by two degrees, and even your soul feels somewhat relieved."

Seeking answers from the system, Kazuhiko received a prompt response.

[Ding, testing!]

[Analysis complete! Congratulations to the Host. The system has detected that this is due to the complete fusion of the Host with the residual thoughts of the original soul within the body. These changes are a result of the Host's complete integration with the original soul.]

Upon hearing the system's response, Kazuhiko was taken aback. Could it be that there was still a remnant of the original soul within him?

"System, what's happening? Was there another soul occupying my body before?"

[Host, please be assured, this is a fragment of your own soul. Since you inhabited this body, its original soul has been fragmented.]

[These soul fragments remain unconscious and won't disrupt your daily life.]

"Then what occurred today?"

Kazuhiko grasped the situation, feeling relieved that there weren't additional consciousnesses lurking within him during this time.

[Today's events stem from the Host resolving the major crisis in the Land of Whirlpools, resonating with the residual soul fragments, resulting in their fusion.]

Only now did Kazuhiko comprehend. Nonetheless, he cautiously inquired, "System, what implications does this fusion have for me? Is there any risk involved?"

[Host, rest assured, as your soul is normal and the original soul was fragmented prior to your arrival, merging with these fragments won't pose any harm.]

[Furthermore, not only is there no harm, but merging with the original soul fragment will enhance the strength of your own soul.]

[You may have noticed, the fusion of soul fragments is highly beneficial, making your soul sturdier and your body more resilient!]

[Additionally, with your soul now fully integrated, the binding effect of the system has significantly strengthened.]

Kazuhiko finally felt at ease, recognizing the gravity of matters concerning the soul.

"That's reassuring. It seems this is a pleasant surprise for me! System, are there any other soul fragments within me?"

Kazuhiko's curiosity was piqued.

[Host, no other soul fragments have been detected thus far. However, be reminded that due to the complete integration of your soul fragments, your attribute panel has undergone new modifications, which you can inspect at any time.]

"Alright," Kazuhiko sighed softly as he heard the prompt. It was the first time the system had actively notified him of a change in the attribute panel.

Without hesitation, Kazuhiko opened it up.

"System, open my properties panel."

"Host: Kazuhiko (complete state, cannot be deprived!)

Age: 11

Current resident sign-in area: Hokage・Konoha

Area to be signed in: none, to be refreshed

Signed in: Uzumaki Clan Land, Uzumaki Clan Secret Room, Konoha Hokage Rock.

Rewards: Admiral Kizaru Template of One Piece World (53.766%, in development) Shinigami World Eleventh Team Captain Zaraki Kenpachi Template (71.38% in development), Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique, Lightning Style·Lightning Pillar, Water Style· Water Barrier, Wind Style Great Breakthrough, Earth Style Earth Shore Return, Yin Release˙ Shadow Control, Yang Release˙ Healing Jutsu, Rinnegan

Skills: Rasenryū Sword Art, God of Light, Sage Mode (Wet Bone Forest)

Items: Senzu Beans Jar (Copy), Golden Robe (Worn).

Note: The host has completed the sign-in, please wait patiently for the next sign-in!

Remarks: World-class sign-in task (to be completed!!!) (click to view for details)"

This time, Kazuhiko noticed a new addition to his attribute panel. The name now included a sentence: "Complete state, cannot be deprived!"

Seeing this, Kazuhiko couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.


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