Chapter 214 : Tsunade's Farewell Gift!!

Upon hearing Tsunade's words, Kazuhiko was taken aback. He had never considered such a possibility before. Excitement gleamed in his eyes as he gazed at Tsunade.

Emotionally, he felt an immediate urge to agree with Tsunade and leave Konoha with her.

But soon, rationality prevailed, and he regained his composure.

Although deeply moved by Tsunade's proposal and willing to bear all burdens for her, he couldn't ignore the consequences. Even facing Konoha's pursuit, he was prepared to endure it all.

Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling that taking Tsunade now would be unjust to her.

Tsunade, once a princess of the Senju clan, now reduced to a rebellious ninja of Konoha, deserved better.

Kazuhiko couldn't allow Tsunade to sacrifice so much for him. It was only meant to be a temporary parting.

Looking at Tsunade, he shook his head slowly, his tone resolute.

"I can't agree. If you leave like this, what about your clan, your father, your younger brother?"

Hearing his words, Tsunade, now rational again, realized the folly of her impulse.

Yes, what would become of her clan and family if she left with Kazuhiko like this?

Despite her discontent with Konoha due to Kazuhiko's accusations earlier, was this truly the right path?

Although she knew Kazuhiko meant well, his rejection stung a little.

With a hint of dissatisfaction, she retorted, "Hmph, don't tell me you really don't want me to go back with you? Is there another one hidden at home!"

Kazuhiko's mind raced, picturing Kushina's adorable figure, but he quickly composed himself, meeting Tsunade's suspicious gaze.

"Of course not, there's only you!"

He sighed deliberately, gazing at Tsunade affectionately. "Don't worry, we'll meet again soon!"

Pausing for a moment, he softly recited his final words.

"If love remains long-lasting, how could it be parted by just morning and evening?"

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's words, especially the last line of the poem, Tsunade felt her strength drain instantly. She collapsed into Kazuhiko's arms, her body limp like a waterlogged rag doll.

When she lifted her head again, Tsunade's eyes were watery, filled with deep affection that couldn't be expressed in words.

She gazed at Kazuhiko with adoration and whispered, "If two hearts are entwined for eternity, day and night lose their meaning... That's beautiful, truly beautiful."

Tsunade, known for her decisive nature, let go of her suspicions and resentments at that moment.

The Tsunade now seemed ready to agree with anything Kazuhiko said... Sadly, time was against them.

Thus, Tsunade found herself practically clinging to Kazuhiko, the two of them quietly enjoying a moment of intimacy in the small courtyard, a moment that belonged only to them.

After a while, Kazuhiko glanced at the sun, realizing their time together was drawing to a close. He gently tapped Tsunade's forehead.

"It's time for me to leave..."

Tsunade looked up in panic. "So soon?"

"Sorry, it's been over an hour."

Reluctance was evident in Tsunade's eyes as she gazed at Kazuhiko. Likewise, Kazuhiko felt a pang of reluctance in his heart, eager to say something but held back by circumstance.

Before he could speak, however, a sudden realization struck Tsunade like lightning, prompting her into action.

She sprang up from Kazuhiko's embrace and dashed towards her house, leaving him puzzled.

"Wait a moment, I have something for you!" she called out as she ran.

Tsunade rummaged through her house frantically and soon emerged, clutching a small orange package.

Handing the package to Kazuhiko, she said, "Here, I know you enjoy these. Rice balls and barbecue, wrapped up for you to eat on your journey."

Kazuhiko looked at the package, touched by her gesture. He hadn't expected this kindness; he had intended to rely on military ration pills for his journey back.

Taking the package, Kazuhiko was about to speak when Tsunade waved her hand dismissively, "And..."

"Anything else?" Kazuhiko eyed Tsunade suspiciously, wondering, "What else could she possibly have for me? I'm prepared for whatever else..."

In the pause, Tsunade reached behind her neck, fumbling for a moment.

Slowly, she withdrew a blue crystal necklace from the depths of her attire, presenting it to Kazuhiko, who looked stunned.

"Take it. This belonged to my grandfather. Now that I have someone special, I want you to have it. I hope it'll assist you."

As she spoke, Tsunade gazed steadily at Kazuhiko, analyzing every nuance of his expression.

Kazuhiko felt the residual warmth of the crystal necklace, freshly removed from Tsunade's person, lingering on its surface.

For a moment, he struggled to find the right words, his gaze meeting Tsunade's.

Finally, setting aside his jumbled thoughts, he replied, "Alright, I'll treasure it."

With that, Kazuhiko placed the necklace around his neck.

A radiant crystal pendant now adorned his chest.


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